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      2. 淺探英語詞匯教學

        時間:2024-08-29 18:09:32 英語詞匯 我要投稿
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          一、 引言




          二、 詞匯教學





          如:教師在教一些表具體動作的詞 如clean read open close run sing 等詞,教師可作如下的教學設計。

          教師拿著一塊黑板擦,問學生:what am I going to do ?

          學生答You are going to clean the blackboard.

          問完了,教師進行擦黑板這個動作,同時問學生A:What am I doing now ?

          學生A答:You are cleaning the blackboard.



          學生 B正走向教室門,其他同學問:B, What are you going to do?學生B 回答:I am going to open the door.學生 B說完后,教師問:What is B going to do ?其他學生回答:He /she is going to open the door.學生B 進行關門這一作時,其他學生問:B,What are you doing ?學生B 回答:I am opening the door.教師接著問 What is B doing?其他學生答:He/she is opening the door.在這一組單詞教學中,多次用到單詞open ,在進行這個游戲,教師在必要時要給幫助和手勢,使游戲得以順利和進行

          又如在教學單詞read時,請學生C拿著書走上講臺,其他學生問:C,what is C going to do? 學生C答:I am going to read

          教師問:What is C going to do ? 其他學生答She/he is going to do? 學生C開始讀,其他學生問:C,what are you doing? C答I am reading 教師最后問What is C doing? 學生答:She/he is reading. 這樣,這個游戲過程就結束了。

          也可以以其他形式進行這種游戲.如教師說:Row I stand up ,Read the first lesson.教師問:What are they doing?其他幾組學生齊答They are reading.



          在一些意義具體的單詞教學中,要盡量使學生主動積極地把多方面的感知活動加入詞匯學習之中去,在課堂上學生不僅可以看,可以觸摸,而且可以吃和喝,例如在教學Junior English for China students-Book IB.unit19.Food and drink這一單元,這一單元學了很多有關食物和飲料的單詞,教師可以設計這樣的教學模式:

          T: What is on the plate .Who wants to try ,please?

          S:There is some milk some bread,an apple…on it

          T:Would you like to have some bread /an apple…


          T:Please have some bread /an apple…


          又如在 Junior English for China students’ Book IB Lesson68 Part3時,在教arm ,foot, leg, eyes, ear ,mouth, hand, head, face ,nose ,hair等詞,教師用游戲進行教學單詞,應先補充教學touch 這一單詞,然后進行情景練習,教師必須先說清游戲規則:The teacher says a body part and have the students point to the proper body part on themselves.

          T:Bodys and girls Now Let’s play a game .Now Listen carefully. For each word I say You must touch that part on your body.


          T: Touch eyes eyes

          Touch your arm

          Touch your mouth

          Touch your hand

          Touch your face…etc

          這種教學法是初一年級常用的一種教學形式,這種教學方法帶有一定的趣味性,學生很容易、并樂于接受。初中學生年齡小,形象思維發達,喜歡生動活潑的講解,初中英語課本中有大量表示具體事物的詞匯,這些詞匯也適宜于用情景教學手段來講解,這樣有利于使英語與實物建立聯系,有利于培養學生運用外語思維能力。用實物可以揭示book pencil desk ruler eraser pencil-box用模型可以揭示car jeep bus 等詞的含義。如教師手持一支筆,問:What’s this in English? Help the students answer like this : It is a pencil.

          T: What is that in English?

          S1: It’s a pen.

          T: What is this in English?

          S2: It’s a desk.

          T: What is this?

          S3: It is an eraser.

          T: What is that?

          S4: It is a bus.

          T: what is this?

          S5: It is a bike.

          又如在教學Junicr English for China students’ Book IA unit13 單元表示顏色的單詞時,教師可運用實物與對話相結合教學單詞。

          如教black green yellow 三個表示顏色的形容詞時,教師手持黑、綠、黃三種顏色的筆各一支,利用What is this? It is a …等句型,以下列方式用解上述三個形容詞的意思,具體操練如下 :

          Now, boys and girls, look here.

