gmat沒有gre中的類比反義和填空,免去了背大量生僻單詞的負擔,但增加了邏輯(critical reasoning)和語法改錯(sentence correction)。其實過去的GRE也是有單項的邏輯題,但后來去除了,然后做為一種題型出現在了閱讀之中。
但真正面對考試,就不那么輕松,因為有時間所限。尤其是難題,運用嚴格的邏輯思維來做,往往耗時甚多。尤其是五個選項逐一論證更是不切實際。所 以對于邏輯題,我們必須要培養一種感覺,依靠這種感覺我們可以很快地將一些無關項排除掉。那這種感覺除了靠大量練習來培養外,更應通過察覺選項中的“無關 信息”,迅速做出判斷,將之排除。
Teenagers are often priced out of the labor market by the government-mandated minimum-wage level because employers cannot afford to pay that much for extra help. Therefore, if Congress institutes a subminimum wage, a new lower legal wage for teenagers, the teenage unemployment rate, which has been rising since 1960, will no longer increase.
(注釋:priced out of the market:因價高而被擠出市場)
Which of the following statements, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
(A)Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen when the minimum wage has risen.
(B)Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen even when the minimum wage remained constant.
(C)Employers often hire extra help during holiday and warm weather seasons.
(D)The teenage unemployment rate rose more quickly in the 1970’s than it did in the 1960’s.
(E)The teenage unemployment rate has occasionally declined in the years since 1960.
先看完問題,發現是削弱題;再讀原文,意思不難,很快提煉出其邏輯為:如果國會制定更低的teenagers最低工資 =》teenagers的失業率將不再上升。顯然,正確選項首先要涉及最低工資和失業率之間的關系,而其他內容則為無關信息,可以排除。顯然A 和B都是相關的,而C在談季節問題,D和E沒有涉及失業率快慢的原因,都與原文邏輯無關,通通排除。所以只需要仔細審視A和B。A: “最低工資上升的時候,失業率上升”,這與原文邏輯(更低工資將導致失業率不上升)形成了“反因反果”的關系,所以是加強。(比如:“不長跑的人不長壽” 加強了“長跑的人長壽”)這樣A就被排除了。所以答案只能是B。B的正面論證:“最低工資不變的時候,失業率上升”說明失業率上升可能另有他因。這個論證 的說服力不是很強,所以該題用排除法更有效。注意:削弱只是降低推理成立的可能性,而不需要推翻原文邏輯。