I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30)
1. LTD:有限公司(Company limited)
2. CPI:居民消費價格指數 (Consumer Price Index)
3. R. S. V. P:請回復(法語 Rpondez sil vous plat. =Reply, if you please.)
4. LSE
5. ATT(C)
6. VTR
7. SW
9. CAF
10. Alongside Delivery
11. Exchange Settlerment
12. Installment Payment
13. Named Departure Point
14. Debit Note
15. Notice of Damage
16. 全損
17. 分批裝船
18. 增值稅:
19. 中等發達國家
20. 運費免付
21. 工商管理學學士
23. 瑞士法郎
24. 聚酯纖維
25. 自由關稅區
26. 轉賬憑單
27. 注銷支票
28. 中國國際信托投資公司
29. 直送航鋏
30. 賬面赤字
II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively.
Source Text 1:
Letter of Credit
Payment is of great importance in international trade. The final result of business activities is to get the amount of money for goods supplied or services rendered. Otherwise, all would be meaningless.
Among all the modes of payment (remittance, collection and letter of credit) letter of credit is the most widely used.
The letter of credit is a kind of bank credit instead of commercial credit like remittance or collection. It is a written document drawn to the exporter by the bank at the request of the importer. By means of letter of credit, both the seller and buyer are well proteeted. The exporter is assured of the payment when he dispatches the goods, while the buyer is assured of the title to the goods before he pays for them.
In payment by letter of credit, there are six parties concerned:
☆ The applicant: also called the opener, usually it is the importer
☆ The. opening bank.or the issuing bank
☆ The advising bank or.the notifying bank
☆ The beneficiary: usually it is the exporter
☆ The negotiating bank
☆ The paying bank or the drawee bank
There are many kinds of letter of credit among which doeumentary L/C is the most widely usfed in international trade. In documentary letter of credit operations, all parties concerned actually deal in documents, instead of goods. Therefore, banks must examine all the documents with great care to make sure that everything is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit.
As a seller, you should always have a clear understanding of your risks in concluding a contract of sale and requirements in relation to the worthiness of the buyer, the political, economical and legal situation in the buyers country and the buyers own liquidity. This helps you to decide what kind of documentary letter of credit you may requirerevocable letter of credit, unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit or confirmed irrevocable letter of credit. (328 words)
Source Text 2:
經濟發展應與環境保護齊頭并進。在解決環境問題時,不僅要考慮各國的眼前利益, 還要考慮全世界的長遠利益。目前,應該首先解決發展中國家的水土流失,沙漠化,植被減少,以及永旱災等環境污染和生態環境惡化的向題。這些問題的解決將不僅消除對發展中國家環境與發展的威脅,也對全球的環境保護和經濟發展極為有利。中國在經濟發展的過程中非常重視環境保護,并且把環境保護做為一項基本國策。
中國愿意承擔與其發展水平相適應的責任和義務, 也愿意和包括亞洲各國在內的.國際社會進行合作和交流,為改善全球生態環境,促迸入類社會文明作出積極的貢獻。只要世界各國本著同舟共濟的精神,務實合作,積極行動,就一定能在發展經濟的同時保護好地球環境, 使之成為人類安居樂業的美好家園。(319 words)