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      2. 人力資源 > HR工具 > 關于海外職場面對HR的一些小技巧



          通常在面試快結束的時候,面試官會問你:”Any questions?”。然后你僵住了,當你把全部注意力放在回答面試官問的問題上時,你很快就會忘記你心中的疑問,進入面試間前心中種種的疑問,在這一刻全部記不起來了,然后很尷尬的用一句”I think I’m all set”來結束。這也就是大家經常所想的:The worst is over。 然而這不但不利于你的求職,反而很容易讓面試官忘記你這個人。So,在臨結束前要怎么做,才能引起面試官的興趣呢?


          Read these tips and never again end an interview with an awkward “I think I’m all set!”

          1. Show You Did Your Research. You should know your interviewer’s career and the history of the company front and back. Ask a thoughtful question that not only shows you did your research, but relates to your position within the greater organization.

          2. The future. Where do you see this business going in the next 5 years? How can you play a role in that future development? How is performance measured and what benchmarks are used to show success in the organization? Asking these questions will show that you are dedicated to the success of the organization as a whole and want to play an active role in its growth and development.

          3. Previous Employees. What are some strengths of the people who have held this position in the past? Why were they successful and what makes them stand out to you? This question shows your motivation and commitment to excellence.

          4. Direct Report. Ask to whom you will be reporting directly. Not only will it help you understand your role within a broader context, it will clue you in on the interpersonal component of the position.

          5. Timeline. Ask your interviewer what his or her hiring timeline is. This is important for you to determine your appropriate follow up time and to gather when it might be a good idea to move on to a new opportunity. Asking about the next steps is critical to ensure you and the interviewer are on the same page.


          一個能成功在海外找到工作的小伙伴,既要會“勾心斗角”,又要能“伶牙俐齒”,只有具備了十八般武藝,方可有公司愿意幫你sponsor visa。其實在面試過程中,最重要的不一定是你能力有多強,而是你對你想要去的公司,想得到的position,有多了解,當然能力固然重要,可是光有一身本領,卻不知道如何表達,也是很難找到伯樂的。


          很多人想問,他怎么會知道這個人學了西班牙語呢?這里有一個小Tips,在國外,LinkedIn是一個被廣泛使用的社交軟件,很多公司的Head都在上面有注冊,通過LinkedIn尋找優質雇員。而作為Job seeker的你,也可以通過LinkedIn去搜尋這些Head的個人信息,發站內email給他們介紹自己的情況(有些Boss比較高大上,不一定理你,但是不試怎么知道他是高貴冷艷,還是逗比可親呢),在準備面試的時候,也同樣可以通過LinkedIn去詳細了解一下Interviewer的個人情況,這種小技巧,會為你的interview加不少分。



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