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      2. 上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語6份

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          上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語 1


          1. 題目

          教學內容:外研版(三年級起點)小學英語四年級上冊Module 5 Unit 1 Can you run fast?





          重點教授新單詞“run, fast, jump, high, far”和句型“Can you...? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.”。



          2. 面試過程



          回答:In primary school English teaching, both fun and knowledge are crucial. On one hand, making the class interesting can arouse students enthusiasm. For example, using games, songs and stories in teaching. It can make students more engaged and willing to learn. On the other hand, knowledge is the core. We should ensure that students master basic English knowledge such as vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns. To balance them, we can integrate knowledge into interesting activities. For instance, when teaching new words, we can use games like "Word Bingo" to let students learn while having fun.


          回答:If there are students not following the discipline in class, first of all, I will use non - verbal cues such as making eye contact or approaching them gently to remind them. If it doesnt work, I will stop the class briefly and address the issue in a calm and positive way. I might say something like "Dear students, we are in a learning environment, and everyone needs to follow the rules so that we can all learn well." I will also find out the reasons behind their misbehavior. Maybe they are bored or have some personal problems. Then I can adjust my teaching methods or offer appropriate help accordingly.



          Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Today, we are going to have a very interesting English class. First, lets watch a short video about the sports meeting. (Show a short video about a sports meeting on PPT.)

          After watching the video, I will ask you some questions. What can you see in the video? Yes, there are many students running, jumping and so on. Do you like sports? I like sports very much. And today we will learn some words and sentences about sports.



          Now, look at this picture. (Show a picture of a boy running on PPT.) What is he doing? Yes, he is running. Read after me, "run, run, run". (Use the big - mouth method to let students read the word several times.) And if someone runs very quickly, we can say "fast". (Show the word "fast" on the word card.) "Fast, fast, run fast". (Let students read and do the action of running fast at the same time.)

          Next, look at this picture. (Show a picture of a girl jumping.) What is she doing? Great, she is jumping. "Jump, jump, jump". (Ask students to jump gently while reading the word.) And if she jumps very high, we can say "high". (Show the word "high" on the word card and let students read with the action of jumping high.)

          Then, look at this picture. (Show a picture of a boy throwing a ball far.) What can you see? He throws the ball far. "Far, far, very far". (Show the word "far" on the word card and let students read while making the action of throwing far.)


          Now, boys and girls, lets play a game. I will do an action, and you can ask me "Can you...?" For example, I will run a little. (Run a short distance.) Now you can ask me "Can you run?" And I will answer "Yes, I can." (Repeat this game several times with different actions like jump, throw far.)

          Then, I will ask some of you to come to the front. I will say an action, for example, "jump high", and you can do the action and answer my question "Can you jump high?" with "Yes, I can." or "No, I cant." (Invite several students to play this game.)


          Pair work

          Now, I will divide you into pairs. One student does an action, and the other student asks "Can you...?" and the first student answers. You can use the words and actions we just learned. (Let students practice for about 5 minutes.)

          After that, I will ask some pairs to show their performance in front of the class. (Invite 2 - 3 pairs to perform.)

          Group work

          Next, we will do a group work. I will give each group a set of word cards and some pictures. You need to make a short dialogue using the words and sentences we learned today. For example, you can say "Can you jump high?" "Yes, I can." or "No, I cant." (Let students work in groups for about 5 minutes.)

          Then, I will ask one group to come to the front and show their dialogue. (Invite one group to perform.)


          Boys and girls, today we have learned some new words, "run, fast, jump, high, far" and a very useful sentence pattern "Can you...? Yes, I can. / No, I cant." We also played a lot of games and did some pair work and group work. I hope you all had a great time and learned a lot.


          For your homework, I want you to make a short video about sports. You can use the words and sentences we learned today. You can show your running, jumping or other sports actions and say some sentences like "Can you run fast? Yes, I can." Share your video in our English learning group.