          What is this? It is a black pencil. Now listen carefully.It is a black pencil.這一句話中出現表示顏色的單詞,為引起學生注意重復一遍:Is this a black pencil? Yes, it is.

          教師再拿出一支筆問:Is this a black pencil, too?

          No,it isn’t, It is a yellow pencil

          What is this ?

          It is a yellow pencil.

          Is it a yellow pencil?

          Yes, It is.

          教師再拿出最后一支筆問: Is this a yellow pencil, too?

          No,it isn’t, It is a green pencil

          What is this ?

          It is a green pencil.

          Is it a green pencil?

          Yes, It is.



          對于有些個物名詞表示的物體,我們不便帶進課堂,也可用圖片進行教學,例如在教學Junior English for China Students’ Book IA Lesson52 Part2時,在上課之前便作了這幾幅圖1sweater 2car 3bus 4apple 5fiower 6egg 7tuobags a pair of shoes 10two fish 11two purses

          T:What is that in picture 1?在圖書1中是什么?


          It is a sweater, sweater S-W-E-A-T-E-R

          Boys and girls please repeat after me.

          教師指著第11幅圖問:What is this in picture 11?

          They are two purses? Purse P-U-R-S-E purse

          Have the student repeat

          Teach the other words like these steps.

          又如在教學Junicr English for China students’Book IB Lesson109的第一部分,教師可設計以下教學模式:

          課前先說一張草圖,上面有sun sky moon ship train brdge

          I point to the sun? Ask What is this?

          Help the students answer:It is the sun sun S-U-N, sun

          Then point to the moon? Ask What is this?

          Help the students answer:It is the moon moon M-O-O-N

          Have the students repeat:

          Point to the bridge. Ask What is this in English?

          Answer:It is a bridge bridge B-R-I-D-G-E Bridge

          Point to the sky. Ask What is this in English?

          Answer:It is the sky sky S-K-Y sky

          Point to the train, Ask What is this?

          It is a train, train T-R-A-I-N train

          Point to the ship: Ask What is this?

          It is a ship ship S-H-I-P ship.

          最后作為總結詞問:What can you see in the picture?

          Help the students answer:I can see the sky, the sun,the mur.

          A bridge, a train and a ship.


          隨著學生詞匯量的增多,有可能利用構詞法分析講解新詞的意義 ,這種方法可以使學生自然理解詞義,借助構詞知識記憶單詞,同時還培養了學生分析語言現象的能力。


          英語詞綴分成前綴和后綴兩種,加于詞根前的叫前綴,加于詞根后的叫后綴,一般說來,前綴只改變詞的意義,但并不改變詞性,如動詞agree 加上前綴dis后變為disagree,詞義發生變化,而詞性不變,而后綴不僅改變詞的意義,而且使單詞由一種詞類轉變為另一種詞類,如work作工作解,加上后綴-er變為worker作“工人”解,不僅詞義發生了變化,而且由動詞變為名詞,利用詞綴講解新詞也是詞匯教學的一種好方式。

          如在教學retall,rewrite這一類單詞時,學生裝已掌握了tell,write 要向學生解釋前綴re的含義,在此基礎上學生裝能夠推測出retell, rewrite的意義來,教師可以說:Retell comes from “tell” ”re” means again. Retell means to tell again?



          Her father is a teacher

          His uncle is farmer

          QiaoYiao is a writer

          Her father ’s friend is a learner

          教師先講解上幾個句子,teacher farmer writer learner 從構詞上看詞尾都有詞綴er-,從詞義來看,它們都表示人的一種職業,請同學們說一說后綴-er的意思,再請同學們推測worker的意思,這是利用詞綴教學的第二方法,也即把帶有同一詞綴的詞列入一系列句子中,請學生經過分析各句的意思推測詞匯的意思,從而理解、掌握新詞,也可以利用一組句子,讓學生進行比較,如

          a She teaches English

          b She is an English teacher

          a He works in a factory

          b He is a worker

          a He learn medicine in China

          b He is learner

          a He is a writing

          b He is a writer

          a Her parents work on a farm

          b Her parents are farmers

          學生通過每組句子的上下句,也能推測出teacher worker learner writer farmer的意思,從而總結后綴er的含義,但在教學這一后綴時必須特別指出cooker意為“炊具”并不是“廚師”





