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本文便是描述1個簡單的基于JSP + Tomcat + Microsoft SQL Server 2000的共享資源發布站點的設計過程,所描述的主要內容包括:JSP相關技術及與數據庫連接的技術;系統設計運行環境的配置過程;整個系統的功能和文件結構設計;整個設計過程,包括部分代碼的具體描述。
關鍵詞:JSP;Tomcat;Microsoft SQL Server 2000;JDBC
Design of A Publish WEB Site of Shared Resource Based on JSP
Abstract:Although It is not a long time that the Internet came to use, but it actually is developing by the astonishing speed. It influences humanitys activity more and more deeply , even may say any one all will be unable to do without it. At the same time, Netscape and Sun Corporation developed Internet products: The browser and Java.Unprecedented, the brand-new Web world presents in front of us. The innumerable enterprises consider needs of the competition and, the reduced cost and further enhanceing the production efficiency , have connected to the Internet,using it to carry on the commercial operation, for example: Advertisement, trade and so on. In these similar commercial websites, the JSP technology is widely applied.
This article described a simple WEB station based on JSP + Tomcat +Microsoft SQL the Server 2000 publish web site of shared resource. The main issues discussed are as follows: the first ,an introducation to the JSP correlation technology and with the database connection technology; the second, system design movement environment configuration process; the third, system functiones and file organization design; the last, system design process, including partial codes .
Key word: JSP;Tomcat; Microsoft SQL Server 2000;JDBC
目 錄
前言 4
1 相關知識 5
1.1 Web應用程序 5
1.2 HTTP和Servlet基礎 6
1.3 JSP技術簡介 8
1.4 JSP訪問數據庫編程 10
1.5 開發工具和平臺介紹 11
1.6 運行環境配置 13
2網站結構設計 15
2.1 目標設計 15
2.2 系統功能分析與設計 16
3 需求分析 17
3.1 可行性分析 17
3.1.1 技術可行性 17
3.1.2 經濟可行性 18
3.1.3 運行可行性 18
3.2 數據庫需求分析 18
3.3 數據庫概念結構設計 18
3.4 數據庫邏輯設計 20
3.5 系統文件結構設計 22
3.6數據庫的生成和連接 22
3.6.1 數據庫的生成 22
3.6.2 數據庫的連接 22
4 系統詳細設計 24
4.1共享資源顯示模塊 24
4.2 共享資源搜索模塊 28
4.3 共享資源欄目管理模塊 31
4.4 共享資源管理模塊 38
4.5 設計中的問題與解決 43
4.5.1 無法連接數據庫 43
4.5.2 無法正常向數據庫插入數據 43
4.5.3 中文顯示亂碼 43
5系統的測試與維護 44
5.1 系統的測試 44
5.2 系統的維護 44
結束語 45
參考文獻 46
致謝 47