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      1. 雙語閱讀:你該如何向面試官提問

        時間:2020-12-10 12:14:24 如何面試 我要投稿


          “So, do you have any questions for me?”



          Whether or not you’re currently looking for a job, try your knowledge: Do you have the right questions to ask your interviewer?


          The goal, of course, is to ask a few smart questions – thoughtful ones that show you’ve been paying attention and have done your homework when it comes to researching the company, and the specific job you’re after. At the very least, you want to ask something.


          We asked professional recruiters to brief us on five effective interview questions to ask.


          Questions You Should Definitely Ask in a Job Interview


          1. Can you explain the culture to me, with examples of how the company upholds it?


          Asking for specific insight into the company’s culture is key. “Everyone will tell you that their culture is great, but examples prove it,” says Abby Kohut. This will help you decide if you want to work for them. At the same time, most interviewers are also trying to assess if you’re a good cultural fit for the company.

          詢問跟公司文化有關(guān)的深刻問題是塊敲門磚!懊總人都會告訴你他們公司的文化很贊,但只有例子才能說明這一點,”Abby Kohut說。這個問題能幫你決定是否愿意為該公司效力。同時,也能幫助招聘者決定你是否能夠融入本公司的文化氛圍。

          2. How have you recognized your employees in the past?


          This is another example of a smart question that digs for specifics. “You want to be sure that your new company appreciates its employees,” says Kohut, and that the company values morale.


          3. What excites you most about your job, and what do you like most about this company?


          By nature, most peoplelike to talk about themselves, so this question helps warm up your interviewer, suggests Barrett-Poindexter. It also provides critical insight into whether you’d be happy working with this individual or company. “If your interviewer’s answer excites you, that can further reinforce your decision to continue the interview process. If the response is lukewarm, it may give you something to think about before deciding to invest in a future here.”


          4. I like to collaborate with team members and brainstorm ideas to help reach communal goals. Can you give me examples of collaboration within the company?


          “This is a great question for team players,” says Josh Tolan. It not only shows that you have a quality that’s very valuable to the company, but it also gets down to brass tacks when it comes to company culture.

          “對于熱衷團隊合作的人來說,這是個極棒的問題”,Josh Tolan說。它不僅顯示出你對于公司的價值,更討論了有關(guān)公司文化的實質(zhì)性問題。

          5. What are the most important things you’d like to see me accomplish in the first 30, 60 and 90 days of my employment?


          This question shows you’re in invested in what you can bring to the company, and not just what the company can do for you. “Expect the answer to go deeper than just a basic skill set requirement,” says Jacqui Barrett Poindexter. “Hope that the interviewer will wander a bit, providing personal insight into qualities he favors–perhaps even offering nuggets of detail you can use to reinforce your value in the follow-up thank-you letter.”

          這個問題顯示出你愿意為公司效力,而非僅僅關(guān)注個人待遇問題!俺斯緦T工基本的技能要求以外,你可以問得更深入些,”Jacqui Barrett Poindexter說道,“最好面試官能回答得稍離題一點,說出他對員工的個人期望-甚至提供一些高價值的細節(jié)。這樣,你就可以在面試結(jié)束后的感謝信中,突出描述你在他期望的那方面的能力!













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