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While many of us go through life with the pursuit of money on our minds, we’re often told that money can’t buy happiness. But what truth is there in the saying? Is there a correlation between money and happiness? And if so, how can we use it to our advantage?盡管我們很多人在人生過程中想著要追求財富,我們常常被告知金錢不能買到幸福。但這個說法有何真理?金錢和幸福之間有關連性嗎?而若有的話,我們該如何善加利用它呢?
Humans are very sensitive to change. When we get a raise or commission, we really enjoy it. But we adapted an incredible speed to our new wealth. Some studies have shown that in North America, additional income beyond 75,000 dollars a year ceases to impact day to day happiness. In fact, people who win the lottery often report becoming extremely unhappy. They often end up spending all the money, going into debt, and experience ruined social relationships.人類對于改變非常的敏感。當我們得到加薪或傭金時,我們非常享受其中。但我們以驚人的速度適應新來的財富。一些研究顯示,在北美,一年超過75,000美元的額外收入不再影響每天的幸福。事實上,中樂透的人往往呈現變得極度不快樂。他們結果常會花光所有的錢,身負債務,并且經歷殘破不堪的社交關系。
So surely money can’t really buy happiness. Well, recent studies suggest that the problem may actually be in the way that we spend money. Instead of buying things for yourself, try giving some of it to other people and see how you feel. Studies show that people who spend their money on others feel happier. And while people who spend on themselves don’t necessarily become less happy, their happiness is unchanged.所以說,當然錢不是真能買到幸福。不過,最近的研究認為這問題事實上可能在于我們花錢的方式上。與其買東西給你自己,不如試著把一些錢分給其他人,看看你的感受如何。研究顯示把錢花在別人身上的人感覺比較幸福。而盡管把錢花在他們自己身上的人不見得會變得比較不幸福,他們的幸福程度是不變的。
The same principle has been tested on teams and organizations as well. One experiment showed that instead of an organization writing a large check to a charity, dividing the amount up amongst employees, allowing them to contribute to a charity of their choosing, increased their job satisfaction. Similarly, individuals that spend monetary incentives on each other, as opposed to themselves, increase not only job satiisfaction, but improve the team performance and sales. This has been seen in both sales and sports teams.同樣的原理也已在團隊跟公司組織中測試過。一項實驗顯示,與其公司組織寫張巨額支票給慈善團體,不如把那金額在員工之間均分,讓他們捐給自己選擇的慈善團體,提升他們的工作滿意度。同樣地,把獎金花在彼此身上,而不是花在他們自己身上的人們,提升的不只是工作滿意度,而且還改善團隊績效跟銷售成績。這已見證于銷售和運動團隊兩者之中。
Almost everywhere we look in the world, we see that giving money or gifts to others is positively correlated with happiness. Interestingly, the specific way the money is spent on others isn’t important, from trivial guests to major charity efforts, spending something on others is the important aspect of increasing your happiness.我們在世界上探究幾乎每個地方,發現給予別人金錢或禮物和幸福感是正面相關連的。有趣的是,錢以什么特定方式花在別人身上并不重要,從小客人到大型慈善事業,花些錢在別人身上是提升你幸福感的重要面向。
The emotional rewards of pro-social spending are even detectable at the neural level. If you are gonna spend the money on yourself, try to go after experiences as opposed to material things. Traveling or going to an event is more impactful for the vast majority of people in the long run. And while you’re saving up for these biggest experiences, don’t forget about the daily joys in life. Many small, frequent pleasures help to get you through the days and encourage change, which stimulates the brain.對社會有益的花費的情感報酬甚至可以從神經細胞的層級偵測到。如果你要把錢花在自己身上,試著追求體驗而不是物質上的東西。旅行或是參加活動對大多數人長期來說是更有影響的。而當你在為這些最重大的體驗存錢時,別忘了生活中的日常樂趣。很多小的、頻繁的樂趣幫助你度日并鼓勵改變,那會促進腦部的功能。
Instead of buying a 3,000 dollar rug that provides a one-time experience for the next ten years, a 5 dollar latte with friends will be different each time, offering unique access to happiness opportunities. Though money is unlikely to be the main source of happiness in our lives, it certainly has the potential to make some things easier, and complicate others. But at the end of the day, it can buy happiness, if spent in the right way.與其買一張3,000美金的地毯,在接下來十年里提供一次性的體驗,一杯有朋友相伴的5塊錢拿鐵將每次都不一樣,提供通往幸福機會的獨特途徑。雖然錢不太可能是我們人生中幸福的主要來源,它確實有潛力讓某些事更簡單,以及讓其他事情更復雜。但是到了最后,它可以買到幸福,如果以正確的方式花費的話。
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