Of all the manifestations of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most。 manifestations: apparent signs or indicators Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading。
Some argue that people admire powerful individuals who do not use their power to the utmost to achieve their goals but rather use only the minimum amount required to attain them. I agree, whatever the power is big or not, restraint in the use of that power does impress people most, because of the following reasons。
On one hand, abuse of power can hurt the society. Most people seem to use the power granted to get what they want. For example, a teacher of a primary school once told his students who were only 7 or 8 years old that he would like to let students to choose the exact gift they would send to him for the coming of festival in terms of avoiding repetition. We can imagine the incident influenced the children how much. Power became the tools of the person, who often uses the privilege to do things sometimes harmful to the public. The corruption is the very consequence of the abuse of power and hurts the society and the public most。