引用:引用必須準確,只包括最重要的,最嚴格的,和最近的文獻,引用只發表期刊文章或書籍;從未引用“二手”;引用只有20 - 35引用。
1. Introduction:
A. 如何指出當前研究的不足并有目的地引導出自己研究的重要性?在敘述前人成果之后,用However來引導不足,提出一種新方法或新方向。 如:However, little information(little attention/little work/little data/little research……)(or few studies/few investigations/few researchers/few attempts……)(or no/none of these studies……)has(have)been done on(focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied(with respect to))。如:Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider/ ignored/ misinterpreted/ neglected to/overestimated, underestimated/misleaded. thus, these previus results are inconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist……研究方法和方向與前人一樣時,可通過以下方式強調自己工作:However, data is still scarce(rare, less accurate)or there is still dearth of……We need to(aim to, have to) provide more documents(data, records, studies, increase the dataset). Further studies are still necessary(essential)……
強調自己研究的重要性,一般還要在However之前介紹與自己研究問題相反或相關的問題。比如:(1)時間問題;(2)研究手段問題;(3)研究區域問 題;(4)不確定性;(5)提出自己的假設來驗證。如果你研究的問題在時間上比較新,你可大量提及時間較老問題的研究及重要性,然后(However)表 明“對時間尺度比較新的問題研究不足”;如果你的是一種新的研究手段或研究方向,你可提出當前流行的方法及其物質性質,然后(However)說對你所研 究的方向方法研究甚少;如果研究涉及區域問題,就先總結相鄰區域或其它區域的研究,然后(However)強調這一區域的研究不足;雖然前人對某一問題研 究很多,但目前有兩種或更多種觀點,這種uncertanties或ambiguities值得進一步澄清;如果自己的研究是全是新的,沒有前人的工作可 對比,你就可以自信地說“根據假設提出的過程,存在這種可能的結果,本文就是要證實這種結果”等等。We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the……It is hoped that the question will be resolved (fall away) with our proposed method (approach).
B. 提出自己的觀點:We aim to//This paper reports on//This paper provides results//This paper extends the method//This paper focus on……The purpose of this paper is to……Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, we will also discuss……
C. 圈定自己的研究范圍:introduction的另一個作用就是告訴讀者(包括reviewer),你文章的主要研究內容。如果處理不 好,reviewer會提出嚴厲的建議,比如你沒有考慮某種可能性,某種研究手段等。為減少這種爭論,在前言的結尾就必須明確提出本文研究的范圍:(1) 時間尺度;(2) 研究區域等。如涉及較長的時序,你可明確提出本文只關心某一特定時間范圍的問題,We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)……如有兩種時間尺度 (long-term and short term),你可說兩者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一種。研究區域的問題,和時間問題一樣,也需明確提出你只關心某一特定區域!
