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      1. 工作支持的感謝信

        時間:2020-11-22 17:05:48 感謝信 我要投稿







          在合作過程中如果您有任何問題,請不要忘了致電我們,歡迎您提出任何的意見和建議,以便我們更順暢的溝通及改進,并為您提供更優良的工程。 在未來的日子來,xx的全體員工將繼續艱苦奮斗、開拓創新,為各位新老客戶創造持續價值。同時希望您能夠繼續支持和幫助我們,也愿我們攜手共進,共創輝煌!








          做為中立的互聯網基礎設施服務提供商,世紀互聯一直致力于為客戶提供高品質的服務,其中,網絡質量是保證客戶感知的重要基礎,響應速度是提升客戶感知的關鍵環節。在過去XXX年中,貴司給予了世紀互聯非常有力的支撐和保障,尤其是貴司集團客戶部,作為具體業務接口部門,扎扎實實做工作、勤勤懇懇保質量,集中展現出高度的敬業和專業精神,針對我司一些專線客戶,不斷優化網絡質量,全年網絡故障由XXX年的50余次減少為9次,網絡品質大幅改善。同時,響應效率也得到極大的提升,針對一些突發狀況,曾連續兩天奮戰到凌晨兩點,各級領導親自過問搶修進度,讓我們十分感動,也獲得了客戶普遍的認可和好評。 在此,我們由衷的感謝貴司對世紀互聯的關心和愛護,同時向那些曾經幫忙過世紀互聯的一線人員、各級領導表示最真摯的敬意,我們真切的感受到雙方合作日益緊密、發展環境越來越好。


















          Thank letters

          Last Thursday was Thanksgiving Day, which is a American holiday. I was very puzzled that why there is not any holiday to express gratitude to God for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love and support in our own country. For myself, I take this opportunity to get to think my Thanksgiving. Thus I continue to think about this idea, first of all, I should give thanks to God certainly, then I think about the guys around me: there are many people to thank ,people who have done so much for me that I could never possibly repay them . What’s more worse, I’d always just accepted what they’d done. Today I really want to express to any of them, as a sincere “Thank you.”

          It's not often that I put pen to paper to let others know how important they are to me, but after all of the emotional support they've given me following my Frustrated I thought it was only right to tell they how much it meant to me. Sitting at a table with memories of things each had done ,I try to composing genuine statements of heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my mom. I want to share with you a letter that I wrote especially to my mom. It was not her birthday, or Mother's Day, it was a just because day. Following is a thank you letter for my mom.

          Dear mom

          I know that we don't get to chose who are parents will be but, I know that God knows what he is doing. I was blessed with the best mother and couldn't ask for more.

          I have not always been the best daughter one could wish for, so for today I will do my best to make my wrongs right. I don't know that I have ever asked for your forgiveness, but I am sure that you already forgave me. Now I am asking to make sure that you heard it from me, "please forgive me for all the wrongs that I have done."

          I never realized that how difficult being a mother is, in addition I didn't always understand nor appreciate you. Now I wish I would have helped you more with the chores around our home. I wish I would have known the exhaustion that a mother feels at the end of each day. You never stopped loving me and you never ever left me even though at times you probably felt like it. I always had a new pair of sneakers at the beginning of each school year, and you would wear the same pair of sneakers for 5 or more years. You always put me first and yourself second. There are so many things you did without a second thought. You took care of me when I was sick, even though you were

          sick, too. You went nights without sleep from worrying. You made sure that every morning I was up and off to school. There are so many more things that I could list, but I would never be able to remember them all. I took up most of your time, leaving you with no time for yourself.

          In 20xx, I was lost in the failure of college entrance examination .Being made redundant was terrible for me, it made me feel as though I'd lost my purpose in life. But you were always there to lend a helping hand with a warn heart, because you believed your son was the best . But more than anything, I appreciate that you never thought any less of me when I was out of work. I learned a lot about you during that time, and with you in particular I learned that you are the best mom anyone could hope to have. For all of these reasons, and so many more, I just wanted to say thank you.

          Thank you for always having hope for me when I didn’t have for myself. Thank you for telling me not to give up when I said I couldn’t do it any more.

          Thank you for never giving up on me when I went through that dark period, when I shut every one out of my life. When loving me must have been like trying to hold a cactus. Thank you for loving me through all of my rejections of help and love.

          Thank you for mediating in the relationship with my brother, I know it must be very hard for you to be stuck in the middle of the tension that was between us. Thank you for never taking sides, for being there for both of us equally, for being the perfect mother to your very fertile son, and being the perfect mother and pillar of strength to your very infertile son.

          Thank you for sty with me when I was sick in hospital. Thank you for sitting there in the chair, either entertaining me with stories from home or just sitting quietly.

          What a sacrifice you made to raise me. Thank you, Mom, so much, for every second of the day that you cared and guided me to be who I am today.

          I came to understand something else that I never did before, the love that a mother has for her children is the most powerful, protective, caring, emotional, sacrificing love that will ever exist on this earth.

          I have to say it again, Mom. Thank you with all my heart and I want to tell you that I love you so very, very much and that I am so proud to tell people that you are my mother.

          Love, your son.


          Dayu Shi(史大禹)

          Tianjin College, University of Science and Technology Beijing International Business and Trade

          TEL:15510900246 E-mail:dayushi@163.com The manager

          Kweichow moutai Co.,Ltd.

          Dear Sir/Madam: Application for International Salesmen

          I writing to you, I hope I can get a chance in your company. Currently, I am a junior student in Tianjin College, University of Science and Technology Beijing, my major is international economy and trade.

          I see your company's recruitment information from the newspaper, I am interested in international sales staff post.I study at university is in the international economy and trade.I passed the College English Test-6 at school.I can skilled use English to communicate with people, and master the international sales of specialized terms.And during the university I have been worked as an intern in a foreign trade company, have certain work experience. Sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. Please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. I guarantee you'll be providing your corporation with an outstanding international salesmen.Thank you for your attention. Sincerely,

          Dayu Shi






          八年風雨征程,見證著俊豪公司的成長、進步與發展。如今的俊豪公司,已經發展成為集原材料的配送、生產、加工、研發、營銷推廣于一體的中國包裝行業的重要企業,她以無可爭議的經營實力和品牌價值,穩居中國包裝行業百強之列?『廊,永懷感恩之心!我們感恩社會,是社會給了我們生存發展的機會和環境;感恩客戶,是你們選擇了俊豪,是你們用智慧幫助我們開拓了市場,為我們提供訂單;是你們及時的反饋市場信息,使得俊豪產品在升級換代過程中成功贏得了市場。 飲水思源,我們深知,俊豪公司的發展和壯大,一刻也離不開您的關注、信任、支持和參與。能與尊敬的各位客戶結成合作伙伴,實現互利共贏、共同發展,我們感到榮幸之至。今后我們將不斷開拓進取,憑借優質的產品、良好的信譽和周到的服務,為廣大客戶朋友提供更為廣闊的發展空間。我們完全相信,只要有您的支持合作,只要我們不斷努力,我們共同的事業一定會有大空間、大作為、大發展。






















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