牛津小學英語三年級Chapter 5 Disney說課稿
一、 說教材
“牛津英語"教材把語言結構、 語言功能和主題內容有機地結合起來, 所以語言的信息輸入量大, 選材廣泛、 主體有序、 內容集中, 學習內容非常貼近學生的生活實際和思想實際。本課主要讓學生了解迪斯尼樂園, 了解華特?迪斯尼, 這兩項內容也是學生較為熟悉和感興趣的。課文本身內容比較簡單,所以我要求學生直接借助于網絡進行查閱相關資料,并在此基礎上進行歸納,使學生的信息量有了大大的增加,由學生的被動的接受變成了主動的學習.
1、知識目標: 學習單詞create, character, amusement park, 應該說這些單詞的掌握并不難, 開學初我已把單詞全部教完, 在此只是重現和鞏固。
2、能力目標: 提高學生自然運用英語進行交際的能力。
3、情感目標: 通過香港迪斯尼樂園明年將在香港開幕這一契機, 讓學生扮演一位經理在開幕式上發言,通過這一環節, 增強學生的民族榮譽感。
1 堅持“自主學習,合作學習”的教學原則
教師打破了以教師為中心, 單項灌輸的陳舊模式, 在課堂教學中盡可能發揮學生的主動性和合作精神, 營造了良好的學習氛圍, 更重要的是在頻繁的交流中, 學生的語言表達能力提高了。
2 遵循英語教學的交際性原則
交際性原則是英語教學中的一個指導性原則, 教學最終的目的不僅要使學生掌握知識, 更重要的是使學生在理解的基礎上, 在交際性練習中培養交際能力, 而培養這種交際能力, 就是反映在課堂教學中學生以主人翁態度, 積極、 主動、 大膽地參與英語課堂練習活動的主體意識上。
3 追求和諧的課堂活動
學生主體性的發揮, 要在民主, 平等的氛圍中體現, 更要在科學, 和諧的教學活動中進行. 課堂教學不僅要處理好老師、學生、教材等關系, 還要盡可能地發揮三者各自的特長, 這就是教學的最優化。在課堂教學中, 既要有意識的讓學生去感知、理解,又要讓學生不斷地感悟。
4 拓寬學生的視野
現代外語教學理論認為, 一定量的語言輸入是語言輸出的基礎, 即語言的輸出有賴于語言的輸入。只有在大量吸收的基礎上才能提高表達的技能, 也只有在吸收信息和表達自己意愿的過程中才能培養語言交際的能力。因此,教師根據教材做了很大的擴展, 要求學生盡可能用英語向同學展示你學習后的成果, 你的愛好及緣由等, 使教學更趨向真實。
1、直觀性: 本課時最大的特點就是運用副語言行為, 即通過教師親切的語調, 鼓勵的目光、 幽默的舉止, 自然的消除學生的緊張情緒, 克服交際中的心理障礙。另外, 運用多媒體輔助教學,用一些色彩艷麗的圖片, 吸引學生的注意力,培養學生的直接興趣, 使學生更加踴躍地投入到教學實踐中去。分頁標題#e#
2、趣味性: 對于課程學生非常熟悉, 但是如果一味讓學生說, 學生就會感到枯燥無味。因此, 教師盡可能把枯燥的內容形象化, 把課堂知識由學生的間接需要變成學生的直接需要, 引發學生的學習積極性。
Step 1 Pre-task preparation
教師圍繞本課的內容, 先通過一段學生喜歡的卡通片引出課文中出現的人物,并讓同學們進行親切的交流,談論他們最喜歡的卡通人物,縮進了教師和學生的距離,帶著輕松的心情融入課堂
Step 2 While-task procedure
通過卡通人物的呈現, 順利的'導入Walt Disney, 讓同學小組討論Walt Disney 和Disneyland Park, 繼而讓他們在全班同學面前交流, 這其實對是同學們通過網絡自查和歸納總結的成果的展示,也是對他們自我學習,合作學習的一種肯定。隨后讓同學們通過回答問題,完成關于Walt Disney 和Disneyland Park的表格,這樣教師對他們學習成果也進行檢查,從一定程度上也為課文的快速閱讀并理解做好了充分的準備工作. 在此基礎上,邊聽課文邊完成Task 1—True or false并進行校對. 基于剛才的交流, 學生對課文內容的理解已經迎刃而解. 之后,學生讀課文,進一步的加深對課文的理解和鞏固. 隨后根據課文中的內容,完成Task2—Cloze Test,這其實也是對知識的鞏固和運用.