          回答:I choose the game - teaching method because primary school students are full of energy and curiosity. Games can make the learning process more interesting and engaging. It can also help students relax and reduce their learning pressure. Through games, students can learn English unconsciously, which is more effective than rote learning. For example, in the "Can you...?" game, students can practice the new words and sentence patterns actively while having fun.


          回答:To cultivate students oral English expression ability, first of all, I create a lot of real - life situations in class, like the sports meeting situation today, so that students have more opportunities to use English to communicate. Second, I encourage students to speak more in class through positive feedback. For example, when they answer correctly, I will praise them and give some small rewards. Third, I design various oral practice activities such as pair work and group work. In these activities, students can practice speaking with their peers and improve their oral English skills gradually.

          上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語 2


          1. 教學內容

          題目:My Family



          運用簡單的句型“This is my...”來介紹家庭成員。


          2. 結構化面試題目





          1. 導入(2分鐘)


          Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Look at this picture. Its a picture of my family. Today, we are going to learn about family members.

          2. 新授(10分鐘)


          指著照片中的爸爸,說:“This is my father.” 然后引導學生重復“father”這個單詞,多重復幾遍,注意糾正學生的發音。

          用同樣的方法教授“mother、sister、brother、grandfather、grandmother”這些單詞。可以在教每個單詞的時候簡單描述一下家庭成員的特征,如“My mother is very kind.” “My sister is cute.”等。


          再次指著照片中的爸爸,說:“This is my father.” 然后引導學生用這個句型來描述照片中的其他家庭成員。可以先讓學生個別練習,再進行小組練習。


          3. 鞏固練習(12分鐘)


          請一名學生到講臺前,老師悄悄地給他/她看一張家庭照片中的某個家庭成員,然后讓這位學生用“This is my...”句型來描述這個家庭成員,其他學生根據描述來猜出這個家庭成員是誰。例如,臺上的學生說:“This is my brother. He is tall.”臺下的學生就可以舉手回答“Is he Tom?”等。



          將學生分成小組,每個小組發一張白紙和一些彩筆。讓學生在紙上畫出自己的家庭樹,并用剛剛學過的單詞和句型來介紹自己的家庭樹。例如:“This is my grandfather. This is my grandmother. They have a son. He is my father. My father has a wife. She is my mother. And I have a sister and a brother.”


          4. 課堂小結(3分鐘)

          與學生一起回顧本節課所學的家庭成員單詞(father、mother、sister、brother、grandfather、grandmother)和句型(This is my...)。

          提問個別學生:“What have you learned today?”,讓學生用英語簡單回答。

          5. 作業布置(3分鐘)

          讓學生回家后用英語向自己的家人介紹其他家庭成員。例如,向爸爸介紹媽媽,可以說:“Dad, this is my mother.”



          1. 題目1:如果在課堂上有學生突然情緒失控大哭起來,你會怎么做?


          首先,我會立即停止授課,走到這個學生身邊,輕聲詢問他/她發生了什么事情。例如,我會說:“Dear, whats wrong? Can you tell me?” 用溫和、關切的語氣讓學生感受到我的關心。




          2. 題目2:如何在小學英語教學中激發學生對英語的學習興趣?



          游戲教學法:在課堂上經常組織一些英語游戲,像上面提到的“猜猜他是誰”游戲,還有單詞接龍游戲(用上本節課學的單詞,一個學生說一個單詞,下一個學生以前一個單詞的最后一個字母為首字母說下一個單詞,例如father - run - nose等)、角色扮演游戲(如模擬餐廳點餐,用英語對話)等。這些游戲能夠讓學生在輕松愉快的氛圍中學習英語,提高他們的參與度。





          在課堂上盡量使用英語進行教學,從簡單的指令(如“Stand up.” “Sit down.” “Open your books.”)開始,逐漸增加英語的使用比例。讓學生習慣在英語環境中理解和表達。





          上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語 3


          1. 題目

          小學英語三年級上冊Unit 3 My Friends

          2. 內容

          詞匯:tall, short, strong, thin, friendly, quiet

          句型:He/She is... Look at... He/She has...(描述外貌特征和性格特點)


          A: Look at that boy.

