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      1. 于托福閱讀的學習方法

        時間:2021-01-01 19:59:28 學習方法 我要投稿











          第2階段,考前最后一個月。嚴格要求自己在19分鐘之內做完,注意,這是19分鐘,不是20分鐘。練習的時候,就是要給自己壓力。而且這一個月里面,要嚴格要求自己在電腦上做題,因為只要你真正在電腦上做題就會發現,在電腦上做題的感覺,和在書本上做題的感覺是完全不一樣的。因此一定要拿一個月的時間,提升自己的閱讀速度和培養自己在電腦上做題的狀態。而且這個時間段,不僅要做題,而且要在總結自己哪些題型常錯,然后專注于解決這種題型上。這才是一個理性的備考方式。 1 前5套不計時做題,后面題都要嚴格按照20分鐘一篇文章的限制來做題。

          2 做題過程中不查詞典。

          3 做題后對照正確答案檢查自己的答案。

          4 檢查自己錯的題為什么錯。不外乎如下幾個原因:1) 單詞不認識或者認錯了。 2) 語法點不懂。

          3) 理解錯了 做完之后要有針對性的,把這些問題解決掉。單詞要背,語法點要去找單詞書研究透。理解錯的要比較后面給出的中文翻譯,去思考自己哪個知識點學得不夠扎實,因此弄錯了,要把這個知識點解決掉。

          5 正確的題也要去理順一下這些題的做題思路,方便以后快速的做題。

          6 每做完4套題,就要把所有錯的題橫向比較一下,這是你馬上就會發現某些題型經常錯,這個時候只有把這個題型好好研究一下,以后做題才回來感。^_^

          7 如果每篇文章錯的題的數目超過6個,則強烈建議多練習一下文章翻譯,同時要比照后面給出的中文翻譯來進行對照,分析自己哪里翻譯錯了,以及為什么翻譯錯了。

          不這樣做,你就根本不可能提高!做題簡單,耗時短,但是分數幾乎永遠不會有提高;分析困難,耗時多,但是多則1-2個月,成績就會有極為明顯的提升。It’s up to you!

          1 背單詞的時候,就背一個中文解釋。因為我們最難的就是把單詞和相應的中文意思給對應起來,后面擴展就容易很多。

          2 讓單詞朗讀帶著自己來背。這樣一能解決不會讀的問題;第二還能解決背單詞心里很疲憊的問題。 3 不要去反復書寫單詞。很多小盆友們,從小就被老師灌輸“好記性不如爛筆頭”的觀念。因此,總是喜歡瘋狂的抄寫正在背的單詞。但是實際上,他不是一種最高效的方式,而是一種最搞笑的方式。因為,大多數單詞對我們來說是能夠閱讀就可以,作文的單詞是另一個層面的問題。

          4 復習遠比背更重要。其實不僅僅是單詞,任何一個我們可以出口成章的詩句,那個不是靠背了很多天的,為什么單詞我們就必須今天背下來?!背詩詞和背單詞是一個道理,靠的都是每天都背一遍! 5 養成習慣最重要。給自己設定一個專門用來背單詞的時間段,只要這個時間段到了,一切其他的工作全都放下。只要2周,你就會對單詞產生一種欲罷不能的感覺!記!words rule everything! 因此如果你備考時間很短,比如說只有半個月,那么對你來說也僅能是把這些題做完,然后再對一下答案,僅此而已。但是如果你還是在仰視這個考試,那么你就應該給自己留出充足的時間。






          接下來就要多自己的水平做一個評估了,如果你感覺正確率在80%以上,同時翻譯的正確率90%以上。那么你就應該堅持把TPO當做你準備托福考試的唯一材料。但是如果你沒有在這個水平線之上,那么你就應該先做《Barron》或者《托福120分》等輔導材料,拿這些材料重復前面的1-4步來提高自己的能力,尤其是第2步和第3步對你的理解水平提升是最為明顯的!一定要堅持下來。 但是如果你能在TPO1、2套能大到85%以上正確率。那么請你再移步TPO8、11兩套,再次驗證自己的能力,因為Tpo1、2套還是低于真正考試的難度,TPO8、11兩套,才基本上是與現行的新托福考試難度平行的。

























         。保保懊腩A覽. 花很短的時間預覽文章全部。預覽什么?





