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      2. 基于虛擬現實技術的景物仿真

        時間:2024-07-22 23:43:04 計算機應用畢業論文 我要投稿
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        摘要:虛擬現實(Virtual Reality,簡稱VR),是1種基于可計算信息的沉浸式交互環境。具體地說,就是采用以計算機技術為核心的現代高科技生成逼真的視、聽、觸覺1體化的特定范圍的虛擬環境,用戶借助必要的設備以自然的方式與虛擬環境中的對象進行交互作用、相互影響,從而產生親臨等同真實環境的感受和體驗。
        本設計是1個基于VRML(虛擬現實建模語言)的虛擬校園系統,它要求實現虛擬現實中基本的場景建立和在場景中漫游,本程序建立場景所需的建筑物均在3DS MAX中建立,然后以VRML97的格式導出并保存為.wrl文件,這樣在VrmlPad編輯器中可以打開這些文件了。然后在VRML編輯環境下,通過添加材質、紋理、傳感器、聲音、動畫等來完善該虛擬校園系統,并通過內聯(Inline)、錨點(Anchor)造型節點來實現室外與室內的鏈接和切換。最后在VRML瀏覽器中通過鍵盤和鼠標的移動來漫游觀看該虛擬系統。為了使場景漫游更真實,還須在場景圖中設置碰撞節點,從而防止觀察者從場景中的物體(如教學樓)中穿過或進入不可見的視角觀察。
        Scenery Simulation base on Virtual Reality Technology
        Abstract: Virtual Reality(VR), It is a immersing type base on the communication that could be calculate. Concretely to say, adopt taking technology of the computer as the core modern Hi-Tech turn into lifelike look ,listen,sense of touch integrated specific fictitious environment of range, users carry on the reciprocation , influence each other with the target in the fictitious environment by way of nature through the essential equipment, thus produced and came personally the feeling and experience of the true environment equally.
        It is a system of virtual reality school based on VRML technology,and it demands realizing that the basic scene is set up and one can roam in the scene of virtual reality, This procedure sets up buildings of the scene in 3DS MAX then exports and saves them in the format of .wrl files. Under the environment of VrmlPad, we can open these files and perfect the scenes by adding material,texture,sensors,sounds and interpolators.By the node of inline,anchor,we can realize linking or transfering between different scenes.In the end,we can roam the virtual reality system through the movement of the keyboard and mouse in the VRML explorer.In order to approach Reality,a node of collision must be set up to prevent observer from wear or enter impossible visual angle which can’t be observed from object of scene.
        Keywords: Virtual Reality;VRML;roaming;scene;Collision detecting.

        前言 1
        1 虛擬現實介紹 2
        1.1 虛擬現實的定義 2
        1.2 虛擬現實系統的發展歷史 2
        1.3 虛擬現實系統的應用 3
        1.4虛擬現實系統的發展方向 4
        2 系統開發環境介紹 5
        2.1 VRML概述 5
        2.2 VRML工作原理 5
        2.3 VRML的執行模式 6
        2.4 VRML制作工具VRMLPAD介紹 7
        2.5 VRML瀏覽器介紹 8
        2.6 3DSMAX介紹 9
        3 系統需求分析 10
        3.1 現狀分析 10
        3.2漫游系統的設計目標 10
        3.3 3維顯示技術的選擇 10
        4 系統設計與實現 12
        4.1 概要設計 12
        4.2 詳細設計 13
        4.2.1 室外場景制作 13
        4.2.2 室內場景制作 17
        4.2.3 各個場景造型的鏈接 24
        4.3 VRML中的碰撞檢測 25
        4.4 對于虛擬仿真場景的優化 26
        4.5 虛擬場景的漫游 27
        結束語 31
        參考文獻 32
        致謝 33












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