面試題庫 1. 對銀行業的理解?2. 為什么報商行不報投行部?
3. 看過我們網站么?我們部門的.業務有哪些?
4. 銀行怎么賺錢?
5. 銀行有什么產品?
6. 在實習的公司都作了什么?
7. 向銀行借錢和母公司注資,比較資本成本。
8. 外資銀行應該怎么在中國生存
9. 是否習慣長時間工作?
10. 是否作國leader,怎么做?
11. 什么是EBITDA
12. Why are you interested with Finance?
13. Show him an example that I had difficulties with other team members
14. Do you have any experience that is very busy and tiring?
15. Have you ever felt frustrated with sth
16. Have you ever got a leader experience?
17. If I am your client and I give you 1 million dollars to invest, what will you do? Which industry will you invest in?
18. 如何向顧客推銷產品?
19. A bond: book value is $100, 10 years, coupon rate is 3%, real rate is 4%, what is the real value?
20. 企業向國外母公司融資和向銀行借款,哪個更劃算
21. 怎樣看待團隊合作
22. 怎樣看待溝通
23. what do you see yourself in 5years time
24. strength and weakness
25. how to calculate free cash flow
26. some question about capital structure and tax shield and tax rate
27. question about CAPM ,which one should be chosen as free risk rate
28. how to do financial statement forecast
29. how to forecast sales
30. 你都拿了什么offer? db和...都給你的話,去哪個
31. why should i hire you
32. what's the thing that you don't like DB most
33. 對于德意志收購華夏銀行的看法
34. 中國金融市場開放對DB的影響
35. what are the challenges of DB PBC in China?
36. as you mentioned communication, what is your communication style?
37. tell me a situation in which you adjusted your communication style
38. why does china's economy grow so fast these years?
39. what's ur understanding of freedom?
40. 央行行長是誰?
41. 對我國匯率的看法
42. 如果和客戶發生conflict了怎么辦