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摘 要
本系統以Borland Delphi 7.0和Microsoft SQL Server 2000為開發工具,通過對微軟語音引擎的調用,實現了信息錄入與修改、語音點名和投影點名、點名信息維護、點名事后重現、數據庫備份與還原等功能。教師上課點名系統是對學生上課情況進行統1的管理,可以方便的進行錄入,查詢,修改,刪除,退出;教師可以隨時把握學生的上課情況。該系統界面友好,操作簡單,運行穩定,適用于大中專院校課堂管理,使教師對學生的考勤變得更加輕松。
關鍵詞:管理信息系統;Delphi 7.0;SQL Server2000;微軟語音引擎;語音點名
As the rapid development of computer technology, the management information system has been used in various trades in modern times. This paper describes the developing of proscenium application programs and the construction and maintenance of backstage database. It also introduces realization of a system based on C/S structure for teachers to have a roll in class.
During recent years the information manage along with the student of increasingly information-based, scientific turn with intelligence, person the machine workshop cant adapt the student of the school of now to have a class to manage any further, what to replace is a knowledge that makes use of various realm, combining the calculator science but developing of have a class and have a roll call system, science is reasonable of have a class to carry on the management to the student.
This system uses tools such as Borland Delphi 7.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. By call Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1, the system implements getting and verifying information, speech roll call and cast shadow the roll call, information maintenance, roll call information reappear and the backup and recovery of database. The teacher has a class to have a roll call to have a class the circumstance to carry on the united management to the student, can carry on record to go into conveniently, search, modification, delete, and withdraw. At any time hold the student to have a class the circumstance. It has friendly interfaces, operates easily and works well. Meanwhile it provides an easier roll call for teachers in colleges and universities.
Keywords: MIS; Delphi 7.0; SQL Server 2000; Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1; The speech roll call