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【關鍵詞】 精神分裂癥;利培酮;氯氮平;血脂
【摘要】 目的 探討利培酮與氯氮平對首發精神分裂癥患者血脂的影響。 方法 將118例首發精神分裂癥患者隨機分為利培酮組58例,氯氮平組60例,于治療前及治療第4、8、12w末晨間空腹采血,并進行血脂檢測比較。用藥劑量根據病情加減,但2w內應加至有效治療量。 結果 氯氮平組8w末血脂顯著上升,12w末稍有下降;利培酮組4w末血脂稍有升高,第8、12w末無顯著變化。 結論 利培酮與氯氮平對首發精神分裂癥患者血脂均有影響,但利培酮影響較輕。
【關鍵詞】 精神分裂癥;利培酮;氯氮平;血脂
Effects of risperidone vs clozapine on bloodlipid of firstepisode schizophrenia
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effects of risperidone vs clozapine on bloodlipid of firstepisode schizophrenia. Methods 118 firstepisode schizophrenics were randomly divided into the risperidone group(n=58) and clozapine group(n=60), fasting bloods in the early morning were took before treatment and at the ends of 4th, 8th and 12th week of treatment to compare the bloodlipid. Dosage was increased or decreased according to patients' condition, but should be added to effective therapeutic dose within 2 weeks. Results The bloodlipids rose at the end of 8th week and slightly dropped at the 12th in the clozapine group; those slightly rose at the end of the 4th week and had no significant changes at the 8th and 12th in the risperidone group. Conclusion Both risperidone and clozapine affects bloodlipid of firstepisode schizophrenia, but effects of the former is milder.
【Keywords】 Schizophrenia; risperidone; clozapine; bloodlipid
1 對象與方法
1.1 對象 選擇2000年1月~2004年1月我院住院的118例首發精神分裂癥患者為研究對象。符合《中國精神障礙分類與診斷標準》第3版(CCMD3)精神分裂癥診斷標準,入組前未服用任何抗精神病藥,均經患者及家屬知情同意。排除嚴重軀體疾病、腦器質性疾病、成癮物質濫用及藥物過敏者。入組病例均為男性,隨機將118例患者分為兩組,氯氮平組60例,平均年齡24.6±10.2a;利培酮組58例,平均年齡23.8±11.1a,兩組年齡無顯著性差異。
1.2 方法 采用治療前后對照法進行檢測分析。治療劑量根據病情加減,2w內應加至有效治療量。用藥前與用藥第4、8、12w末采集空腹血液標本進行血脂測定。研究期間不合并激素等影響血脂的藥物,患者進行普食管理。
1.3 統計方法 計量資料采用t檢驗,計數資料采用χ2檢驗。