作者:沈君姝,王健琪,張宜勤,翟振宇,荊西京【關鍵詞】 頭頸部腫瘤;擺位誤差;電子射野影像裝置;數字重建圖像
【Abstract】 AIM: To measure the setup error in the intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for headneck neoplasms, and to analyze the margin between the clinical target volume (CTV) and planning target volume (PTV). METHODS: Seventysix patients with headneck neoplasms were choosed at random. The portal films were screened using the electronic portal imaging device (EPID), and the error was analyzed through comparing the portal film with the digitally reconstruced radiographs (DRR) in the treatment planning system (TPS). RESULTS: The setup errors were (-0.62±1.46) mm,(-0.41±1.54) mm,(-0.31±1.67) mm and the margins were 2.27 mm, 1.87 mm, 1.98 mm in lateral, cranialcaudal and ventraldorsal directions respectively. CONCLUSION: For the patients with headneck neoplasms undergoing the IMRT, the margins between the CTV and the PTV should be 2.5 mm in the lateral direction, and 2 mm in cranialcaudal and ventraldorsal directions. Moreover, with the treatment time goes by, the error varied irregularly.
【Keywords】 head and neck neoplasms; setup error; electronic portal imaging device (EPID); digital reconstructedly radiograph (DRR)
【摘要】目的: 測定頭頸部腫瘤在調強放射治療中的擺位偏差,分析計劃設計中從臨床靶區(CTV)到計劃靶區(PTV)的外擴邊界. 方法: 隨機抽取76名頭頸部腫瘤患者,在治療時用電子射野影像裝置(EPID)拍攝射野片,將射野片和計劃系統中的`數字重建射野(DRR)圖像片進行誤差比較. 結果: 在左右、頭腳、腹背方向的擺位誤差分別是(-0.62±1.46) mm,(-0.41±1.54) mm,(-0.31±1.67) mm,外擴邊界分別是2.27 mm,1.87 mm,1.98 mm. 結論: 對于頭頸部調強治療的患者,CTV到PTV的外放邊界在左右方向需要2.5 mm,頭腳方向和腹背方向需要2 mm.并且隨著治療時間的遞進,擺位誤差沒有規律性的變化.
【關鍵詞】 頭頸部腫瘤;擺位誤差;電子射野影像裝置;數字重建圖像
放射治療過程中患者的擺位偏差是影響精確治療的關鍵因素,越是精確的放射治療,對照射體位和照射野的準確性要求越高. 了解擺位偏差的大小和來源對減少擺位偏差和確定照射野合適的外放邊界是非常有意義的. 本研究對電子射野影像裝置(electronic portal imaging device, EPID)拍攝的患者治療射野圖像與計劃系統所生成的數字重建射野圖像(digital reconstructed radiography, DRR)進行了比較,對調強放射治療(intensity modulated radiation therapy, IMRT)的頭頸部腫瘤的擺位偏差進行測量和誤差分析,并且計算出計劃設計時從臨床靶區(clinical target volume ,CTV)到計劃靶區(planning target volume, PTV)的外擴邊界的具體數值.
1.1材料200411/200509隨機抽取江蘇省腫瘤醫院放療科住院患者76例,年齡4~68(中位45)歲,其中鼻咽癌57例,頭頸部腫瘤19例,包括喉癌、腦瘤、腮腺瘤等. 熱塑面罩及底板,比利時Orfit公司產品;MX8000螺旋CT,荷蘭Philips公司產品;放療專用激光系統,德國Lap公司產品;23EX醫用直線加速器(配備120 葉多葉光柵),Eclipse治療計劃系統,模擬定位機,Portal Vision TM型電子射野影像裝置,圖像分析軟件Vision6.1均為美國Varian 公司產品.