          B: Who is he?

          A: He is my friend, Tom. He is tall and strong.

          B: Is he friendly?

          A: Yes, he is very friendly.


          1. 全英文授課,教學過程中要有必要的互動環節。

          2. 能夠運用直觀教具或者多媒體手段輔助教學(假設考場有簡單道具可用)。

          3. 教學時間為10分鐘。


          1. 導入(1 - 2分鐘)

          教師走進教室,與學生熱情打招呼,然后說:“Today, we are going to meet some new friends. But first, lets play a game. I will describe a person, and you guess who he or she is.”教師開始描述:“This person is very tall. He has short hair. He is very friendly and he likes to play basketball. Who is he?”引導學生猜測(可以是某個學生熟悉的明星或者身邊的人)。之后引出今天的主題“My Friends”。

          2. 新授(3 - 5分鐘)


          教師利用教室中的學生或者展示人物圖片(如果有道具)引出新單詞。例如,指著一個高個子的學生說:“Look at this boy. He is tall.”并重復幾遍tall這個單詞,讓學生跟讀。然后用同樣的方法教short(指著一個矮一點的同學)、strong(可以展示一個強壯的運動員圖片)、thin(對比胖瘦不同的圖片)、friendly(教師自己做出友好的表情和動作)、quiet(做出安靜的手勢)。每個單詞教完后,讓學生分組讀、個別讀,糾正發音。



          教師再次利用圖片或者身邊的學生引出句型。如指著一個學生說:“Look at Lily. She is short. She is quiet.”然后讓學生模仿這個句子來描述其他同學或者圖片中的人物。教師可以給出一些提示,如“He is...”“She has...”引導學生組成完整的'句子。

          3. 練習(2 - 3分鐘)


          將學生分成小組,每組4 - 5人。給每個小組一張人物圖片(上面有不同外貌和性格特征的人物),讓小組內成員互相描述圖片中的人物。例如:“He is strong. He has big eyes. He is friendly.”教師巡視各個小組,及時給予指導和幫助。



          4. 總結與作業(1分鐘)

          教師與學生一起回顧本節課所學的詞匯和句型。然后布置作業:讓學生畫一個自己的朋友,并寫3 - 5句話來描述他/她的外貌和性格特點。最后教師說:“I hope you can make more friends and love your friends.”

          上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語 4


          1. 面試科目:小學英語

          2. 題目類型:詞匯教學

          3. 具體題目:教授單詞“cat”“dog”“bird”“fish”


          1. 知識與技能目標


          能夠用簡單的句子描述這些動物,如“I like the cat.”

          2. 過程與方法目標



          3. 情感態度與價值觀目標



          1. 教學重點


          2. 教學難點



          1. 導入(Lead - in)

          教師播放一段動物叫聲的音頻(包含貓叫、狗叫、鳥叫和魚在水中游動的聲音),然后問學生:“What can you hear?”引導學生用中文說出他們聽到的動物聲音。

          教師說:“Today we are going to learn some English words about these animals.”

          2. 新授(Presentation)


          教師展示一張貓的`圖片,說:“Look at this picture. Its a cat.”教師重復“cat”這個單詞,讓學生跟讀幾遍。然后教師模仿貓的動作和聲音“Meow, meow”,并引導學生一起模仿,加深對單詞的記憶。


          展示狗的圖片,說:“This is a dog.”教師引導學生觀察狗的特征,如四條腿、尾巴等,同時重復“dog”這個單詞,讓學生跟讀。教師模仿狗叫“Woof, woof”,讓學生模仿并說單詞。


          展示鳥的圖片,說:“Here is a bird.”教師強調“bird”的發音,尤其是字母組合“ir”的發音,讓學生跟讀。教師可以模仿鳥飛的動作并說:“The bird can fly.”


