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      2. 對外漢語學習:潛規則

        時間:2024-10-28 23:53:48 對外漢語 我要投稿
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          導語:“潛規則”是相對于“元規則” 、“明規則”而言的。下面YJBYS小編對外講解有關潛規則的知識,歡迎參考!


          qián guī zé


          tacit rule, under-the-table practice


          “Qián guīzé” shì xiāngduì yú “yuán guīzé”,“míng guīzé” ér yán de. Tā shì zhǐ kàn bùjiàn de, míngwén méiyǒu guīdìng de, yuēdìngsúchéng de, wú júxiàn xìng, què yòu shì guǎngfàn rèntóng, shíjì qǐ zuòyòng de, rénmen bìxū “zūnxún” de yī zhǒng guīzé, qí kě míbǔ míng guīzé bùzú zhī chù, hélǐ zhī chù yīngdāng yǔyǐ hóngyáng, bù hélǐ zhī chù jí yīng èshā yú yáolán zhī zhōng.

          “潛規則”是相對于“元規則” 、“明規則”而言的。它是指看不見的、明文沒有規定的,約定俗成的.,無局限性,卻又是廣泛認同、實際起作用的,人們必須“遵循”的一種規則,其可彌補明規則不足之處,合理之處應當予以弘揚,不合理之處即應扼殺于搖籃之中。

          "Unspoken rules" are relative to the "rules of the yuan", "rules" in terms of. It is invisible, expressly does not specify, convention, no limitations, but it is widely recognized, the actual role, people must "follow" a rule, which can make up for the lack of rules, reasonable Should be carried forward, unreasonable that should be killed in the cradle.


          qián guīzé shì rénmen sīxià rènkě de xíngwéi yuēshù.

          Zhè zhǒng xíngwéi yuēshù, yījù dāngshìrén shuāngfāng (gè fāng) gěi duìfāng dài lái lìyì huòzhě gěi duìfāng dài lái de shānghài nénglì, zài shèhuì xíngwéi zhǔtǐ de hùdòng zhōng zìfā xíngchéng, kěyǐ shǐ hùdòng gè fāng de chōngtú jiǎnshǎo, jiàngdī jiāoyì chéngběn.

          Suǒwèi yuēshù jiùshì xíngwéi yuèjiè bì jiāng zhāozhì bàofù, duì zhè zhǒng lìhài hòuguǒ de gòngshì, qiánghuàle hùdòng gè fāng duì bǐcǐ xíngwéi de yùqí de wěndìng xìng.

          Mǒu xiē zài shíjì shang dédào zūncóng de guījǔ, bèilíle zhèngyì guānniàn huò zhèngshì zhìdù guīdìng, qīnfànle zhǔliú yìshí xíngtài huò zhèngshì zhìdù suǒ wéihù de lìyì, yīncǐ bùdé bù yǐ yǐnbì de xíngshì cúnzài, dāngshìrén duì yǐnbì xíngshì běnshēn yěyǒu míngquè de rènkě.

          Tōngguò zhè zhǒng yǐnbì, dāngshìrén jiāng zhèngshì guīzé de dàibiǎo píngbì yú júbù hùdòng zhī wài, huòzhě, jiāng dàibiǎo lā rù sīxià jiāoyì zhī zhōng, píngjiè zhè zhǒng sīxià de guīzé tìhuàn, huòqǔ zhèngshì guīzé suǒ bùnéng tígōng de lìyì.

          Zài qián guīzé de shēngchéng guòchéng zhōng, dāngshìrén bìng bù zhǐshì jiāoyì de liǎng fāng, ér yīng jiā shàng dàibiǎo zhèngshì guīzé de dì sānfāng. Dāng shì shuāngfāng lìyòng qián guīzé jìnxíng sīxià jiāoyì de shíhòu, tāmen shíjì shang liánhé xíngchéngle yīgè duìkàng dì sānfāng zhèngshì dàibiǎo de liánméng (zhèngshì zhòngduō de ér qiángdà liánméng de xíngchéng, cái shǐdé qián guīzé jùyǒu chángqí de, qiángdà de shènzhì wěndìng de duìkàng nénglì.). Ér qián guīzé de “qián” běnshēn jiùshì yī zhǒng shēngcún cèlüè, tóngyàng yě biǎomíngliǎo gèng gāo céngcì de zhèng shì zhìdù hé guīzé de cúnzài.









          The unspoken rules are the behavioral constraints that are privately recognized.

          This behavioral constraint, according to the parties (parties) to the other side to bring benefits to each other or to the other side of the damage, in the interaction of social actors in the spontaneous formation, can reduce the conflict between the parties to reduce transaction costs.

          The so-called constraint is the behavior of the cross-border will lead to revenge, the consensus of this powerful consequences, to strengthen the interaction of the parties to each other's expected stability.

          Some of the rules that are actually obeyed depart from the notion of justice or formal system, violating the interests of the mainstream ideology or formal system, and therefore have to exist in a hidden form, and the parties have a clear recognition of the hidden form itself The

          Through this concealment, the parties shield the representatives of the formal rules from local interactions, or, in the case of private transactions, by virtue of such private rules, to obtain the benefits that formal rules can not provide.

          In the process of generating the unspoken rules, the parties are not just the parties to the transaction, but should add a third party that represents the formal rules. When the parties use the unspoken rules for private transactions, they actually form a union against the official representative of the third party (it is the formation of a large number of powerful coalition, which makes the unspoken rules of long-term, strong and even stable Ability to fight. The "latent" of the unspoken rules is itself a survival strategy, and it also shows the existence of higher formal systems and rules.












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