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      1. 日常生活習(xí)慣的英語句子

        時間:2022-11-13 01:01:32 英語句子 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦





          一、 Talking About Habits 談?wù)撊粘I盍?xí)慣

          421. I get up at 8 every morning. 每天早上我8點起床。

          422. I then take a bath in the bathroom. 然后我去洗澡間洗個澡。

          423. I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. 我洗臉,刷牙,梳頭。

          424. I put on a bit of makeup. 我化一點妝。

          425. I cooked breakfast for the family. 我為一家人做早餐。

          426. I go downstairs and have my breakfast. 我下樓吃早飯。

          427. I read the newspaper over breakfast. 我邊吃早飯邊看報紙。

          428. I wake my sister up. 我叫醒我妹妹。

          429. I dress my sister and wash her hands and face.我給我妹妹穿衣服,洗臉洗手。

          430. I get to my office at 10:30. 十點半到辦公室。

          431. I leave the office at 7. 我七點離開辦公室。

          433. I buy some food on my way home. 我回家路上買些吃的。

          434. I pick up my sister from her school. 我到學(xué)校接妹妹。

          435. We go to bed at 10:30. 我們十點半睡覺。

          二、 Asking For Other‘s Opinions 詢問別人的意見

          436. What do you think about it? 你對此怎么看?

          437. Is that right? 那樣對嗎?

          438. Absolutely right. 絕對正確。

          439. I think you’re mistaken about that. 我想你那樣不對。

          440. Is that ok? 這樣行嗎?

          441. That‘s ok/fine. 挺好的。

          442. That’s excellent. 那太棒了。

          443. He was absent yesterday. Do you know why? 昨天他沒到,你知道為什么嗎?

          444. Do you have any idea? 你怎么想?

          445. I suppose he was sick. 我猜他大概是病了。

          446. Will it rain tomorrow? 明天會下雨嗎?

          447. No, I don‘t think so. 不,我想不會。

          448. Do you really want to know what I think? 你真想知道我怎么想嗎?

          449. Please give me your advice. 請給我提些建議。

          450. I want to hear your opinion. 我想聽聽你們想法

          三、Making Plans 訂計劃

          451. What do you plan to do this Friday? 明天你打算干什么?

          452. What are you doing next week? 下周你干什么?

          453. I plan to go to the concert. 我打算去聽音樂會。

          454. I‘m thinking of going to my grandma’s. 我想去外婆家。

          455. I‘ll go skiing of the weather permits. 天氣允許的話,我會去滑雪。

          456. I suppose I can finish the project next year. 我想我明年完成此工程。

          457. I have no idea. 我不知道。

          458. It’s up to you. 由你決定。

          459. I‘m considering buying a house. 我想買套房子。

          460. Hi, Jack, what lessons will you take this semester? 你好,杰克,這學(xué)期你選什么課?

          461. Hi, Lucy. I’ll take French and Economics. 你好,露西,我想選法語和經(jīng)濟。

          462. I‘m taking Chinese and History. 我將選中文和歷史。

          463. Do you plan to do some odd jobs? 你打算打工嗎?

          464. Yes, I’m applying to work at the library. 是的,我在申請圖書館管理員的工作。

          465. Good luck! 祝你好運。

          四、 About Decisions 關(guān)于決定

          466. It's up to you. 由你決定。

          467. You have the final say. 你說了算。

          468. She insists that it doesn't matter. 她堅持說那沒關(guān)系。

          469. He's made up his mind to quit his job. 他已決定辭去他的'工作。

          470. I've decided not to sell the house. 我決定不賣房子了。

          471. I'm determined to leave. 我決意要走了。

          472. Have you decided? 你決定了嗎?

          473. No, I haven't decided yet. 不,還沒有。

          474. I've changed my mind. 我改注意了。

          475. It's still undecided. 還沒決定。

          476. Don't hesitate any more. 別在猶豫了。

          477. Give me a definite answer, please. 請給個明確的答復(fù)。

          478. It's really hard to make a decision. 挺難做決定的。

          479. I'm always making resolutions, like giving up smoking. 我總在做出決定,比如戒煙。

          480. Don't shilly-shally. 別猶豫不決。

          五、 Traveling 旅游

          481. Do you like traveling? 你喜歡旅游嗎?

          482. Yes, I‘ve just come back from Scotland. 是的,我剛從蘇格蘭回來。

          483. How did you get there? 你怎么去的?

          484. I got there by plane. 我坐飛機去的。

          485. Where did you visit? 你去參觀了哪些地方?

          486. I only had time to visit Edinburgh. 我只有時間去愛丁堡。

          487. How did you like it? 你喜歡那兒嗎?488. It’s fantastic. 那兒棒極了。

          489. Why did you go there? 你為什么去那兒?

          490. I went there on business. 我出差到那兒。

          491. And do you have friends there? 你在那兒有朋友嗎?

          492. Yes, a lot of friends. 是的,很多。

          493. You must have enjoyed yourself. 你一定玩的很開心。

          494. Yes, and I took many pictures. 是的,我還照了好多照片。

          495. Please let me see them. 讓我看看。


          J: but you said your dream was to be an entrepreneur, to be your own boss.

          S: I'll do it someday. But it's not the right time now. I have to learn a lot by working as an employee.

          J: it sounds like you've got a perfect plan.

          S: you could say so.I'll work hard in that company and try to understand as much as possible about how to run an enterprise.

          J: it can save you lots of time and effort to simply copy a successful business model.

          S: yeah,the success stories of that company might be useful for me. And their customers may become the potential ones for my own company.

          J: that's right. You should establish good relationships with them. what else are you planning to do while working for that company?

          S: well, I'll come up with a detailed business plan to attract the investors.

          J: sounds perfect. I think with all that you have in mind, you'll become a successful businessman. By then,perhaps, I'll join in as a partner of your company.


          R: yes. I bought a scarf yesterday. It's really nice and warm. Have a look.

          K: Oh, it's made of wool. I like the striped pattern.

          R: yes, I adore simple fashions. How does it look on me?

          K: it looks great, but you need something to go with it. It's too plain on its own.

          R: how about this blue sweater?

          K: that's a good idea. When did you buy it? Is it a name brand?

          R: yes, but I bought it when it was on sale, 50% off the original price. OK, what do you think?

          K: that looks lovely. Just one more thing——you need a pair of earrings.

          R: I've got a pair of pearl earrings. Here it is.

          K: perfect!

          R: you have good fashion sense, Karen.

          K: thanks. We should be ourselves. There are so many fashion victims out there.

          R: yes, but with our sense we'll always look good.













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