          (2)列舉的地方:看一至兩個列舉項就可以,了解其特征即可,其他部分一掃而過。 (3)舉例的地方:如果看懂了作者的觀點,舉例可以略讀,但是沒看懂觀點,必須細讀例子。





         。矗 完成上面的步驟,我們就算讀完了文章,最后在腦海里把你對文章的認識做一點修改,形成你通過剛才閱讀得到的知識體系,下面就是用來做題了。



          考文章主題找全文中心句為依據,考段主題找段中心句為依據。界定范圍之后首先排除越界的選項(與全文無關,或者與本段無關的,或者其他段里偷換來的,記住在TOEFL閱讀里邊,它山之石,不可攻本山之玉)之后對剩余選項的范圍進行分析,不符合題干范圍的全部排除(范圍過小的,范圍過寬的)然后排除絕對選項,all, almost, only, most , must 看到就要懷疑是否絕對化了。把這些都排除完了,估計答案就出來了,最后把答案和你剛才自己得到的主題對應一下,檢查是否正確就可以。





         。矗 細節題:辦法就是找,找到了就成功了一半,這種題關鍵是一定要把對細節的把握建立在對全文和全局的把握上.

          5. Except和True or False的題型.其實還是搜索,只不過可能有人會覺得找不到,Peter的辦法是拿題干核心詞和四個選項結合,搜索選項,這樣至多三次就可以選出答案.

          Questions 40-50 The cities in the United States have been the most visible sponsors and beneficiaries of projects that place art in public places. (主題。㏕hey have shown exceptional imagination in applying the diverse forms of contemporary art to a wide variety of purposes. The activities observed in a number of “pioneer” cities sponsoring art in public places-a (5 ) broadening exploration of public sites, an increasing awareness among both sponsors and the public of the varieties of contemporary artistic practice, and a growing public enthusiasm-are increasingly characteristic of cities across the country. (關注和熱情加大)With many cities now undergoing renewed development, opportunities are continuously emerging for the inclusion or art in new or renewed public environments, including buildings, (10)plazas, parks, and transportation facilities.(新的趨勢) The result of these activities is a group of artworks that reflect the diversity of contemporary art and the varying character and goals of the sponsoring communities. In sculpture, the projects range from a cartoonlike Mermaid in Miami Beach by Roy Lichtenstein to a small forest planted in New York City by Alan Sonfist.(各種的公共藝術) The use (15) of murals followed quickly upon the use of sculpture and has brought to public sites the work of artists as different as the realist Thomas Hart Benton and the Pop artist Robert Rauschenberg. The specialized requirements of particular urban situations have further expanded the use of art in public places: in Memphis, sculptor Richard Hunt has created a monument to Martin Luther King, Jr., who was slain there; in New York, Dan Flavin (20) and Bill Brand have contributed neon and animation works to the enhancement of mass transit facilities. And in numerous cities, art is being raised as a symbol of the commitment to revitalize urban areas.(art的作用和象征意義) By continuing to sponsor projects involving a growing body of art in public places, cities will certainly enlarge the situations in which the public

          encounters and grows (25)familiar with the various forms of contemporary art.(熟悉現代藝術) Indeed, cities are providing artists with an opportunity to communicate with a new and broader audience. Artists are recognizing the distinction between public and private spaces, and taking that into account when executing their public commissions. They are working in new, often more durable media, and on an unaccustomed scale.(給藝術家代來新的藝術交流形式)


         。保叮懊腩A覽:看到了The cities in the United States(大寫字母,地名)New York City(城市)

          a monument to Martin Luther King(名人)差不多了,Peter確定了是人文科學的文章,又和米國有關,涉及到了一些名人,這就是文章的屬性.

          2.1+1+1:The cities in the United States have been the most visible sponsors and beneficiaries of projects that place art in public places. +The result of these activities is a group of artworks that reflect the diversity of contemporary art and the varying character and goals of the sponsoring communities. +In sculpture, the projects range from a

          cartoonlike Mermaid in Miami Beach by Roy Lichtenstein to a small forest planted in New York City by Alan Sonfist.+And in numerous cities, art is being raised as a symbol of the commitment to revitalize urban areas.+By continuing to sponsor projects involving a growing body of art in public places, cities will certainly enlarge the situations in which the public encounters and grows +They are working in new, often more durable media, and on an unaccustomed scale.所以可以看出文章大概可能仿佛似乎好象在說城市對藝術的資助以及藝術在這種環境下的發展以及對城市的影響.




