網絡營銷 實習報告
一 簡介隨著信息技術特別是網絡技術的不斷發展,國際互聯網的全球化熱潮使人類社會進入了一個新的信息時代。由于國際互聯網具有不受時間、地域限制的特性,一種與傳統交易形態截然不同的通過國際互聯網進行交易的方式應運而生。在未來若干年內,國際互聯網將成為全球最大的交易市場所在地,其蘊含的商機無可限量。電子商務的產生與發展,為國際貿易帶來了極大的沖擊,一些新的問題由此產生。如網絡交易如何征稅、交易的安全性如何保證、交易書面形式要求、簽名的確認、合同的擬訂、電子提單的轉讓等。這些問題的解決直接關系到網絡交易的發展。但是,由于*律本身的滯后性,傳統*律尚未針對網絡交易這一新型交易方式進行補充或修正,造成許多衍生的*律問題無*用現行*律進行規范與調整。這使得許多準備從事網絡交易的商家望而卻步,影響到這一商業運作方式的迅速發展。因此積極加強對網絡交易的研究,建立規范網絡交易的靈活*律框架,不僅可保障進行網絡交易各方面的利益,而且還可保障網絡交易的順利進行。本文擬就有關問題進行探討。
二 Abstract
Along with the information technique especially the network technique develops continuously, the upsurge of the international Internet makes the human society entering a new information age. Because Internet has characteristic not limited by time and region, one kind of trade completely different from traditional trade shape arises at the historic moment by way of trading in Internet. Over the next several years, Internet will become the largest trade market site in the world; its business opportunity contained knows no measure. Production and development of Electronic Commerce, have brought the great impact to international trade, some new problems are caused by this production. Such as how the network concludes the business levies taxes, how to guarantee the security of the trade, trade written form require, affirmation, work out, transfer of the electronic bill of lading, etc. The solution to these problems concerns the development of the trade of the network directly. However, because of the lagging of the law itself, the traditional law has not been carried on supplementally and revising to this new-type trade way of the trade of the network yet, which causes a lot of legal questions derived unable to carry on standardizing and adjust with the current law. This makes a lot of plan to hang back in the trade company engaged in trade of the network, influence the rapid development of this commercial operation way. So strengthening the study on trade of the network actively, setting up the flexible legal frame of standardizing trade of the network, not only can ensure carrying on the benefits of various fields of trade of the network but also can ensure the harmony of the trade of the network. This text plans to carry on the discussion on relevant questions.
三 商務網站建設
1 國際域名
可注冊多個域名,指向同一個網站。 Com net的一年50-80元 .cn的一年100元
2 頁面空間
100兆頁面空間。可容納約1000頁網頁,不包含程序控制的網頁。多為asp php 。
3 數據庫空間
20兆數據庫空間。可容納1400萬字純文本。多為access或是sql 數據庫。
A 靜態部分
1 風格設計
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