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      1. 最成功與最失敗的英語面試大PK

        時間:2021-01-15 16:53:59 英語面試 我要投稿


        Q1:你在現任公司的情況。(Can you tell us a little bit about your current position?)

        失敗者:I’m part of the European Sales team at our company. We’re the world’s leading supplier of IT hardware. (在公司我是負責歐洲銷售這部分,我們公司在IT硬件這一行業里一直是領軍人物)

        成功者:I’m assistant sales director for a chain of language schools. Althrough this post is quite a change then,but I think the skills are the same, despite the product. (我是一家語言連鎖學校的銷售主管助理,盡管這與我所應聘的職位有所出入,但我覺得不管是什么行業,技巧都是相同的) 總結:這個問題面試官旨在考察應聘者個人工作經驗,過分夸大原公司的實力容易給面試官留下傲慢的印象,相反個人工作經驗不足則需表現出應有的自信。

        Q2:為什么要離開你現在的公司?(Why do you want to move on?)

        失敗者:Well, they’re too small for me,I’m looking for something much bigger,I see this company as kind of like a stepping stone。I start here gain the necessary experience, then move onto something bigger. (我的公司對我來說太小了,我想要找一家更大的公司,這個公司對我來說就是一個跳板,當我學到更好的工作經驗后,我還會尋找更好的機會)

        成功者:Well I’ve come as far as I can in my current position, I feel and I’m 28 now and would love to take on some more responsibility. (在我現在的公司,我的發展潛力已經走到了盡頭,我才28歲,我愿意再嘗試更多的挑戰,承擔更多的責任)總結:這個問題的回答至關重要,直接表明你進應聘公司的主觀動機,要巧妙應對。既不可流露出對前一家公司過多的不滿,也不要夸大之前公司的優勢。最好是像這位女孩所說的一樣,表明了自己愿意承擔更多責任,嘗試更多挑戰,這是面試官最愿意聽的話。

        Q3:你是如何處理人際關系的?(how to deal with a particularly difficult manage?)

        失敗者:A couple of years ago, I was working with a guy, he wasn’t pulling his weight, basically being lazy – so I told him to get out. (幾年前我和一個同事一起工作,他不知道自己幾斤幾兩,工作還很散漫,我就把他開除了)

        成功者:I had two people working for me who didn’t get along at all – they had no shared values, different temperaments – and they used to argue a lot, it looked like it was impossible for them to work together. So, I sat down with them, and we talked about their differences and their problems and after that, things went much more smoothly! (我曾經有兩位同事相處的不太愉快,他們之間總是有沖突,然后我和他們坐下來聊天,告訴他們彼此的不同和問題,從那以后他們之間相處的就比較融洽了)


        Q4以具體事件的處理來說明你的工作能力(Can you tell us about a time you had to close a particularly challenging deal.)

        失敗者:I haven’t had one. They’re all easy for me. I close deals all the time! (我目前還沒碰到一個,對于我來說這些都太容易了,我一直都可以處理任何事情)

        成功者:Well, the biggest contract I won - and the thing I’m most proud of professionally - was with a large university in India, to provide language training . The contract was full of technicalities and the client was very picky! – but I still pulled it off.、(那就說一下我簽的最成功的一個合同吧,那是我最自豪的一件事。印度一家很大的學院,提供語言培訓,合同的很多條款都非?量蹋俏页晒Φ'解決了它)


        Q5你的業余愛好是什么?(What’s your hobby?)

        失敗者:I am interested in rock climbing, and I just do it a while ago now. (我很喜歡攀巖,而且就是剛剛我又去攀巖了一次)

        成功者:Well, when I have time, I do work at a centre for children with difficulties,It’s rewarding and challenging. (當我有時間的時候,我都會去幫助那些有困難的孩子們,這對我來說很有意義,而且很有挑戰性)

        總結:這個問題很有設陷阱的嫌疑,看似無意的問題,其實是在考查應聘者與所應聘工作的吻合度。應聘者在回答這個問題時,一定要根據所應聘職位的性質來做出相應的陳述,切不可全盤托出,毫無針對性 Q6對我們公司你還有什么疑問嗎?(do you have any questions for us?)


        成功者:Yes - about your ethical policy, and your carbon footprint...I was wondering whether you are planning to reduce your carbon footprint and whether all your products are ethically sourced?














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