          43. According to the passage, new settings for public art are appearing as a result of (A) communities that are building more art museums (B) artists who are moving to urban areas (C) urban development and renewal (D) an increase in the number of artists in the United States. 答案C,我選D 解答:看看Peter的第一段的3秒回想,城市建設方面,具體句子是With many cities now undergoing renewed development, opportunities are continuously emerging for the inclusion or art in new or renewed public environments, including buildings, (10)plazas, parks, and transportation facilities,然后其實后邊也有一句對應的:The specialized requirements of particular urban situations have further expanded the use of art in public places:綜合起來我們肯定是選C.

          49. The word “executing” in line 28 is closest in meaning to (A) judging (B) selling (C) explaining (D) producing 答案是D,我選的C 解答:哈哈,來招牌菜了,我們來分析這個題.Indeed, cities are providing artists with an opportunity to communicate with a new and broader audience. Artists are recognizing the distinction between public and private spaces, and taking that into account when executing their public commissions. They are working in new, often more durable media, and on an unaccustomed scale.好的,OK現在從后句來分析,后句They are working in new, often more durable media, and on an unaccustomed scale和前句是解釋關系,也就是同義的,那么我們直接拿來用,They are working 和executing their public commissions對應,好了,去答案里可以直接把producing挑出來了,因為artists的work就是創造,和評判,賣,解釋關系不大(其實賣也是artist的工作,但是公共的藝術,在本文和金錢無關)好了,Peter再次賴皮了是不?又沒有分析主考詞executing,不過既然能選對,不分析這個詞不犯法吧,哈哈.(這也是紅寶書上的詞.)

          50. According to paragraph 3, artists who work on public art projects are doing all of the following EXCEPT:

          (A) creating artworks that are unusual in size (B) raising funds to sponsor various public projects (C) exposing a large number of people to works of art (D) using new materials that are long-lasting.



          (A) creating artworks that are unusual in size=on an unaccustomed scale

          (B) raising funds to sponsor various public projects(C) exposing a large number of people to works of art=recognizing the distinction between public and

          private spaces (D) using new materials that are long-lasting. =durable 好了,ACD排除了之后,可以選B了.



          Questions 1-9: Europa is the smallest of planet Jupiter's four largest moons and the second moon out from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistic. Then came the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft Voyager 2, and within days, Europa was transformed-in our perception, at least-into one of the solar system's

          (5)most intriguing(我讀到這里就認為這個詞有很大的嫌疑考猜詞.) worlds. The biggest initial surprise was the almost total lack of detail, especially from far away. Even at close range, the only visible features are thin, kinked brown lines resembling cracks in an eggshell. (前面看不懂沒關系,看到了resembling先大笑三聲,大概就是cracks in an eggshell)And this analogy is not far off the mark. The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europa's surface ice resembles Earth's Antarctic ice cap(再笑吧,我們現在知道surface 像Earth's Antarctic ice cap). The (10) eggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometers thick -a true shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that , in turn, encases a rocky core. The interior of Europa has been kept warm over the eons by tidal forces generated by the varying gravitational tugs of the other big moons as they wheel around Jupiter. The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle. The resulting internal heat (15) keeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The cracklike marks on Europa's icy face appear to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below. (這里不管你能不能看懂中間,這最后一句打死也要明白,因為它在解釋雞蛋殼上的"裂痕"Peter估計這里可能會有考題) Soon after Voyager 2's encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images of Europa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europa's subsurface ocean might harbor life.(老生常談了。 Life processes could have begun when Jupiter was releasing a (20 )vast store of internal heat. Jupiter's early heat was produced by the compression of the material forming the giant planet. Just as the Sun is far less radiant today than the primal Sun, so the internal heat

          generated by Jupiter is minor compared to its former intensity. During this warm phase, some 4.6 billion years ago, Europa's ocean may have been liquid right to the surface, making it a crucible for life.

          1. The word “intriguing” in line 5 is closest in meaning to(果然,就是考了猜詞,這個我不是騙人,我讀到那里就覺得要考猜詞了.這種你絕對認識但是一時說不明白什么意思的詞絕對高頻!。。

          (A) changing (B) perfect (C) visible (D) fascinating 這道題沒猜對,應該是D,我選的C,看到后面有visible

