說到時尚服裝,我們自然想到當下正火的一些服裝品牌。從高端定制到平民時尚,從奢華頂級品牌Versace, Hermes, 和Gorgio Armani, 再到簡約平價品牌Topshop, Zara, 和H&M, 還有在男性中大受歡迎的Calvin Klein和牛仔品牌Diesel, AJ等,我們能觸及到的牌子和種類越來越多。再說說風格,從充滿仙氣兒的神秘森女系Mori girl clothing, 陽光帥氣的運動風sports style, 到時尚的簡約范兒Simple and contracted, 我們可以把自己從周一到周五打扮成各種不同的風格,來享受時尚帶給我們的樂趣。當然,我們還不能忽視服裝的材質(materials),如:Wool(羊毛),cotton(棉),silk(絲質),chemical fibre(化纖),fur or leather(皮或革),還有最近越來越流行的太空棉Space Cotton, 都是市面上常見的材料種類。
從傳統方面來說,服裝的功能(function)僅僅是protect people from climatic conditions and from naked(防止受到天氣影響以及起到蔽體的作用)。而現在,服裝本身成為了a form of creative artistic expression(一種創意藝術表達形式),designs can either be embroidered onto the fabric, woven on to the fabric, silk screened, or ironed onto the fabric to create a desired look(設計圖案可以被渲染到布料上,可以被編織在布料上,可以絲印,也可以烙在布料上)。而且,服裝certainly gives us a sense of confidence and pride in appearance(在外觀上使我們變得自信和驕傲)。當然,我們也不能盲目追求時尚,就像頂尖品牌范思哲Versace的創始人Gianni Versace曾經說過,“When a woman changes her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.” 所以我們追求時尚要講求適度(Moderation)。除此之外,過于追求時尚將是一筆巨額的開銷,然而這對很大一部分人來說是吃不消的(purchasing every latest season’s fashion clothing will of course blow the budget of many people, particularly the young)。因此,很多人更關注的是穿著的舒適度及其所表達的個性(pay more attention to individuality and comfort in the way we dress)。
再來說說包包(Bags)。包是口語第一部分?荚掝}之一,關于包的類型我們尤其要掌握。如果你只知道一個handbag和sports bag那就太不時尚了。首先就女式包來說,常見的類型有tote(手提包)、hobo(肩帶和包身形成一個圓形的包)、shoulder bag(肩背包),drawstring bag(水桶包)、messenger bag(斜跨包)以及clutch(手包)。還有男女通用的backpack(雙肩包)等。男式包的種類就比較單一了,除了雙肩包、斜挎包,還有公文包(briefcase)等等。說到包包的特性,我們可以聊它們的capacity(容量)、utility(實用度)、material(材質)、quality(質量)、price(價格)以及brand(品牌)。
1. Q: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
A: I certainly fancy simple and contracted clothing(簡約風格) which brings huge comfort and simplicity to me. I know what suits me and what doesn’t, so I always wear clothes and never let clothes wear me. Sometimes I buy trendy brands and clothes, but that takes away individuality(個性).
2. Q: Do you like shopping?
A: Sure, sometimes I’m crazy about shopping. The eye-dazzling goods(眼花繚亂的商品)and name brands(名牌) in boutiques(精品店) and shopping centres are just so fascinating that I can’t help myself to buy them. But mostly, I’m rather rational about what I like, like my favourite clothing style, the simple and contracted. I don't really care whether my clothes are from a name brand, but it’s the style I fancy and the comfort and individuality I can enjoy that make me want to buy them.
3. Q: What kind of bags do you like?
A: I love shoulder bags(肩背包) most because they have large capacity(容量) so I can put all my stuff, like my purse, my notebook and several bags of handkerchief paper, in it. They are really of high utility and functionality(實用性和功能性).
4. Q: Do you have different bags for different occasions?
A: Well, I should say I merely have totes(手提包), shoulder bags and backpacks(雙肩包), and I do use them for different occasions. For example, I use my shoulder bags and totes for university and backpacks for outdoor activities like hiking or something. But I don't have a clutch(手包) for special occasions because I don't have such occasions to attend.
說完第一部分的話題,我們再來看第二部分中一個有關時尚的經典問題:a piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.
Describe a piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.
You should say:
What the clothing looks like
Where you bought it
On what occasions you wear it
And explain why you wear it on special occasions.
