- 相關推薦
中國書法 Chinese calligraphy
中國剪紙 Chinese paper-cut
京劇 Peking opera
皮影戲 Chinese shadow puppetry
昆曲 Kun Qu opera
古琴藝術 Guqin and music
粵劇 Yueju opera
中國篆刻 Art of Chinese seal engraving
新疆維吾爾木卡姆藝術 Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang
蒙古族長調民歌 Urtiin Duu,traditional folk long song
蒙古族呼麥 Mongolian art of singing,Khoomei
侗族大歌 Grand song of the Dong ethnic group
中國朝鮮族農樂舞 Farmers’ dance of China’s Korean ethnic group
藏戲 Tibetan opera
羌年 Qiang New Year festival
熱貢藝術 Regong arts
《格薩爾》史詩 Gesar epic tradition
新疆《瑪納斯》史詩 Manas
黎族傳統紡染織繡技藝 Traditional Li textile techniques:spinning,dyeing,weaving and embroidering
麥西熱普 Meshrep
赫哲族說唱藝術伊瑪堪 Hezhen Yimakan storytelling
端午節 Dragon Boat festival
媽祖信仰 Mazu beller and customs
二十四節氣 The Twenty—Four Solar Terms,knowledge of time and practices developed in China through observation of the sun’s annual motion
甘肅花兒 Hua’er
西安鼓樂 Xi’an wind and percussion ensemble
福建南音 Nanyin
南京云錦織造技藝 Craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade
宣紙傳統制作技藝 Traditional handicrafts of making Xuan paper
中國雕版印刷技藝 China engraved blok printing technique
中國傳統木營造技藝 Chinese traditional architecture craftsmanship for timber-framed structures
中國傳統桑蠶絲織技藝 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China
龍泉青瓷傳統燒制技藝 Traditional firing technology of Longquan celadon
中國木拱橋傳統營造技藝 Traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges
中國水密隔艙福船制造技藝 Watertight—bulkhead technology of Chinese junks
中國活字印刷術 Wooden movable—type printing of China
中醫針灸 Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine
福建木偶戲傳承人培養計劃 Strategy for training coming generations ofFujian puppetry practitioners
珠算 Chinese Zhusuan,knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through the abacus