          解答:我把這個句子拿下來再看:. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistic. Then came the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft Voyager 2, and within days, Europa was transformed-in our perception, at least-into one of the solar system's most intriguing worlds. The biggest initial surprise was the almost total lack of detail, especially from far away.好了,現在再來分析,你應該可以看出Peter拿了這個詞的前后兩句,其實不止兩句,最好頭腦里現在想著這篇文章在說什么.開始作者說從astronomy textbook statistic到close-up images是想表達什么意思?以前關于歐羅巴的資料只是數據,現在已經有了圖象,那我現在就認為這個intriguing可能有"真實,準確,栩栩如生,生動,"等意思,繼續往下看,was transformed-in our perception說明可能生動,栩栩如生這方面的意思可能更多一點,現在看后邊的句子,好了,看到了surprise,可以大笑三聲了,因為可以體會出作者的思想感情出來了,好了,現在直接把A,C選項拉出去弊了,那么就請比較perfect和fascinating這兩個詞哪個可以表達我上邊分析的含義,你可以發現perfect強調完美,而后者有allure吸引的含義,你是永遠不可能把perfect和surprise 聯系起來的,也不可能把perfect和生動聯系起來,所以這個題絕對是D.

          注意:你可以看出Peter在分析這個題的時候完全沒看intriguing那個詞和句子,不過你如果背過紅寶書,相信你連分析也不用,就直接選了D,我還能記得這個詞在word list22,或者23不信你去找找.

          8. According to the passage, what is the effect of Jupiter's other large moons on Europa?

          (A) They prevent Europa's subsurface waters from freezing. (B) They prevent tides that could damage Europa's surface. (C) They produce the very hard layer of ice that characterizes Europa. (D) They assure that the gravitational pull on Europa is maintained at a steady level. 答案是A,我選的是D

          解答:答案在這里:The interior of Europa has been kept warm over the eons by tidal forces generated by the varying gravitational tugs of the other big moons as they wheel around Jupiter. The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle. 這里has been kept warm不就是They prevent Europa's subsurface waters from freezing嗎?

          9 According to the passage, what is believed to cause the thin lines seen on Europa's surface?

          (A) A long period of extremely high tides (B) Water breaking through from beneath the surface ice (C) The continuous pressure of slush on top of the ice (D) Heat generated by the hot rocky core 答案是B,我選的C

          解答:呵呵,Peter又一次準確預測了考試題,看來我可以去出題了.這里就是問雞蛋殼上的"裂痕"water or slush oozes from below.,這里你選C可能就是看到了slush,其實這詞啥意思我也不知道,但我認識water,而且要注意water是要from below而不是on top,而且這個continous pressure也不對吧.

          Questions 30-39 Native Americans probably arrived from Asia in successive waves over several millennia, crossing a plain hundreds of miles wide that now lies inundated by 160 feet of water released by melting glaciers. For several periods of time, the first

          beginning around 60,000 B.C. and the last ending around 7,000 B.C., this land bridge was open. The (5 )first people traveled in the dusty trails of the animals they hunted. They brought with them not only their families, weapons, and tools but also a broad

          metaphysical understanding, sprung from dreams and visions and articulated in myth and song, which complemented their scientific and historical knowledge of the lives of animals and of people. (從物質生活講到文化生活)All this they shaped in a variety of languages, bringing into being oral literatures of power and beauty. (10) Contemporary readers, forgetting the origins of western epic, lyric, and dramatic forms, are easily disposed to think of “literature” only as something written. But on reflection it becomes clear that the more critically useful as well as the more frequently employed sense of the term concerns the artfulness of the verbal creation, not its mode of presentation. Ultimately, literature is aesthetically valued, regardless of language, culture, (15)or mode of presentation,

          because some significant verbal achievement results from the struggle in words between tradition and talent. Verbal art has the ability to shape out a compelling inner vision in some skillfully crafted public verbal form. Of course, the differences between the written and oral modes of expression are not without consequences for an understanding of Native American literature. The essential (20)difference is that a speech event is an evolving communication,(重要區別) an “emergent form,” the shape, functions, and aesthetic values of which become more clearly realized over the course of the performance. In performing verbal art , the performer assumes responsibility for the manner as well as the content of the performance, while the audience assumes the responsibility for evaluating the performer's competence in both areas. It is this intense (25)mutual

          engagement that elicits the display of skill and shapes the emerging performance. Where written literature provides us with a tradition of texts, oral literature offers a tradition of performances. (對比型文章)

          34. What is the main point of the second paragraph?

          (A) Public performance is essential to verbal art. (B) Oral narratives are a valid form of literature. (C) Native Americans have a strong oral tradition in art. (D) The production of literature provides employment for many artists. 答案是B,我選的是C

          解答:黑體的是第二段,先把A和D拉出去弊了,與本段無關,其實C也可以直接弊了,因為本段沒涉及到Native American,所以不可能是C.我們來看第二段: Contemporary readers, forgetting the origins of western epic, lyric, and dramatic forms, are easily

          disposed to think of “literature” only as something written. But……好了,看到這里足夠了,這是本段主題句,這個句子是說原以為文學只是寫出來的,"但是"用來進行轉折,那我們很容易就能明白作者是說口語也是一種文學的形式.做主題的關鍵是抓住主題句,同時排除無關內容.將排除法和直選法結合起來.