拿到這道題我們要關注到這道題的關鍵詞special occasion(特殊場合)。特殊場合包括各種典禮,如:結婚典禮、畢業典禮、開學典禮等,也包括一些職業場合,如:面試、采訪等,當然也包括舞會、聚會等。如果需要從這些場合中挑一個來描述的話,想必婚禮、畢業典禮和面試是我們同學都多多少少經歷過,也是最適合我們同學們來說的了。今天我們就以結婚典禮為背景,結合前面補充的關于服裝時尚的知識,來做一個示范。
An one-piece dress(連衣裙) I wore on my cousin’s wedding ceremony three years ago is the one that I cherish most and changes me most. It was the very first one-piece dress I bought and I clearly remember that it was a Dolce & Gabbana. I specially bought it in Shanghai two weeks before my cousin’s wedding. To me, it was costly at that time, of course. I bought it because I was firstly invited to be an honoured bridesmaid. I was extremely excited and nervous because I was somewhat about to be the centre of attention. Speaking of the dress, well, it is short, pink and sleeveless(無袖的) with a lace collar(蕾絲領邊). I adored it so much, but, honestly, it was my first time wearing such one-piece dress, let alone I had to wear it in front of a fairly large crowd! So on that day, I was so stressful and nervous that I couldn't even look people in their eyes. But what surprised me a lot was when my cousin saw me in this dress, she couldn't stop saying that I was adorable(可愛的) and elegant(優雅的) in that dress. And surprises were just coming one after another. Almost everyone who saw me praised my look and gave me confidence. I was quite encouraged because I used to wearjeans(牛仔褲) and T-shirts(T恤) day after day. I had never changed my clothing style. But from that day on, I tried to change my dressing style(穿衣風格) a little bit, and I noticed that change sometimes brought surprise and pleasure. So, this dress will always be my favourite, and always be a remainder that reminds me of the beauty of change.
本文描述了一條粉色、短款、無袖的連衣裙,以及領口是蕾絲質地,品牌是Dolce & Gabbana, 非常直觀詳細地讓人在腦海中勾勒出衣服的樣子。我們需要注意的是,對物品的描述不能只停留在顏色和大小,而應該更具體一些,并且有幾個亮點,如本文的無袖、蕾絲領邊,都是使這個物品區別于其他物品的特點,讓人印象深刻。其次,我們對物品的描述需要用個人經歷和內心活動來使其更具有生命力和表現力,讓人感同身受,所以本文加了對連衣裙的態度的轉變,讓聽者跟隨說話者的描述對這條裙子產生更貼切的感受。本文并沒有用一些華麗的辭藻和句式,但對物品和內心活動的詳實描述讓人感同身受、印象深刻,這就夠了。
1. Q: Do you think it’s important (or, good) to follow the current fashion in the clothes you wear?
A: I don't think we should put much focus on the current fashion in the clothes. Sure fashion makes you“in”(潮的), but don't you think once you are “in”, you are not true you but someone who looks no different from others. I mean, fashion makes us look all the same without our individuality(個性), so to me it’s more important to find my own way of wearing clothes, rather than following the current fashion.
2. Q: Why do many young people feel it’s important to wear clothes that are “in fashion”?
A: First, I have to say that clothes are more of a form of creative artistic expression(一種創意藝術表達形式), rather than a tool to merely keep us from naked and from climatic changes(防止受到天氣影響以及起到蔽體的作用). So their artistic and aesthetic values(藝術和審美價值) make them a piece of art for individuals to pursue and to follow. Besides, young people are more concerned about what others are thinking of them, and this is particularly true when it comes to their appearance. Following an “in fashion” is like a symbol that says “you are with us” or “you are not left behind”, which makes it fairly understandable that young people are more likely to wear “in fashion” clothes at a very special age.
3. Q: Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes they wear? (Why?)
A1: First, I have to say that I don't think most people judge others by the clothes they wear. Sure, we inevitably judge whether the person has a clean and organised(干凈的、有條理的) living habit by whether they wear neatly and tidily. And we are somewhat concerned about whether people dress smartly(衣著講究) in different occasions. But none of these would we use to judge the quality of a person, or, in other words, whether the person is good.
A2: Well, it’s a pretty hard question because I don't know what all people are thinking. But according to my knowledge, young people are more like to judge a person by the clothes they wear. If a person wears the latest clothes, young people will think he or she is an “in person”, or at least, “in their distinctive group”. Accordingly, it is more likely for them to accept the person as theirs. And once they accept the person, they don't think the person is bad. So, that's why I think young people tend to judge others by the clothes they wear.