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      1. 民航英語面試問題

        時間:2023-04-04 06:10:01 面試問題 我要投稿
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          1. 什么是ICAO

          根據國際民航組織(ICAO)關于飛行人員英語語言能力的要求,飛標司組織開發了民航飛行人員英語等級考試系統,并組織民航英語方面的專家,對考試系統題庫進行了專業審定。目前,系統測試已完成,第一個考點設在中國民航飛行學院考試中心,該考點于2008年4月1日正式啟用。 該系統作為中國民航推進ICAO關于飛行員英語水平的重要工程,于2007年7月份開始立項,籌備以來,國內多家航空院校和國際知名語言培訓機構參與到該系統的建設。為確?荚嚨目茖W性、公正性,民航西南地區管理局負責飛行學院考試點的考試工作進行管理和監督。飛行學院負責具體考務工作。

          2. ICAO考試內容




          應試技巧:這部分題很類似日常英語考試聽力單選題,不同之處在于每一題都與民航專業知識緊密相連,范圍從從機長的職責到特情處置都有。難點在于,每一題是由不同人士錄音而成,并且可能會有雜音干擾。建議大學在準備第一部分時,多多閱讀《民航英語閱讀教程》,熟悉一些key words,for example, depressurization(釋壓) fire engine(救火車), emergency assistance(緊急救援)。如果這些詞在辨認、發音上還存在問題,那么要在短時間類聽懂并做出正確判斷的可能性就微乎其微了。

          第二部分 短文答問


          應試技巧:我認為這部分對大多數同學來說會是個難點,因為在中式傳統教學中,這樣的考試形式是很陌生的。要在2分鐘之內,既聽懂發生了什么事,也得記下一些要點,比如:事故發生的情況,此時所在的高度等相關信息。這就要求,陸空通話的理解能力與運用能力,同時還有你自己的英語語言組織能力。我建議這部分有困難的同學,1.找到正確的應試方法。建議第一遍時聽懂發生了什么事,第二遍記下細節。不可在慌亂之中出現“盲聽”現象,總之,找到適合自己最好的方法來應付考試。 2. 在陸空通話上下功夫。自己聽不懂,是由于單詞不熟悉,還是沒聽到,或者是緊張出現“大腦空白”,還是來不及記下關鍵信息。自己是出于哪個問題,一定先要做好定位,再采取行動解決,比如,若是對陸空通話中數字反應較慢的同學,我建議在課本中找到相應的練習題進行大量練習。又如,對特情“毫無頭緒”的同學,我建議你找到《陸空通話》最后幾章,首先準確地記憶單詞,其次,模仿書上的例子。自己不會說沒關系,多去背,模仿別人會說的,這樣才能做到胸有成竹。

          第三部分 陸空通話

          這部分,你扮演飛行員,與空管進行一次陸空通話。你的飛機呼號等信息會顯示在屏幕上。對話開始后,你應仔細聽話外音或空管的指令。 一共有15至20句對話。你必須在每個對話后根據提示做出相關的回答。每句陸空通話僅念一遍。

          應試技巧:最近這部分題的難度增加較大,不再像以前一樣發音清晰、錄音中也有雜音干擾。并且,特情部分也被增加。像簡單的readback出現較少,更多的考察你的應急陸空英語,比如說,遇到heart attack了,你會怎么說(熟悉的同學知道這類情況屬于urgency, 所以應選 呼panpan)那么遇到bomb threat了,又應該怎么說(mayday,…,…, request bomb disposal squad 拆彈小組)。所以,這部分,不僅考查日常英語表達能力,也考察陸空通話專業知識。日常英語有欠缺的,建議找來近期的OPI背誦。陸空通話有問題的,不用說,多聽多練多說,practice makes perfect.

          第四部分 OPI (口語面試)



          Problem Solving

          Can you work under pressure?

          What is your greatest strength?

          What is your greatest weakness?

          What have you done to correct your weaknesses?

          Have you ever failed?

          What is your biggest failure?

          How do you handle failure?

          How do you handle change?

          When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?

          Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?

          How do you handle conflict?

          Previous Employment

          What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?

          Why have you held so many jobs?

          Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?

          What did you like about your last job?

          What did you dislike about your last job?

          What was your favorite job?

          What was your least favorite job?

          What have you learned from previous jobs?

          How long will you stay with our airline?

          What would your coworkers say about you?

          What would your previous supervisors say about you?

          What were the people like at your last company?

          What did you dislike about your last employer?

          If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?

          Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?

          Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?

          Have you ever been fired?

          If so, why were you fired?

          Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?

          What will your references say?

          Can we check your references?

          How many sick days did you take last year?

          Is this typical?

          Personality and Motivation

          Do you consider yourself a success?

          Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?

          What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?

          Why has it taken you so long to find a job?

          Why do you want to be a flight attendant?

          What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?

          What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?

          Where else are you interviewing?

          Have you applied to other airlines?

          When are you available to start?

          What are your outstanding qualities?

          What interests you most about being a flight attendant?

          What can you do for us that others can''''''''''''''''t?

          Describe a difficult problem you''''''''''''''''ve dealt with.

          How important is appearance?

          What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?

          What is the best part of being a flight attendant?

          Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?

          What do you like to do in your spare time?

          How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?

          Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? By whom?

          Do you ever freeze in social situations?

          Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it?













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