保護和改善生活和生態環境:protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment
增強環境意識:enhance the awareness of the importance of raise the consciousness about environmental protection
享受國家一級保護:enjoy first-class protection of the State
宣傳教育開展保護野生動物:advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals
幫助減緩全球變暖速度:help slow down the pace of global warming
使用清潔能源:burn clean fuel
加大污染治理力度:strengthen pollution control
崇尚綠色生活方式:pursue a green life
注重節約資源:attach importance to saving resources
削減污物排放:decrease the disposal of pollutants
進一步加快環保規劃:further speed up environmental protection plans
實行嚴格機動車排放標準:implement strict vehicle emission standards
As we all know, our country has been under growing pressure to address the causes of air pollution as the PM2.5, a key indicator of air pollution, increasingly hits the new record and even smog frequently smothers the country's large cities.
PM2.5的“PM”,是英語“particulate matter”的縮寫,意為“細顆粒物”。大家在家中都看到過這樣的現象:一縷陽光射入屋內,光柱中有無數微塵在翻飛,這些微塵就是PM50和大于 PM50的顆粒物。桌面上,落了一層灰,那是遠遠大于PM50的顆粒物。所以PM2.5是無法被肉眼看到的。但其雖小卻具有極大危害。PM2.5攜帶了許多有害的有機和無機分子,是致病之源。細菌是人所共知的致病之源,PM2.5和細菌有得一比。能引發呼吸道阻塞或炎癥,使得致病微生物、化學污染物、油煙等“搭車”進入體內致癌,影響胎兒發育造成缺陷,還能通過氣血交換進入血管。