- 相關推薦
目 錄
摘 要 1
前 言 3
1 緒論 4
1.1 背景分析 4
1.2 研究內容 4
1.3 論文結構 4
2 需求分析 6
2.1 系統的綜合要求 6
2.2 系統的數據要求 6
2.3 系統的邏輯模型 9
2.4 系統的技術可行性 10
2.4.1 可行技術分析 10
2.4.2 MVC模式 13
2.4.3 STRUTS技術 15
2.4.4 MY SQL數據庫技術 22
3 系統設計 24
3.1系統概要設計 24
3.1.1 數據結構的設計 24
3.1.2 系統結構的設計 26
3.2 系統詳細設計 29
3.2.1 會員注冊 29
3.2.2 討論區文章查閱 29
3.2.3 發表新文章 29
3.2.4 后臺管理 29
3.2.5 實現方法 30
4 系統的運行與維護 39
結 束 語 45
參考文獻 46
致 謝 47
BBS系統就是提供給注冊用戶1個自由發表自己意見的平臺,會員用戶可以通過Internet接入,登錄系統,在這個平臺上發表文章、閱讀文章、回復文章等等,本論文詳細地講述了開發1個基于MVC(模型-視圖-控制)模式的BBS網站系統所用到的技術和方法。其中運用了JSP技術(Java Server Page)、Struts技術、My SQL數據庫技術等等,并從幾個不同的方面來對上述技術的實現方法進行了討論。最后實現了BBS系統,其主要功能包括會員注冊、討論區文章查閱和后臺管理。其中后臺管理包括用戶管理、論壇分類管理和論壇主題管理。該BBS系統主要給Java技術愛好者以及初學者和開發人員提供1個交流的平臺,相互之間可以交流經驗與心得,并且彼此之間在技術上可以相互幫助,從而促進大家的水平的提高。
關鍵詞:BBS;My SQL;Struts;MVC
The Development of BBS System based on MVC Design Pattern
Abstract: At present, we can obtain the latest software and information at any time through BBS system, also can discuss various interesting topics such as computer software, hardware, Internet, multimedia, designing program and medical science with others through BBS system too. Even more, we can make use of BBS system to publish notices such as some “advertising for a friend “, " transferring cheap " and " company products “, etc.
BBS system has provided a platform for people to publish his own suggestion freely to registered user, the members of BBS can login on the system through internet, then they can log-in system, deliver articles, read articles, reply to articles, etc. This paper has introduced how to develop a BBS, which based on MVC (model - view - control) design pattern. This BBS system has used JSP technology (Java Server Page), Struts technology, My SQL database technology etc. And it has discusses the implementation method of the technology which described above all from several different aspects. Finally we have implemented the BBS system. It offers people to register and search for the articles in the forum, It also has backend management module .The backend management includes user management、the forum classifies management and forum subject management. This BBS mainly offers a platform for Java technological fans、beginners and developers to communicate experience and insight with each other. And also can help each other to prove their skills, thus promote the improvement of everybodys level.
Keywords: BBS ;My SQL ; Struts; MVC
前 言