- 相關(guān)推薦
(1) Top dog:處支配地位者
In the present world, why should a country, often a super power, sometimes act as top dog over other countries?
(2) Go to the dogs:墮落;(經(jīng)濟(jì))衰退
No matter a business or a country, if it is not properly managed, it is sure to go to the dogs one day.
(3) Do the donkey work:呆板的例常工作
Jack is not a person to work with. He will just sit back and let you do the donkey work.
(4) A sitting duck:容易被打擊的對象
Out in the open, the hunter is a sitting duck for unseen wild animals.
(5) A cold fish:冷漠無情的人
Among the guests at the same table was Dr Wee's wife, who looked unfeeling and was a real cold fish to me .
(6) A fish out of water:如魚離水;不適應(yīng)
Qi never likes to go to a party, without friends, as he will feel like a fish out of water there.
(7) Have other fish to fry:另有更重要的事要干
As I had other fish to fry yesterday, I was forced to decline David's invitation to a dinner.
(8) There are plenty more fish in the sea:可供選擇的人或事還很多
Since Andrew had gone off with another girl friend, Laura couldn't care less, knowing that there were plenty more fish in the sea.
(9) Cannot say boo to goose:羞怯
When foreign students first came here, they could not say boo to a goose, but there is now no shortage of eloquent speakers and outspoken thinkers.
(10) A wild-goose chase:徒勞的搜索
To look for a pin in the sea? Isn't it tantamount to a wild-goose chase?
(11) A guinea pig:被當(dāng)實(shí)驗(yàn)的人或物
Whenever there is a research or something innovative, someone or something will be used as a guinea pig.
(12) Back the wrong horse:支持失敗的一方
Many spectators backed the wrong horse by favouring the British team, which lost to the German team.
(13) A dark horse:實(shí)力難測的競爭者
No one expected Jimmy to win, but he did win. He was a dark horse.
(14) Change horses in mid-stream:半途改變主張,或支持另一方
If you support a person, do so from the beginning to the end; don't change horses in mid-stream.
(15) The lion's share of……:最大最好的部分
When the old man died, the eldest son took the lion's share of the inheritance.
(16) The rat race:激烈的競爭
In the rat race of today's world, only the fittest survives.
(17) A snake in the grass:潛伏的敵人
There has often been something suspicious about William's behaviour and he has really turned out to be a snake in the grass.