          展示魚的圖片,說:“This is a fish.”教師讓學生觀察魚的形狀和在水中游的樣子,重復“fish”這個單詞,讓學生跟讀。同時,教師簡單提及“fish”的復數形式還是“fish”或者“fishes”(可在后續練習中進一步鞏固)。

          3. 練習(Practice)





          教師在黑板上寫出句型“I like the...”,讓學生用剛學的單詞填空,并大聲朗讀句子,如“I like the cat.”“I like the dog.”等。

          4. 鞏固(Consolidation)

          教師創設一個“動物園”的情境,讓學生分組進行角色扮演。一名學生扮演游客,其他學生扮演不同的動物(通過動作和說出自己代表的動物單詞來展示),游客要說出自己喜歡的動物,如“I like the bird. It can fly.”


          5. 總結(Summary)



          6. 作業(Homework)



          上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語 5


          1. 題目

          教學內容:外研社(一起)三年級起點三年級上冊Module 5 Unit 1 How many?





          重點教授數字1 - 10的英語表達及句型“How many...?”“There are...”

          2. 具體的教學過程如下


          1. Greetings

          Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?

          2. Lead - in

          Show a picture of a park on the PPT. There are many things in the park, such as trees, flowers, and benches.

          Point to the trees and say, “Look! There are some trees in the park. How many trees can you see?” Then, count the trees slowly together, “One, two, three...” This way leads students to the topic of numbers.


          1. Teaching numbers 1 - 10

          Use flashcards to show the number “1” and say, “One.” Ask students to repeat after me several times. Do the same for the numbers from 2 - 10 (two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten).

          Play a “number chant” game. For example, say the chant: “One, one, one, a little pen; Two, two, two, a little blue; Three, three, three, a little bee...” and ask students to follow me. This helps students remember the numbers more easily.

          2. Teaching the sentence patterns “How many...?” and “There are...”

          Show a picture of some apples on the PPT. Ask, “How many apples are there?” Then answer by myself, “There are five apples.” Repeat this with different pictures, such as pencils, books, etc.

          Encourage students to make sentences in pairs. One student asks the question “How many...?” using the things in the classroom, and the other student answers “There are...”


          1. Group work - counting game

          Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a box of small items, such as erasers, crayons, etc.

          One student in the group takes out some items and asks, “How many...?” The other group members count and answer, “There are...”

          Each group has 3 - 5 minutes to play the game, and then I will choose some groups to show their performance in front of the class.

          2. Write and say

          Give each student a piece of paper. Ask them to draw some things they like, such as animals or fruits, and write the number of each thing beside it. For example, if they draw three cats, they write “3” beside the cats.

          Then ask students to show their pictures and say sentences like, “There are three cats.”


          1. Summary by teacher

          Summarize what we have learned today. We have learned the numbers from 1 - 10 and two important sentence patterns “How many...?” and “There are...”

          Encourage students to practice these numbers and sentences more after class.


          1. Oral homework

          Ask students to go home and count the things in their rooms with their parents, using the sentence patterns “How many...?” and “There are...”

          2. Written homework

          Write the numbers from 1 - 10 five times each and make two sentences with “How many...?” and “There are...”


          1. 導入環節


          2. 新授環節

          利用閃卡教授數字1 - 10,直觀且能讓學生集中注意力。數字歌謠游戲增加了學習的趣味性,有助于學生記憶。通過PPT展示不同物品的.圖片來教授句型“How many...?”和“There are...”,并讓學生進行兩兩對話練習,能讓學生更好地掌握句型的用法。

          3. 練習環節


          4. 總結環節


          5. 作業布置環節


          上半年教師資格證面試真題小學英語 6



          1. 題目:My School Subjects

          2. 內容:


          能夠運用句型 “I like... because...” 來表達自己喜歡的學科及原因。


          1. 全英文授課,試講時間10分鐘。

          2. 要有適當的`互動環節,如提問、小組活動等。

          3. 教學過程要體現趣味性,激發學生學習英語的興趣。


          (一)Teaching Aims(教學目標)

          1. Knowledge aims(知識目標)

          Students can master the English words about school subjects: math, English, science, art, PE, music.

