∵:因為,由于,幸虧;because, due to, thanks to, …
∴:所以,因此,結果;so, therefore, consequently, …
=:相同,一致,公平;the sameas, equal to, similar to, …
≠:不同,不公平,有差距;difference, disparity, unfair, …
≈:大約,大概;about, almost, nearly, approximate, …
>:大于,超過,高于;surpass,exceed, more than, superior to, …
<:少于,低于;less than,inferior to, …
+:另外,多;plus, add,moreover, besides, …
-:減去,除去;minus,deduct, except, …
α:行動,行為,法案;action, act, … (because of the pronunciation)
﹛﹜:在……之中,在……之內;among, within, …
∈:屬于,源于;belong to, …
×:錯的,不好的,負面的;wrong, mistake, bad, negative, …
√:對的,好的,積極的;correct, good, positive, affirmative, …
::看,想,說,評論;speak,express, think, …
?:疑問,疑惑:question,problem, issue, inquiry, interrogate, ask, puzzle, query, confused, mystery, …
!:危險,警告,當心,注意;dangerous,warning, alarming, hazardous, jeopardy, watch out, certainty, of course, …
~:貿易,交換,交流,關于,代替;trade, exchange, communication, relationship, …
e.g:舉例,例如,比如;for example, such as, …
⊙:會議,聚會;conference, convention, session, seminar, council,congress, meeting, assembly, gathering, union, association, convocation, …
☆:重點,中心,重要的,杰出的;important, key, critical, meaningful, essential,eventful, outstanding, notable, great, wonderful, emphasize, stress, chief,main, pay attention to, fantastic, …
*:特征,特點,代表;feature, character, symbol, sign, mark, specialty,represent, typify, on behalf of, stand for, …
^:領導,頂點,頂級;top, head, tip, peak, climax, leader, express,queen, ruler, monitor, minister, king, captain, …
$:美元,錢,富裕的;dollar, money, rich, well-off, …
┛:過去;in the past, long before, past time, …
┗:將來;in future, will be, going to do, …
l 趨向符號
↑:增加,提高,升級,升職;increase, improve, grow, advance, go up, update,promote, bring in, climb up, rise, raise, lift, …
↓:降低,下降,貶值,減少;decrease, decline, reduce, fall, sink, weaken,lower, cut down, fall off, drop, …
l 原文為:It spreads from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Itsnorthern boundary is the frozen Arctic, and its southern, the American border.Its population is 25 million.
Pacà Atlan
S ~ US
人 25mil
l 原文為:Since its founding some 360 years ago, Harvard hasnurtured a great number of outstanding political leaders, scientists, writersand businessmen, including six of the American Presidents and over thirty NobelPrize winners.
這樣的筆記是不是就很簡單很容易的記下來了幾句話呢?考生只要肯多做練習,一定能夠掌握做整篇conversation, 甚至整篇lecture的筆記。
在新托福考試中,無論是conversation還是lecture, 兩個講話者或者是一個獨白者,都是按照句群來講話的,意思是,在聽力中,不會是混雜在一起的一堆雜亂無章的ideas, 也不會是整個聽力都在講一個事情。因此,上一段和下一段之間,必須有明確的界限,才能保證我們做題時候的速度。每道聽力考題的順序都是和聽力的每個subject的順序是一樣的,如果筆記順序得當,會讓我們做題時省時省力,比如做到第三題的時候,我們就去找筆記上的第三個或者第三個前后的main point。
考生在面對Lecture的時候,一定不可以緊張,要保持沉著冷靜的態度,注意聽力中的重讀單詞,在聽到signal word(轉折詞)的時候,運用自己的邏輯把聽到的重點單詞串聯成句,從而連貫成一整篇lecture。
TPO2 Lecture3Philosophy 節選(30秒)
Professor: OK. Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle—Aristotle’s ethical theory. What Aristotle’s ethical theory is allabout is this: he’s trying to show you how to behappy—what true happiness is.
Now, whyis he interested in human happiness? It’s not just because it’s something thatall people want to aim for. It’s more than that. But to get there we need to first make a very important distinction. Letme introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsicvalue. To understand Aristotle’s interest in happiness, you need tounderstand this distinction.
Somethings we aim for and value, not for themselvesbut for what they bring about in addition tothemselves. If I value something as a means to somethingelse, then it has what we will call Extrinsicvalue.Otherthings we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone. If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has Intrinsicvalue.
上面的紅色單詞為重讀單詞,是我們要盡量在筆記上體現出來的,用盡量簡短的字符或者縮寫來表示;黑體單詞為signal word(轉折詞),是需要我們開始分類或者換行記筆記的標志,參考筆記如下:
哲er: Arist à ? happy(true)
Dis term: Exval: sth. els
In val: selfalone(× else, àown)
What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A. Toillustrate the importance of extrinsic values
B. Toexplain Aristotle’s views about the importance of teaching
C. Toexplain why people change what they value
D. Todiscuss Aristotle’s views about human happiness
通過筆記我們可以看出,lecture在一開始就指出了,Aristotle的觀點就是TRUE happiness。瀏覽選項我們可以判斷,D的中心詞就是human happiness, 而其他的選項都存在混淆單詞,比如A中的extrinsic value, B中的Aristotle, 和C中的why。在考試做題時一定要認真仔細閱讀題干和選項,結合自己的有邏輯的筆記,做出最正確的選擇。