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【摘要】 目的: 探討改良線栓對局灶腦缺血模型制備的影響,評價該模型的穩定性和可靠性. 方法: 雄性Wistar大鼠40只隨機分為常規線栓組和改良線栓組,每組20只. 線栓法制備右側大腦中動脈閉塞(MCAO)致局灶腦缺血模型. 觀察改良線栓對總體手術時間、術中頸總動脈血流阻斷時間、線栓誤入翼腭動脈(PPA)幾率(PPA誤栓率)和模型成功率的影響,并通過神經行為學評分、紅四氮唑(TTC)染色和磁共振檢測等方法評價該模型的穩定性和可靠性. 結果: 改良線栓組比常規線栓組總體手術時間和術中頸總動脈血流阻斷時間明顯縮短,線栓誤入PPA的幾率降低,模型成功率高,穩定可靠. 結論: 改良線栓可增加模型成功率,提高局灶腦缺血模型的穩定性和可靠性.【關鍵詞】 腦缺血;疾病模型,動物;縫合技術;大腦中動脈閉塞;大鼠
【Abstract】 AIM: To investigate the application of modified suture in preparation of rat model of focal cerebral ischemia and to evaluate the stability and reliability of the model. METHODS: 40 Wistar male rats were randomized into the conventional suture group and the modified suture group, with 20 in each group. The focal cerebral ischemia by MCAO was induced according to Longa?s suture method. The effects of the application of modified suture on the total operation time, the common carotid artery blood occlusion time during the course of operation, the probability that suture entered the pterygopalatine artery (PPA) and the success rate were observed. And the stability and the reliability of the model were evaluated by neurological deficit score, magnetic resonance image, triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining in all rats. RESULTS: The total operation time and the common carotid artery blood occlusion time in the modified suture group were obviously shorter than those in the conventional suture group. And the application of modified suture in the model cut down the probability that the suture entered PPA, and increased the success rate, the stability and the reliability of the model. CONCLUSION: The application of modified suture could improve the success rate, the stability and the reliability of the rat focal cerebral ischemia induced by MCAO.
【Keywords】 brain ischemia; disease models, animal; suture techniques; middle cerebral artery occlusion; rats
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大鼠的基因與人類的基因具有98%的同源性,其腦血管結構與人類非常相似,血管閉塞后缺血范圍恒定、重復性好. 因此,眾多有關腦缺血的研究均選用大鼠來制備模型[1-2]. 制備大鼠局灶腦缺血模型的方法較多,但以線拴法應用最廣. 線栓法制備局灶腦缺血模型目前還存在某些不足,如線栓插入困難,栓塞成功率不高,梗塞體積不穩定等[3]. 這與線栓直徑、弧度以及術中頸總動脈血流阻斷時間等因素密切相關.本研究重在對線栓弧度進行改良,觀察改良線栓對局灶腦缺血模型的影響.
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料 健康雄性Wistar大鼠40只,體質量220~250 g,8~10 wk齡,購自重慶醫科大學實驗動物中心,適應性喂養1 wk后,隨機分為常規線栓組和改良線栓組,每組20只.
選用“貴花田”牌魚線,直徑0.23~0.26 mm,參照Ma等[4]的方法略加修改,制備改良線栓. 先將魚線剪成3 cm長的小段,60~70℃加熱2 h將魚線小段塑呈弧形,弧形外切角為30°時最佳,可確保線栓弧度與大鼠頸內動脈走行一致. 自然冷卻后,頭端約5 mm涂上聚胺酯,用油性記號筆在線栓頭端和距頭端約2 cm處作上標記,以方便植入線栓時調整線栓方向,了解線栓進入血管的長度. 制備常規線栓時,除不進行加熱塑型外,其余步驟相同.制備好的線栓頭端向上,垂直插在海綿墊上,風干,紫外線消毒后備用. 使用前在生理鹽水配制的肝素鈉(6250 u/mL)溶液中浸漬可用.
1.2 方法 參照Longa等[5]和羅勇等[6]報道的方法,采用經頸內動脈線栓法制備大鼠右側MCAO致局灶性永久性腦缺血模型. 35 g/L水合氯醛腹腔注射麻醉大鼠,仰臥位固定,頸前區備皮、消毒. 取頸正中切口逐層切開皮膚及皮下組織,分離胸鎖乳突肌,切斷二腹肌前腹,暴露右側頸總動脈(common carotid artery,CCA),頸內動脈(internal carotid artery,ICA)和頸外動脈(external carotid artery,ECA),探查頸外動脈在頸部發出第一分支(甲狀頸干)處,在其遠心端(偏嘴側)約0.2 cm處結扎并切斷ECA,確保ECA殘端長度不短于0.5 cm;游離、凝閉并切斷ECA與ICA之間的交通支. 用蛙心夾暫時阻斷CCA及ICA血流,用11號手術尖刀于ECA殘端作一縱行小切口,將線栓從右側ECA殘端插入ICA;輕輕牽拉EC