D. 最后的原場:在前言的最后,還可以總結性地提出“這一研究對其它研究有什么幫助”;或者說further studies on……will be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere)。總之,其目的就是讓讀者把思路集中到你要討論的問題上來。盡量減少不必要的爭論(arguments)。
2. Discussion:
A. 怎樣提出觀點:在提出自己的觀點時,采取什么樣的策略很重要,不合適的句子通常會遭到reviewer置疑。(1)如果觀點不是這篇文章最新提出的,通常 要用We confirm that……(2)對于自己很自信的觀點,可用We believe that……(3)通常,由數據推斷出一定的結論,用Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that……(4) 在極其特別時才可用We put forward(discover, observe)……"for the first time"來強調自己的創新……(5) 如果自己對所提出的觀點不完全肯定,可用We tentatively put forward (interrprete this to…)Or The results may be due to (caused by) attributed to resulted from……Or This is probably a consequence of……It seems that……can account for (interpret) this……Or It is posible that it stem from……要注意這些結構要合理搭配。如果通篇是類型1)和5),那這篇文章的意義就大打折扣。如果全是2),肯定會遭到置疑。所以要仔細分析自己成果 的創新性以及可信度。
B. 連接詞與邏輯:寫英文論文最常見的毛病是文章的邏輯不清楚,解決方法如下。
(1)注意句子上下連貫,不能讓句子獨立。常見的連接詞有,However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly, Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, For example, Compared with, other results, thus, therefore……用好連接詞能使文章層次清楚,意思明確。比如,敘述有時間順序的事件或文獻,最早的文獻可用AA advocated it for the first time.接下來可用Then BB further demonstrated that. 再接下來,可用Afterwards, CC……如果還有,可用More recent studies by DD……如果敘述兩種觀點,要把它們截然分開AA put forward that……In contrast, BB believe or Unlike AA, BB suggest or On the contrary (表明前面觀點錯誤),如果只表明兩種觀點對立,用in contrast BB……如果兩種觀點相近,可用AA suggest……Similarily, alternatively, BB……Or Also, BB or BB allso does……表示因果或者前后關系可用Consequently, therefore, as a result……表明遞進關系可用furthermore, further, moreover, in addition……寫完一段英文,最好首先檢查是否較好地應用了這些連接詞。
(2) 注意段落布局的整體邏輯:經常我們要敘述一個問題的幾個方面。這種情況下,一定要注意邏輯結構。第一段要明確告訴讀者你要討論幾個部 份……Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed. The first question involves……The second problem relates to……The third aspect deals with……清晰地把觀點逐層敘述。也可以直接用First, Second, Third, Finally……當然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用來補充說明。
(3) 討論部份的.整體結構:小標題是把問題分為幾個片段的好方法。通常第一個片段指出文章最重要的數據或結果;補充說明部份放在最后一個片段。一定要明白,文章 的讀者分為多個檔次;除了本專業的專業人士讀懂以外,一定要想辦法能讓更多的外專業人讀懂。所以可以把討論部份分為兩部份,一部份提出觀點,另一部份詳細 介紹過程以及論述的依據。這樣專業外的人士可以了解文章的主要觀點,比較專業的討論他可以把它當成黑箱子,而這一部份本專業人士可以進一步研究。
C.討論部分包括什么內容?(1)主要數據及其特征的總結;(2)主要結論及與前人觀點的對比;(3) 本文的不足。對第三點,一般作者看來不可取,但事實上給出文章的不足恰恰是保護自己文章的重要手段。如果刻意隱藏文章的漏洞,覺得別人看不出來,是非常不 明智的。所謂不足,包括以下內容:(1)研究的問題有點片面,討論時一定要說,It should be noted that this study has examined only……
We concentrate (focus) on only……We have to point out that we do not……Some limitations of this study are……(2)結論有些不足,The results do not imply……The results can not be used to determine(or be taken as evidence of)……Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this data……Our results are lack of……但指出這些不足之后,一定要馬上再次加強本文的重要性以及可能采取的手段來解決這些不足,為別人或者自己的下一步研究打下伏筆。Not withstanding its limitation, this study does suggest……
However, these problems could be solved if we consider……Despite its preliminary character, this study can clearly indicate……用中文來說這是左右逢源,把審稿人想到的問題提前給一個交代,同時表明你已經在思考這些問題,但是由于文章長度,試驗進度或者試驗手 段的制約,暫時不能回答這些問題。但通過你的一些建議,這些問題在將來的研究中有可能實現。
3. Others:
A. 為使文章清楚,第一次提出概念時,最好以括弧給出較詳細解釋。如文章用了很多Abbreviation可用兩種方法解決:(1) 在文章最后加上個Appendix,把所有Abbreviation列表;(2)在不同頁面上不時地給出Abbreviation的含義,用來提醒讀者。
B. 絕對不能全面否定前人的成果,即使在你看來前人的結論完全不對。這是對前人工作最起碼的尊重,英文叫做給別人的工作credits.所以文章不要出現非常 negative的評價,比如Their results are wrong, very questionable, have no commensence, etc.遇到這類情況,可以婉轉地提出:Their studies may be more reasonable if they had……considered this situation.Their results could be better convinced if they……Or Their conclusion may remain some uncertanties.
