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      2. 四六級考試翻譯高頻詞匯

        時間:2024-08-24 08:13:56 英語詞匯 我要投稿
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          京劇 Peking opera

          昆曲 Kunqu oper

          中國畫 traditional Chinese painting

          人物 portrait

          山水 landscape

          花鳥 flower and bird

          草蟲 grass and insect

          潑墨 paint-splashing style

          寫意 impressionistic style

          工筆 elaborate style

          毛筆 writing brush

          書法 calligraphic art

          書法家 calligraphic artist

          楷體 formal script/regular script

          行書 running script

          宋體 Song-dynasty script

          工藝品 handwork/handicrafts

          手工藝品 articles of handcraft art

          文物 cultural relics/antiques

          國寶 national treasure

          人民大會堂 Great Hall of the People

          故宮博物館 Imperial Palace Museum

          長城 Great Wall

          外灘 the Bund

          華山 Huashan Mountain

          黃山 Yellow Mountain

          滇池 Dianchi Lake

          洱海 Erhai lake

          孔廟 Temple of Confucius

          故居 Former Residence

          廬山 Lushan Mountain

          少林寺 Shaolin Temple

          長江三峽 Three Gorges along

          the Changjiang

          黃果樹瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls

          敦煌莫高窟 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

          大興安嶺 Greater Xing’an Mountains

          小興安嶺 Lesser Xing’an Mountains

          天池 Heaven’s Pool

          布達拉宮 Potala Palace

          日月潭 Lake Sun Moon

          發源地 the birthplace

          煮 poach/boiled

          蒸 steamed

          火鍋 chafing dish

          煲;燉;燜 stewed

          煎 pan-fried

          炒 stir-fried

          炸 deep-fried

          烘 baked

          熏 smoked

          泡辣菜 pickled hot vegetables

          北京烤鴨 roast Beijing duck

          炒飯 stir-fried rice

          油條 deep fried twisted dough stick

          餃子 jiaozi

          湯圓 tangyuan

          餛飩 hundun

          燒麥 shaomai

          月餅 moon cake

          燒餅 sesame seed cake

          小籠包 steamed dumpling with pork

          紅茶 black tea

          綠茶 green tea

          花茶 jasmine tea

          茶道 sado/ tea ceremony

          功夫茶 Gongfu tea

          陳酒 old wine/aged wine

          燒酒 arrack


          素質教育 education for all-round development

          應試教育 exam-oriented education system

          義務教育 compulsory education

          初等教育 elementary education

          中等教育 secondary education

          高等教育 higher education

          職業教育 vocational education

          學院 college/institute/school

          普通高校 regular institution of higher learning

          重點大學 key university

          211工程 211Project

          減輕學生負擔 reduce burden for students

          基礎課 basic course

          專業課 course within one’s major

          必修課 required course

          選修課 elective course

          學分制 credit system

          入學考試 entrance examination

          入學資格 admission qualification

          擇優錄取 merit-based enrollment

          中考 middle examination

          高考 higher examination

          報名 application/sign up

          畢業設計 diploma-winning design/ graduation project

          畢業論文 graduation thesis

          畢業證書 graduation certificate

          同學 schoolmate/classmate

          校友 alumni


          航班號 flight number

          頭等艙 first class

          商務艙 business class

          經濟艙 economy class

          登機牌 boarding card

          口岸 customs port

          客船 passenger liner

          慢車 stopping train

          普快 express

          直快 through express

          直達列車 through train

          特快 special express

          高速火車 high-speed train

          臥鋪車廂 sleeping coach

          中鋪 middle berth

          下鋪 lower berth

          出發站 departure station

          中轉站 transfer station

          終點站 terminus

          到達站 destination

          站臺 platform

          地鐵 subway

          加速 speed up

          減速 slow down

          超車 overtaking

          倒車 backing

          剎車 brake

          高速公路 highway

          十字路 crossroads

          酒后駕駛 driving under the influence of alcohol

          疲勞駕駛 fatigue driving











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