1. 標題
由于task 4的閱讀主要是關于某一個科學術語的解釋和說明,考生在開始閱讀的第一秒鐘就應該迅速在紙上紀錄下閱讀的題目——即科學術語本身。
2. 提示詞
常見的表示定義的提示詞有 refer to, known as, is, is called, etc.(在實例分析中用紅色字體標示)
3. 定義句
(1) 引用:如果定義句比較集中,一句話就描述得很清楚,復述時直接引用即可。---該階段學生需重點掌握
(2) 概括:如果定義句不集中,信息分散,復述時需要將分散的信息進行概括整合。---該階段學生只需了解,不需重
Target Marketing
Advertisers in the past have used radio and television in an attempt to provide information about their products to large, general audiences; it was once thought that the best way to sell a product was to advertise it to as many people as possible. However, more recent trends in advertising have turned toward target marketing. Target marketing is the strategy of advertising to smaller, very specific audiences – audiences that have been determined to have the greatest need or desire for the product being marketed. Target marketing has proved to be very effective in reaching potential customers.
Target Marketing
strage ad
smaller speci audis
The Establishing Shot
Film directors use different types of camera shots for specific purposes. An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene, usually taken from far away, that is used to provide context for the rest of the scene. One purpose of the establishing shot is to communicate background information to the viewer, such as the setting – where and when the rest of the scene will occur. It also establishes the mood or feeling of the scene. Due to the context that the establishing shot provide, the characters and events that are shown next are better understood by the viewer.
Establish Shot
image beginni scene
far away
Provide context rest scene
Social Learning
One way people learn is by watching the behavior of others. Sometimes called social learning, this type of learning involves the process of learning to copy – or not copy – the action of another. By observing the results, or consequences, of another’s behavior, people learn, over time, to either imitate or avoid imitating that behavior. In general, people tend to imitate the behavior of another when they see that it leads to a desirable consequence – hoping to repeat it for themselves. Of course, the opposite is also true – people tend to avoid imitating the behavior of another when they see it result in an undesirable consequence.
Social Learning
learning to copy or x copy
desirab consequ: imitate behavi
undesirable consequ: ×imitating