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China's new year's resolution: Buy more overseas assets, especially resources.
Sound familiar? It's the same resolution China made last year, and the year before.
China's outbound mergers and acquisitions totaled $43.39 billion in 2009, according to Dealogic. That was down from $50.33 billion in 2008, but only because China's most ambitious deal of the year, Aluminum Corp. of China's proposed $19.5 billion alliance with Rio Tinto, was thwarted when Rio opted for a tie-up with BHP Billiton instead.
Dealogic的數據顯示,中國2009年的海外并購總額為433.9億美元。這雖然低于2008年的503.3億美元,卻只是因為中國這一年最雄心勃勃的海外并購──中國鋁業公司(Aluminum Corp. of China)擬斥資195億美元聯手力拓(Rio Tinto)的交易,因后者轉而選擇與必和必拓(BHP Billiton)合作而告吹。
The results of China's overseas buying binge, which first went into overdrive in 2008, are astonishing. Total outbound M&A in 2008 and 2009 alone surpassed all China's outbound M&A for the previous eight years
Don't expect the action to let up soon.
'We believe this trend is very likely to continue given the size of the Chinese economy relative to other economies in the region, and the desire for Chinese companies to expand internationally,' says Ed King, head of M&A for Asia Pacific at Morgan Stanley. The main area of focus, he adds, will be resources, which accounted for two-thirds of all China's deals overseas last year.
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)亞太區并購部主管金愷(Edward King)說,鑒于中國經濟相對于亞太地區其他經濟體的龐大規模,以及中國公司海外擴展的愿望,我們相信這一趨勢很有可能持續下去。他說,中國海外并購的主要著眼點是資源領域,中國2009年海外并購案的三分之二發生在這一領域。
Iron ore, copper, coal, natural gas and the like are critical to fuel China's growth, and Beijing has made it clear investments abroad that secure access to these resources will get the green light. Potential buyers have had no problem lining up financing from China Development Bank and other state-owned lenders.
鐵礦石、銅、煤炭、天然氣等自然資源對推動中國經濟增長起著至關重要的作用,中國政府已明確表示,將對旨在獲取這些自然資源的海外投資開綠燈。中國的那些潛在買家在獲得國家開發銀行(China Development Bank)等國有金融機構的融資支持方面一向不存在問題。
江蘇高考不減招 省教育廳再次重申“三不減少”「解讀」08-08