- 相關推薦
1. 含并列連詞and but or的平行結構
解題要點 當上述并列連詞連接兩項或多項對等成分時,這些成分必須同詞性、同形式。特別注意出現三項以上(含三項)的并列成分,多是考試焦點。
(1) Quartz may be transparency, translucent, or opaque, and it may be colorless or colored
[答案] A 并列連詞or連接三項,其中兩項為形容詞translucent與opaque,故(A)應用形容詞transparent與之并列。
(2) At the age of 94. Composer, conductor. Arranger. And acting Eva Jessye led her choral group in the first production of the opera porgy and Bess, written in 1935.
[答案] A 并列連詞and連接四項表示身份職業的'名詞,故(A)動名詞應改為actress。
(3) Atrophy is a decrease in size of a cell, organ, tissues, or other part of the body such as
[答案] C 并列連詞or連接四項名詞結構,其中cell 和organ皆為單數形式,故(C)亦應改為單數tissue。
(4) Direct mail advertising serves to acquaint customers with Products, alert them to new opportunities, and paving the way for other sales activities
[答案] C 并列連詞and連接三項動賓結構,前兩項均為動詞原形,故(C)動名詞亦應改為原形動詞pave.
(5) A majority of the reports received from people claiming to have seen the lengendaiy Loch Ness monster have proven to be mistakes, misconceptions, or they were being tricked. (93.10)
[答案] D 并列連詞or連接三項成分。前兩項均為名詞,故(D)不應出現句子結構,而應改為名詞tricks與前面的mistakes和misconceptions平行。
(6) The tongue is capable of many motions and configurations and plays vital rode in chewing, swallowed and speaking.
[答案] D 并列連詞and連接三個單詞。其中兩項均為動名詞,故(D)亦應改為動名詞swallowing。
2. 比較級句型要求對比雙方結構對等,比較范圍相當。
(1) Probably no man had more effcet on the daily lives of most people in the United States ------- Henry Ford. A pioneer in automobile production.
(A) as was
(B) than was
(C) than did
(D) as did
[答案] C 比較句型 more…than 要求比較的雙方結構相等。前項是實義動詞的過去時形式had,故選(C)than did與之平行。
(2) The state of Maine generally has cooler temperatures than -------
(A) there are most other states
(B) most other states which have
(C) most other states have
(D) having most other states
[答案] C 這是標準的more…than比較句型。只有(C)的句子結構與相對比的前一項完全一致。
(3) The annual worth of Utah*s manufacturing is greater than-------
(A) that of its mining and farming combined
(B) mining and farming combination
(C) that mining and farming combined
(D) of its combination mining and farming
[答案] A 此句比較的是utah的年產值(the annual worth) (A)中that即代替了the annual worth,故前后比較的范圍,內容一致。
(4) The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than-------
(A) the domestic marketer has
(B) the domestic marketer does
(C) those of the domestic marketer
(D) that which has the domestic marketer
[答案] C 此句比較的是國際市場研究者與國內市場研究者的`活動(the activities) 為避免同詞重復,用(C)those來代替前面的名詞the activities ,因而對比雙方比較的范圍是平行相等的。
(5) Fructose is a monosaccharide sugar that is much sweeter -------
(A) than cane sugar does
(B) does cane sugar
(C) cane sugar
(D) than cane sugar
[答案] D 此比較句型前半部分主系表結構,后半部不可出現助動詞does(答案A及B),但可省略系詞,如(D)。