• <sub id="h4knl"><ol id="h4knl"></ol></sub>
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      <sub id="h4knl"><ol id="h4knl"><em id="h4knl"></em></ol></sub><s id="h4knl"></s>
      1. <strong id="h4knl"></strong>

      2. ACCA教材詞匯

        時間:2024-05-27 19:09:48 ACCA 我要投稿
        • 相關推薦


          獨資企業 Sole trader

          銀行透支 Bank overdraft

          購貨退回 Return outwards

          銷貨退回 Return inwards

          毛利 Gross profit

          租金與地方稅 Rent and rates

          收到的折扣 Discount received

          給與的折扣 Discount allowed

          要求權 Claim

          提款 Drawings

          合伙企業 Partnership

          合伙人 Partner

          合伙協議 Partnership agreement

          資本利息 Interest on capital

          剩余利潤 Residual profit

          分配 Appropriation

          盈虧分配帳戶 Profit and loss appropriation

          結轉下期余額 Balance carried down

          上期結轉余額 Balance Brought down

          合伙人貸款 Partner’s loan

          合作企業 Joint venture

          合作企業備查帳戶 Memorandum joint venture

          雜費 Sundry expenses

          傭金 Commission

          運出運費 Carriage outwards

          運入運費 Carriage inwards

          聯合銀行存款帳戶 Joint bank account

          商譽 Goodwill

          重估價法 Revaluation method

          合并 Amalgamation

          合并前 Pre-Amalgamation

          合并后 Post-Amalgamation

          通過支付年金清償 Discharge by payment of annuity

          年金暫記帳戶 Annuity suspense account

          保險金 Premiums

          退保價值 Surrender value

          人壽保險政策帳戶 Life assurance policies account

          貿易表 Trading account

          終止 Cessation

          變賣資產帳戶 Realization account

          合伙企業的解體 Dissolution of partnership

          最后約定的資本 Last agreed capital

          逐步解體 Piecemeal dissolution

          變賣資產費用準備 Provision for realization expense

          變賣資產損失 Loss on realization

          股票帳戶 Shares account

          英國境內公司 UK resident company

          非免稅收入 Un-franked receipts

          公司所得稅費用 CT charge

          代扣所得稅的交納 Payment under deduction of IT

          磨損 Wear and tear

          擁有法定所有權的土地 Freehold land

          過時 Obsolescence

          開采或消耗 Extraction of consumption over time

          直線法 Straight line method

          余額遞減法 Reducing balance method

          年數總和法 Sum of the digits method

          累計折舊 Accumulated depreciations

          經濟使用年限 Useful economic lives

          每股凈收益 Earnings per share

          例外項目 Exceptional items

          非常項目 Extraordinary items

          前期調整 Prior year adjustment

          不能抵銷的預交公司稅 Irrevocable advanced corporation tax

          未抵銷的損失 Unrelieved losses

          凈值基礎 Net basis

          零值基礎 Nil basis

          消耗品 Consumable stores

          成本與可實現凈值孰低 The lower of cost and net realizable value

          平均成本 Average cost

          先進先出 First in first out

          后進先出 Last in first out

          標準成本 Standard cost

          重置成本 Replacement cost

          資產負債表日后日期 Event after balance sheet date

          董事會 The board of directors

          調整事項 Adjusting event

          非調整事項 Non-adjusting event

          或有事項 Contingencies

          或有收益 Contingent gain

          或有損失 Contingent loss

          資本承諾 Capital commitments

          現金流量表 Cash flow statement

          信用交易 Credit transaction

          現實購買力會計 Current purchasing power accounting (CPP)

          現實成本會計 Current cost accounting(CCA)

          零售物價指數 Retail price index

          持有收益 Holding gains

          業績評估 Assessment of performance

          貨幣性項目的衡量 Measurement of monetary items

          貨幣性資產 Monetary assets

          貨幣性負債 Monetary liabilities

          征求意見稿 Exposure draft

          貨幣性營運資本調整 Monetary working capital adjustment

          舉債比率調整 Gearing adjustment

          凈營業資產 Net operating assets

          發行和贖回債券 Issue and redemption debentures

          債券 Bonds

          契約 Deed

          無擔保債券 Naked-debentures(unsecured)