          如在教學dining-room這一單詞時,我先把已學過的單詞classroom readingroom waitingroom寫在黑板上進而請學生猜測新單詞詞義,并把這一些單詞歸類

          class+ classroom 教室

          reading+ readingroom 閱覽室

          waiting+ room→ waiting-room 候車室

          dining+ dining-room 餐廳


          中學課本中還出現keyboard blackboard playground等這樣的合成詞;這樣的單詞看起來很長,想機械記憶是很難的。如playground這一單詞就是由play(玩)ground (地面)兩個單詞組成的,從字面上可理解為玩的地面,即操場,還有keyboard blackboard教師也可利用這種方法進行教學,教師這樣講解,學生都能很快地掌握,并使這些看是很難記憶的單詞變得容易多了。


          對于中學英語初學者來說,只要學生學過與新詞意義基本相同的詞,就可以利用學過的詞講解新詞的意義。如big-large high-tall way-word都是同義詞,只要學生學過其中一個就可以利用已學過的詞去講解另一個,如 The teacher may say to his students that the word “large”means big由于詞有多種多樣意義,同義詞都是]相對的,比如nice 同的上下文中,它的同義詞可能是pleasant(令人愉快的) kind(親切的)fine(好的),根據這個特點,在教學時必須強調:不要孤立地看某詞與某詞是同義詞,而要放在句子中看它們是不是同義詞,如:The weather is nice today. The weather is fine today這兩個中nice和fine是同義詞,可以相互代替;

          但既使同義詞是用來表達同一概念,但在語義上仍存在著細微差別。老師在教學過程中必須講解清楚免得給學生造成錯覺認為凡是同義詞都可以混用如 在教學初一英語時,有look look at see watch的用法,可以在句子中把它們的不同之處表現出來。

          Look! How hard they are working.

          Please look at the blackboard.

          What can you see in the picture?

          He often watches TV on Sunday evening.


          又如類似詞還有carry take bring這三個單都是表示“提、拿”但在用法上卻有不同在講解這三個單詞的區別時,教師可這樣向學生講解:

          He can’t carry the big box.

          Please bring the big box here.

          Please take the big box to the classroom

          通過這一簡圖和句子中學生就能輕易找出bring carry take



          利用反義詞講解詞義,詞之間存在相反或對立的語義關系。這種關系叫做反義詞,反義詞又可分為兩種由不同詞根構成的反義詞叫詞根反義詞,如large—small up—down dark—ligh open—close come—go 這些單詞在中學英語課本中都是常見的;另一種是通過派生法,用詞綴構成的反義詞叫做派生反義詞,這類詞在初中教材中不用,如 useful-useless hopeful-hopeless careful-careless教學large這一單詞教師可設計以下教學模式:教師先在黑板上畫了兩個方盒

          This box is small This box is large


          教師發命令,請學生做動作,教師發命令時,并附帶一些關鍵的手勢,如教師說Group one Please stand up Now sit down Pratice that several times體會up與down之意


          在初級英語教材中,出現較多的還是互補反義詞,互補反義詞的指的是非此即彼或非彼即此,我們可以說If John is not married ,he is single. If John is not single, he is married

          If the dog is dead the dog isn’t alive

          又如換位反義詞有buy—sell come—go give—receive lend—borrow

          If A sells a watch toB, B buys a watch form A

          If A gives a pen toB, B receives a pen from A

          If A lends apen toB, B borrows money from A

          If A is B’s hushard, B is A’s wife

          在低年級和高年級英語教學都有利用反義詞講解詞義的可能性。比如學過big 這一單詞后,當學到small這一單詞,可以指出small means not big利用反義詞講解詞義,能使學生更準確地掌握詞義。













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