          35. What can be inferred about the nature of the Native American literature discussed in the passage?

          (A) It reflects historical and contemporary life in Asia. (B) Its main focus is on daily activities. (C) It is based primarily on scientific knowledge. (D) It is reshaped each time it is experienced. 答案是D,我選的A 這篇沒看懂

          解答:這題是個crazy test,就是亂序題,亂序題唯一的難度就是不好找,找到了基本就做出來了,但是如果我們能對全文結構有一個深刻的了解,我們應該可以找到出處.先把

          C 扔掉,明顯是湊數的選項.A也可以扔掉,因為偷換了概念,作者在說nature of the Native American literature ,那么它一定要有Native American 的特性,不是問的起源,這一定要明白.BC都有道理,就看哪個可以直接由文章infer了, For several periods of time, the first beginning around 60,000 B.C. and the last ending around 7,000 B.C., this land bridge was open. The first people traveled in the dusty trails of the animals they hunted. They brought with them not only their families, weapons, and tools but also a broad metaphysical

          understanding, sprung from dreams and visions and articulated in myth and song, which complemented their scientific and historical knowledge of the lives of animals and of

          people. 這里可以看出作者把periods of time和metaphysical understanding,聯系在一起,于是就可以放心的選D了.

          37. Which of the following is NOT true of the Native American literature discussed in the passage?

          (A) It involves acting.(B) It has ancient origins. (C) It has a set form. (D) It expresses an inner vision. 答案是C,我選的D,找不到定位


          的詞或者短語:(A) It involves acting._performance (B) It has ancient origins._Asia

          (C) It has a set form.沒發現,不但沒發現,還找到了相反的_evolving (D) It expresses an inner vision._dreams and visions



          細節題從考查能力的角度上來說,主要考查的是提取關鍵詞和在文章中定位有用解題信息的能力。細節題的問題一般就是純粹的事實層面上的問題,主要問作者說了什么? 哪些信息是真的? 谷天田外語告訴大家,解題的時候,80%左右的細節題都只需要閱讀文章中一兩個關鍵的句子就足夠解題了。這就意味著考生要根據題干中提供的關鍵詞,回到原文中精準地找到解題的關鍵句子,讀懂了之后,就能快速的把細節題解對而無需閱讀全文或者全段。


          a. 提取題干中關鍵詞(key words)定位原文段落中關鍵詞所在的所有句子. 閱讀定位句理解。分析題干中的關鍵詞及短語。關鍵詞包括題干中出現的人名、地名、物名、年代以及句子中的核心名詞。

          b. 閱讀定位句理解。提取題干中關鍵詞定位原文段落中所在關鍵詞的所有句子。然后閱讀定位句理解。并且帶著關鍵詞重新返回到原文中進行定位。

          c. 正確選項是正確定位句的同義轉述或者同義改寫或同義轉述,簡述。必須在意思上和語言邏輯結構上完全符合定位句。但是很多正確選項通常體現出概括,抽象,表達含蓄等等特點;或者從另一個邏輯層面對此問題進行描述。



          a. 該選項的全部或者局部出現了該段落根本就沒有涉及的信息,概念,特有名詞等等。

          b. 原文定位句沒有出現比較級,最高級一類的語言現象,但是選項中出現了這種無端的比較。

          c. 選項中出現了定位句范圍以外的信息,盡管這些信息在本段落中的確被完全提及。

          d. 選項中有某些形容詞或者副詞起到了加重語氣從而使選項的敘述程度甚至方向發生了改變脫離原文語言風格敘述。

          e. 特別注意存在極端詞匯的選項。

          f. 單純地重復原文中的信息,卻并沒有回答問題。


          a. 細節題必須定位,切忌憑自己閱讀后的總體感覺不定位某句話而做題。

          b. 很多人做細節題喜歡通讀段落然后做題。這時候很多人在讀文章時,看到該話題對














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