          擁有法定所有權的 Freehold

          償債基金 Sinking fund

          債券贖回償債基金 Debenture redemption sinking fund account

          償債基金投資帳戶 Sinking fund investment account

          可轉換債券 Convertible debentures

          資本化發行 Capitalization issue

          股權發行 Bonus issue

          含權價 Cum-rights prices

          除權價 Ex-rights prices

          可分配公積 Distributable of reserves

          以公積支付股利 Paying a dividend out of reserve

          已付清紅利股 Paid-up bonus shares

          重估公積 Revaluation reserve

          減資 Capital reductions

          資本重組 Capital reorganizations

          過剩資本 Excess capital

          資本重建 Capital reconstruction

          權益匯總帳戶 Sundry members account

          實現帳戶 Realization account

          購買者帳戶 Purchaser’s account

          自愿清算 Voluntary liquidation

          特別決議 Special resolution

          方案\計劃 Scheme

          清償\償還 Discharge

          賣方帳戶 Vendor account

          創立合并 Amalgamation

          高估 Over-valuation

          低估 Under-valuation

          集團報表 Group accounts

          縱向聯合 Vertical integration

          橫向聯合 Horizontal integration

          不同行業聯合 Diversification

          控股公司 Holding company

          重大影響 Dominant influence

          直接控制集團 Direct group

          垂直控制集團 Vertical group

          混合控制集團 Mixed group

          盈余公積 Revenue reserve

          合并公積 Consolidation reserve

          少數股權 Minority interests

          合并商譽 Goodwill on consolidation

          合并資本公積 Capital reserve on consolidation

          少數股東 Minority share holders

          股本溢價 Share premium

          部分收購 Partial acquisition

          在途支票 Cheque in the post

          收買前后 Pre( post)-acquisition

          調整帳戶 Adjustment accounts

          對子公司投資 Investment in subsidiary

          普通公積 General reserve

          參與股權 Participating interest

          集團內部交易 Intra-group trading

          公司間銷售 Inter-company sales

          溢價 Premium

          折價 Discount

          債券利息 Debenture interest

          分次購買 Piecemeal acquisition

          關聯公司 Associated company

          多數股權 Majority holding

          累計控股 Cumulative holding

          孫公司 Sub-subsidiary

          子集團,附屬集團 Sub-group

          多公司結構 Multi-company structures

          伙伴子公司 Fellow subsidiaries

          有效股權 Effective shareholdings

          控制股權 Controlling interest

          資本報酬率 Return on capital employed

          產權收益率 Returen on equity

          息稅前凈利 Net Profit before interest and tax

          應收帳款帳齡表 Aging schedule of debtors

          資金來源及運用表 Source and application of funds statement

          通貨膨脹 Inflation

          通貨緊縮 Deflation

          損耗 Deplete

          每股收益 Earnings per share

          股利保證倍數 Dividend cover

          股利分配率 Dividend payout ratio

          股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio

          凈收益率 Earnings yield

          市盈率 Price/ earnings ratio

          公司估價 The valuation of components

          聯營公司 Associated companies

          共同比財務報表 Common-size financial statements

          物質資源 Physical resources

          會計原則 Accounting principles

          會計方法 Accounting methods

          權責發生制 Accrual accounting

          重置成本 Replacement cost

          一般會計原則 Generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP)

          剩余現金 Cash surplus

          凈值減免 Writing down allowance

          收購公司 Purchasing company

          開帳分錄 Opening entry

          接管 Take over

          企業收購帳戶 Business purchase account

          賣主帳戶 Vendor account

          留存收益 Retained earnings

          普通股股本 Ordinary share capital

          優先股股本 Preference share capital

          債券 Debentures

          損益表 Profit and loss account

          股東年會 General meeting

          真實/公允 True and fair

          推銷成本 Distribution cost

          投資注銷額 Amount written-off investment

          自建工程資本化 Own work capitalized

          集團內股票收入 Income from shares in group under takings

          其他股票收入 Income from shares in other participating interests

          自有股 Own shares

          負債準備 Provisions for liabilities

          養老金 Pensions

          資本贖回公積 Capital redemption reserve

          按公司章程保留的公積 Reserve provided for by the articles of association

          公司所得稅 Corporation tas (CT)

          財政年度 Financial year

          預交公司所得稅 Advanced corporation tax(ACT)

          主體公司所得稅 Mainstream corporation tax(MCT)