          Students can use the sentence pattern “I like... because...” to express their favorite subjects and reasons.

          2. Ability aim(能力目標)

          Improve students ability to speak English and communicate in English.

          3. Emotional aim(情感目標)

          Stimulate students interest in learning English and make them realize the importance of different school subjects.

          (二)Teaching Key Points(教學重點)

          1. Master the words about school subjects.

          2. Use the sentence pattern “I like... because...” correctly.

          (三)Teaching Difficult Points(教學難點)

          1. How to encourage students to express their true feelings and reasons when using the sentence pattern.

          (四)Teaching Methods(教學方法)

          1. Task - based teaching method.

          2. Communicative teaching method.

          (五)Teaching Aids(教學用具)

          1. PPT with pictures of different school subjects.

          2. Word cards.

          (六)Teaching Procedures(教學過程)

          1. Lead - in (2 minutes)

          Greet the students and sing an English song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” together to create a relaxed English - learning atmosphere.

          Show a picture of a school on the PPT and ask students: “What can you see in the school?” Guide students to answer some simple words like classroom, playground. Then say: “Today we are going to learn some different school subjects.”

          2. Presentation (3 minutes)

          Show the PPT with pictures of math class (students doing math problems), and say: “This is math. Math, math, m - a - t - h.” Let students read after me several times. Then use the same method to teach the words “English”, “science”, “art”, “PE”, “music”.

          After teaching all the words, play a quick - response game. Hold up the word cards one by one, and let students read the words as quickly as possible.

          3. Practice (3 minutes)

          Group work: Divide the students into groups of four. Each student in the group chooses a school subject and uses the sentence pattern “I like... because...” to say a sentence. For example, “I like art because I can draw beautiful pictures.” After that, ask each group to send a representative to report to the whole class.

          Pair work: Ask students to work in pairs. One student asks: “What subject do you like?” The other student answers using the sentence pattern. Then they change roles and practice again.

          4. Summary and Homework (2 minutes)

          Summary: Summarize the key words and sentence patterns learned today with the students.

          Homework: Ask students to draw a picture of their favorite school subject and write a sentence about why they like it using “I like... because...”.




          Answer: Well, I understand that these parents may highly value academic achievements, but I dont fully agree with this view. School learning is indeed important as it equips students with knowledge and basic skills. However, childrens development is multi - faceted.

          First of all, in terms of physical health, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle outside of school are essential for their growth. For example, participating in sports can not only strengthen their bodies but also cultivate their perseverance and teamwork spirit.

          Secondly, social skills also play a crucial role. Through interacting with others in different social situations, children can learn how to communicate effectively, respect others, and solve conflicts, which are skills that cannot be fully acquired just within the school classroom.

          Finally, hobbies and interests can enrich childrens inner world and stimulate their creativity. If parents only focus on academic performance, children may miss out on the opportunity to explore their own potential in other areas.

          So, parents should also pay attention to the all - round development of their children in addition to academic performance.



          Answer: In an English classroom, I will use several strategies to stimulate students interest.

          Firstly, I will use multimedia resources. For example, showing interesting English cartoons, English songs, and vivid PPTs with pictures and animations. These visual and auditory materials can attract students attention and make the learning process more enjoyable.

          Secondly, I will design various interesting games and activities. Such as word games like “bingo” for vocabulary learning, role - play activities for sentence pattern practice. Through games, students can learn English in a relaxed and competitive atmosphere.

          Thirdly, I will create a real - life language environment. Encourage students to use English to communicate in the classroom, such as having English - only days, or setting up English - corner - like areas in the classroom where students can freely talk about their daily lives, hobbies, etc. in English.

          Finally, I will also relate English learning to students interests. For example, if a student likes football, I will introduce English - related football knowledge, like famous football teams in English - speaking countries and their players names in English. This way, students will feel that English is closely related to their interests and will be more motivated to learn.











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