三、Writing Skills in English for Research Paper
寫paper注意九個環節:Preparation, Structure, Title, Abstracts, Introduction, Conclusion, Body of Paper, Recision, Acknowledgement。Preparation就是收集資料,找出靈感和方向,主要依靠的是journal in library。Structure是重點,paper的structure應該是兩個triangle組成的:上面一個倒三角,下面一個正三角,意思就是選題要寬(wide),研究方向要窄,然后最后的conclusion又發散開來。在paper的body前后都必須有declarative statement,用最少的字句表達出自己的觀點,吸引讀者。
五、撰寫論文初稿(writing the first draft):
(1)材料和方法(methods and materials):做了什么和怎樣做?材料和方法是文章開始寫作的最理想部分,這部分的內容作者最了解。寫作要求:用過去時,盡可能按實驗的先后順序描述。
(3)討論(discussion):所得結果是否為“前言”提出的關鍵問題的答案?結果是如何支持答 案的、如何證實假說的?基本寫作要求:集中討論與本結果有關的問題,突出本研究的創新及重要性,;與相關研究結果進行比較分析;給出結果所支持的結論;指 出前景、不足和改進。用現在時敘述已知或被證明的事實,用過去時描述本研究結果。
(7)摘要(abstract):論文告訴我們什么(通常<250字)?摘要是論文要點的濃縮, 應在文章各主要部分完成后再寫,這樣有利于文章要點的提煉。優秀的摘要能有效抓住讀者興趣。寫作要求:用含有必要詞匯的短的簡單句,以使摘要清楚而簡潔? 避免使用縮寫詞和晦澀難懂的詞句;用小標題敘述研究論文的各部分;用過去時(但問題的陳述和結論可用現在時);強調研究的創新和重要方面。
(9)作者(author list):誰參與了本研究的設計、工作及論文的撰寫?
(10)準備論文最后一稿(preparing the final manuscript):論文初稿完成以后,必須對內容及格式進行反復推敲和修改,達到“投稿須知”的一切要求。絕大多數有經驗的編輯都認為:不認真準備的稿件絕不是高水平科學研究成果的良好載體(A poorly prepared manuscript is,almost without fail,the carrier vehicle of poor science. Day AR.)。如果希望論文發表,在準備投稿時必須做到打字整潔、無錯、符合期刊格式、含有期刊要求的所有材料。該過程一般分三步:再次閱讀擬投期刊的“投稿須知”;用“投稿須知”中提供的“稿件對照檢查表”(manuscript checklist, author's checklist)與自己論文一一核對;根據期刊要求打印輸出,完成最后一稿。
A. 時態:當提到本文、此圖、此表等說明了、表達了什么時要用一般現在時,而不用一般過去時。This paper describes ……The focus of this paper is ……Figure 1 shows ……Most of the common condensation polymers are listed in Table 1-1.
B. 數:在學術論文里,有時很難顧及數的邏輯。但一般不將邏輯上的問題視為語法錯誤。只須注意在一個句子中的數和謂語動詞的統一即可。單、復數的選用有一些非定性、但可供參考的趨向:
◆◆當含意上強調復數時建議用復數。The catalyst concentrations for the different reactions are different.Our research focuses on the syntheses and characterizations of a series of polycarbonates with different chemical structures.The physical and chemical properties of this compound have been studied.The chain lengths of the oligomers with different molecular weights are different.
◆◆當含意上不強調復數時可用單數或復數。Our research focuses on the synthesis of polycarbonates.The property of the compounds in group 1 is different from the property of the compounds in group 2.The chain length of the oligomers increases with increasing reaction time.