Step3 Post—task activity
Step4 Homework
Chapter Five
Disney, Walt
、. Teaching objects:
1. Improving the students’ reading skills.
2. Collecting the information from the materials they have read.
Ⅱ.Teaching important points:
Words and expressions:
create cartoon characters be famous for an amusement park
、.Teaching aids:
Multi-media computer
、. Teaching Procedures:
(Students are divided into eight groups. Each group has a leader.)
1. Pre-task preparation
、 An enjoyment of a cartoon “Mickey Mouse and Pluto”.
、 Discussing the cartoon characters that students like best.
、 A brief introduction about Walt Disney and fill in the table.分頁標題#e#
、 A brief introduction about Disneyland Parks and fill in the table.
(Students have prepared for them on the net.)
2. While-task procedure
、 Listen to the tape of the text once and complete the first task.
Task 1: True or false exercise
⑵ Read the text together and complete the second task.
Task 2: Cloze test
、 Ask the students to correct the answers each other.
3. Post-task activity
Situation: Hong Kong Disneyland Park will be opened next year. Suppose you are the manager of it and what will you say at the opening ceremony?
4. Homework
、 Oral work: Recite the text.
⑵ Written work: A short story “Mickey Mouse and Pl
Date: Dec.16, 2004
Place: Class Five, Grade Eight
Written by: Min Xianghong from Bayi Middle School
Chapter Five
Disney, Walt
、. Pre-task preparation
T: S1, do you enjoy watching cartoons?
S2, what about you?
Me too.
Let’s enjoy a cartoon “Mickey Mouse”, shall we?
T: How wonderful! After class, let’s go on, OK?
T: What are they?
I think they are all very lovely. Do you think so?
Now, can you tell me which one you like best? Why?
Discuss in your groups, then I will ask some of you to tell me, OK? Only two minutes, be quick.
T: Who can tell me who created these cartoon characters?
Oh, yes. Walt Disney.
。ㄕ宫FWalt Disney的照片)
T: This is Walt Disney. He is Mickey’s father and they are all his draughts and sons.
、. While-task procedure
。ㄕ宫Fsearch on the net)
T: Two days ago, I asked all of you to search the information about Walt Disney and Disneyland Park on the net. Have you prepared for it?
T: Discuss in your groups, then I will ask some of you to introduce something about them to us.
1. Introduce Walt Disney
2. Introduce Disneyland park
T: Thank you for your exciting introduction . I think all of you have worked very hard . Thank you. You are all very excellent.
T: Now, would you like to know more about Walt Disney and Disneyland Park?
OK, let’s listen to the text and then finish the first task- True or false exercise.
Task 1(展現練習)
True or False Exercise
1. Walt Disney lived from 1910-1966. F
2. He created Disneyland Park because his parents were very rich. F
3. He drew cartoon characters for newspapers. F分頁標題#e#
4. His most famous cartoon character was Snow White. F
5. Mickey Mouse became rich and famous. F
6. There is only one Disneyland Park in the USA. T
7. Walt Disney sold newspaper after he left school. T
8. Mickey Mouse isn’t a real mouse. F
9. There are also Disneyland Park in Japan and England. F
10. Disneyland is a famous amusement park.
T: Now, open your books, let’s read the text together and then finish the second task- cloze test.
Task 2(展現練習)
Cloze Test
Disneyland Parks are famous amusement parks . There are four in the world. Two of them are in the USA of America and the other two are in Japan and in France. Now Hong Kong is going to build a Disneyland Park and it will be open in 2005. Disneyland Park was created by Walt Disney. He was born in 1901 and died in 1996. He was famous for his cartoon characters. His most famous cartoon character was a real mouse. It is called Mickey Mouse. Walt had many other cartoon characters, such as Donald Duck, Goofy, Snow White and so on.
、. Post- task activity
T: As well all know, the fifth Disneyland Park will be opened in Hong Kang next year. Suppose you are the manager of this park, what will you say at the opening ceremony(開幕式)?
Discuss in your groups, and then I will ask some of you to act out the manager.
Ⅳ. Homework
1. Oral work: Retell the story
2. Written work: A short story “Mickey Mouse and Pluto”
(according to the VCD we watched just now)
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