          所得稅率適用年度 CT year

          稅金抵免 Tax credit

          稅收機構 Inland revenue

          應納稅利潤 Taxable profit

          公司所得稅準備 Provision fo CT

          應抵預交公司所得稅 ACT recoverable

          應付公司所得稅 ACT payable

          預算報告 Budget speech

          資本收益 Capital gain

          小公司稅率 Small companies rate

          邊際利率 Marginal rate

          完全稅率 Full rate

          免稅投資收益 Franked investment income

          資本減免 Capital allowances

          剩余預交公司所得稅 Surplus ACT

          寄售業務 Consignment trading

          匯票 Bills of exchange

          分支機構 Branch

          代理商 Agent

          交易商 Trader

          受托人 Consignee

          委托人,寄售人 Consigner

          保障,賠償 Indemnity

          銷售帳單 Account sales

          寄售利潤 Profit on consignment

          進口稅 Import duties

          運費 Delivery to customers

          途中保險費 Carriage insurance on goods delivered to Customers

          傭金 Commission

          匯付 Remittance

          未售存貨 Unsold stock

          應收票據 Bills receivable

          保險收入 Insurance proceeds

          面值 Face value

          貼現費用 Discount charges

          財務費用 Financing cost

          應付票據 Bills payable

          支出 Expenditure

          即期匯票 Sight drafts

          監管 Custody

          主損益帳戶 Main profit and loss account

          部門化 Departmentalization

          分攤 Apportionment

          共同性費用 Common expense

          包裝紙 Wrapping paper

          評價 Assess

          獨立實體 Independent entity

          投資報酬率 Return on investment

          減除傭金后利潤 Post-commission profit

          賒銷收入 Credit sales

          修理費用 Repair charges

          一般費用 General expense

          分支銷售機構 Selling agency branch

          正常存貨損失 Normal stock losses

          交易帳戶 Trading account

          非常存貨損失 Abnormal stock losses

          本地購貨 Local purchase

          退貨 Returned goods

          獨立分支機構 Independent branch

          往來帳戶 Current account

          復式簿記帳戶 Double-entry accounts

          時間差異 Time lag differences

          分支機構間轉移 Inter-branch transfer

          結算 Settlement

          分支機構間往來帳戶 Interbranch current account

          分支機構存貨調整帳戶 Branch stock adjustment account

          未實現利潤準備 Provision for unrealized profit

          實現原則 Realization

          貨幣折算 Currency translation

          貨幣兌換 Currency conversion

          當地貨幣 Local currency

          匯率 Exchange rate

          即期匯率 Spot rate

          遠期合同 Forward contract

          貼水 Discount

          升水 Premium

          貨幣性項目 Monetary items

          風險 Risk

          不確定性 Uncertainty

          套期保值 Hedging

          長期貨幣性資產 Long-term monetary assets

          長期貨幣性要求權 Long-term monetary claims

          匯兌收益/損失 Exchange rate gain/loss

          時態法 Temporal method

          歷史匯率法 Historic method

          期末匯率法 Closing rate method

          場地費用 Site expenses

          管理費用 Administrative expenses

          裝置和設備 Furniture and fittings

          房屋 Premises

          預付費用 Payment in advance

          建造合同 Construction contract

          工程保留款 Retention

          分期付款 Progress payment

          交易帳戶 Trading account

          合同收入 Contract fee

          合同虧損 Loss on contract

          完工百分比 Percentage of completion

          完成合同 Completed contract

          預期利潤 Expected profit

          承建商 Contractor

          矯正 Rectification

          已鑒定完工價值 Value of work certified

          總部費用 Head office costs

          合同成本 Contract costs

          銷售收入 Turnover

          合同損失準備 Provision for loss on contract

          預收款 Payment on account

          可預見損失 Foreseeable loss

          已付款超過收入(部分) Excess progress payment

          股票/證券 Stock ,security

          債券 Debenture

          法定權利 Legal rights

          報價 Quote

          證券交易所 Stock exchange

          上市投資 Listed investment

          償還 Repayment

          累積股息 Cum div cd

          累積利息 Cum-int ci

          股息除外 Ex-div xd

          利息除外 Ex-int xi

          面值 Nominal value

          市價 Market value

          應計股利 Accrued dividend

          應計利息 Accrued interest

          證券交易所官方清單 Stock exchange official list

          二級市場 Secondary market

          未上市證券市場 Unlisted securities market

          讓與,出售 disposal

          加權平均 Weighted

          結帳 Close off

          已分派股份 Allocated shares

          國庫券 Treasury stock

          認股權發行 Rights issue

          賒銷 Credit sale

          租購 Hire purchase

          信用協議 Credit agreement

          會計處理 Accounting treatment

          經營性租賃 Operating lease

          融資租賃 Finance lease

          出租人/承租人 Lesser /lessee

          一期(二期)租賃 Primary(secondary)period

          不可撤銷的付款 No-cancelable payment

          名義租金 Peppercorn rent

          報酬 Reward

          現值 Present value

          最低租賃付款額 Minimum lease payment

          定金 Deposit

          公允價值 Fair value

          財務費用 Finance charge

          實際利率 Effective rate of finance charge

          平均未付資本余額 Average balance of capital outstanding

          資本償還 Capital repayment

          精確法 Actuarial method

          遞延收益 Deferred income

          分期支付 Installment

          未實現利潤準備 Provision for unrealized profit

          應收租購款帳戶 Hire purchase debtors account

          重新獲得帳戶 Repossessions account

          金融公司 Finance house

          制造商 Manufacturer

          交易商 Dealer

          總盈余 Gross earnings

          政府補助 Government grant

          租賃期 Lease term











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