◆◆在標題、小標題中或描述一類事物、現象等,提到具體物質時常用復數。【Polyesters】Polymers are macromolecules built up by large numbers of small molecules. The small molecules which combine with each other to form polymer molecules are termed monomers.在標題、小標題或描述一類事物、現象等,提到抽象概念時可用單數、也可用復數!維tep Copolymerization】Newer Types of Step Polymerizations. This chapter will consider the characteristics of step polymerization in detail.
application development consideration
composition concentration distribution
structure length weight
◆◆當同時提及幾個圖、表、方程式時要用復數(分別單個地提及則不用):The reaction rate constant can be calculated from Equations 2 and 3. The reaction rate constant can be calculated from Equation 2 and Equation 3. Figs. 4 and 5 show ……
C. 冠詞:
◆◆單數名詞前一般要加冠詞:a , the等; 但以下情況可不加:表示不特指的、較抽象的概念:
This chapter will consider the characteristics of step polymerization in detail. An understanding of the relative ease of cyclization or linear polymerization comes from a variety of sources.Different polymers are synthesized to yield various mechanical behaviors by the appropriate combinations of crystallinity, crosslinking, Tg, and Tm..但需注意這些單詞前加冠詞也是經常見到的,這是由它在句中的含義決定的(如有一定的特指意義):Polyisoprene is a typical elastomer – it is amorphous, easily crossed, has a low Tg (-73°C) and a high Tm (14°C).
1 Introduction
1-1 Types of Polymers and Polymerizations
1-4 Molecular Weight
1-5 Physical State
圖、表的題目中有時可省略冠詞:Fig. 2-2 Second order plot of the self-catalyzed polyesterification of adipic acid with diethylene glycol at 166 °C.……Fig. 8 Dependence of the ease of cyclization on the size of the ring.化學藥品、化學物質前通常不加冠詞:The polymerization is catalyzed by protonic or lewis acids although a wide variety of base catalysts such as calcium acetate and antimony trioxide can also be used.圖中的橫、縱坐標的名稱前不加冠詞。
D. 大小寫:請注意以下結構的大、小寫:當提及具體第幾章、節;圖、表;方程式時,首個字母通常要大寫。As discussed in Chapter 2, ……In Section 1.2, we ……As shown in Figure 1, ……The results are listed in Table 3.當不指明是第幾章、節;圖、表;方程式時,首個字母如在句中通常用小寫。In the previous chapter, ……As shown in this figure, ……
E. 縮寫:以下全名和縮寫在文中通常視為同等,可以互換。
Figure Fig. Figures Figs.
Table Tab.
Chapter Chap.
Section Sec.
Equation Eq. Equations Eqs.
F. 一些常用詞匯用法
◆◆research, study, investigate:research可做名詞、動詞,但通常做名詞用,很少見到動詞的用法。句中需要動詞時常用study或investigate來表達。
◆◆detail/detailed:The properties of this compound were studied in detail.//The detailed properties of this compound were studied.//The details of the properties of this compound were studied.
◆◆follows/following:The results are as follows: ……//We got following results: ……
◆◆increase, decrease:均可做名詞和動詞,We can observe an increase in the reaction rate.//The reaction rate increases.
◆◆focus, concentrate:focus: n. , v. The focus of this paper is ……This paper focuses on ……Our study focuses on ……We focus our study on ……Our study is focused on ……concentrate: v. We concentrate our study on ……Our study is concentrated on ……
◆◆effect, affect:effect: n. //affect: v.
◆◆compose, consist:A is composed of B and C.//A consists of B and C.
◆◆increase, improve:increase: 主要指數值上的增加。improve: 主要指性質的增加、改善。
G. 名詞修飾:在學術文章中,很多時候會用到直接用名詞做修飾,而不用’s 或 …… of …… 的形式。常見的這類詞有:reaction rate;reaction rate constant;reaction temperature;reaction condition
molecular weight distribution……
H. 分詞修飾:the reaction we studied;the temperature used;the nonlinearity observed。所有格:非人的所有格用……of……, 而不用……’s 。