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      2. 低影響開發技術下小城鎮建設探討論文

        時間:2024-09-29 13:26:43 論文范文 我要投稿





          低影響開發理念本源于城市建設過程水資源的開發利用概念,最早強調的是城市建設過程的雨洪管理技術。該技術于上世紀 90 年代在美國馬里蘭州開始實施,現今已被納入美國生態城市評價體系及綠色評價標準。







          Urbanization in China today has entered a transition period to improve thequality-oriented. Small towns as a bridge and link connect the city and rural areas,it playsan important role in the process of urbanization. However, with the development of smalltowns, people blindly pursuit of economic interests and expand the city size, which makesthe characteristics of small towns disappearing and the ecological carrying capacity seriousthreat. Especially water is becoming increasingly serious environmental problems, whichincludes water shortages, water environmental pollution, severe floods and so on. Therefore,the environmental problems of small towns warn us that we must relocate small townsdevelopment goals, build the small towns with a new planning concepts, and achievedevelopment in harmony with nature.

          Low impact development concept originated the concept of water resourcesdevelopment and utilization in the process of urban construction, it first emphasized thestorm water management of urban construction process. The technology in the 1990s beganin Maryland. Nowadays the technology has been incorporated into the evaluation system ofAmerican ecological cities and green evaluation criteria.

          Standing on the perspective of urban development and construction, the authorappropriately extend low-impact development concepts, and apply LID in the form of theconcept of Smart Growth, which thereby forms two-level concept of Low-impactdevelopment concept, a narrow and broad.

          In this paper, the author starts from the environmental problems arising in the processof building small towns, first gives the narrow concept of low-impact developmenttechniques that is the application of urban areas in addressing water resources andenvironmental issues. By analyzing the technical measures and technical characteristics ofthe LID, this paper presents implementation route of LID in the construction of SmallTowns, and focuses on the selection and implementation of LID control objectives. Inaddition, through the case, the paper analyzes the the composition and application of LIDmeasures in residential buildings, roads, green and square, and to conduct quantitativeresearch on LID facility size and control targets.

          In addition, according to the narrow concept of low-impact development, the authorbelieves that in modern society, all the urban and rural construction activities, there arelow-impact development issues. The broad Low-impact development must reflect theplanning and Construction influence residents living and production, which includes notonly the impact on water resources and environment of urban and rural areas, but also theimpact on the natural environment, the impact on production and life of residents, urban andrural history the impact of cultural development and so on.

          Comprehensive analysis showed that low-impact development techniques combinewith small towns, which provides a new way to solve the natural ecological environmentconstruction in the development of small towns. At the same time, as a new planningconcept, Low Impact Development has important practical value to the achievement of thecharacteristics of small towns development goals, to promote sustainable development andhumane development of small towns.

          Keywords: small towns, low-impact development, sustainable development, ecologicalenvironment


          第一章 緒論

          1.1 選題背景

          1.1.1 我國快速的城鎮化

          1.1.2 小城鎮生態環境問題突出

          1.2 選題來源

          1.2.1 新型城鎮化及可持續發展的要求

          1.2.2 低影響開發理念及其擴展

          1.3 研究目的及其理論意義和實際應用價值

          1.4 國內外研究現狀

          1.4.1 國內外小城鎮發展研究現狀

          1.4.2 低影響開發國內外研究現狀

          1.5 論文創新點

          1.6 主要研究方法

          1.7 研究內容及技術路線

          1.7.1 研究內容

          1.7.2 技術路線

          第二章 我國小城鎮的發展

          2.1 基本概念的界定

          2.1.1 城市、城鎮的內涵

          2.1.2 城市化與城鎮化

          2.1.3 小城鎮的內涵

          2.2 我國小城鎮的發展歷程

          2.3 我國小城鎮建設面臨的生態環境問題

          2.3.1 土地資源浪費,土壤受到污染

          2.3.2 水環境問題嚴重

          2.3.3 規劃理念落后,基礎設施差

          2.4 我國小城鎮發展的新要求

          2.4.1 小城鎮可持續發展之路

          2.4.2 理性增長(Smart Growth)理念

          2.5 小結

          第三章 低影響開發理論及技術研究

          3.1 低影響開發內涵

          3.1.1 低影響開發的概念

          3.1.2 低影響開發的原則

          3.1.3 低影響開發的基本目標

          3.2 低影響開發技術措施

          3.2.1 綠色屋頂

          3.2.2 雨水花園

          3.2.3 下沉式的綠地

          3.2.4 透水鋪裝

          3.2.5 植草溝

          3.2.6 植被緩沖帶

          3.2.7 雨水濕地

          3.2.8 調節塘

          3.2.9 其他技術措施

          3.3 低影響開發技術體系分析

          3.3.1 LID 技術與傳統雨洪管理的對比分析

          3.3.2 LID 技術措施分類及特點

          3.3.3 低影響開發綜合效益分析

          3.4 低影響開發技術的成功案例

          3.4.1 項目概況

          3.4.2 LID 雨水系統設計方案

          3.4.3 綜合效益

          3.5 小結

          第四章 低影響開發在小城鎮發展的應用

          4.1 LID 技術在小城鎮發展中的實施路線

          4.1.1 小城鎮規劃建設中的 LID 技術路線

          4.1.2 LID 技術路線中的關鍵技術分析

          4.2 LID 控制目標在小城鎮發展中的應用

          4.2.1 小城鎮規劃建設中 LID 控制目標的選擇

          4.2.2 LID 控制目標在小城鎮發展中的實施

          4.3 LID 技術在小城鎮發展中的應用

          4.3.1 建筑與小區

          4.3.2 小城鎮道路

          4.3.3 小城鎮綠地與廣場

          4.4 LID 技術措施規模及控制指標計算

          4.4.1 LID 技術措施規模一般計算方法

          4.4.2 LID 技術控制指標

          4.5 小結

          第五章 LID 技術在小城鎮發展中的應用實例研究

          5.1 LID 技術在小城鎮居住建筑與小區的應用

          5.1.1 項目概況

          5.1.2 基于 LID 技術的社區改造

          5.1.3 LID 效應分析

          5.2 LID 技術在小城鎮道路建設規劃中的應用

          5.2.1 項目概況

          5.2.2 低影響開發雨水系統設計目標

          5.2.3 低影響開發雨水系統設計方案

          5.2.4 綜合效益

          5.3 小城鎮特色的低影響開發應用

          5.3.1 關要鎮生態特色 SWOT 分析

          5.3.2 特色小城鎮建設發展目標

          5.3.3 特色小城鎮空間布局

          5.4 小結
















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