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      1. 英文自我評價

        時間:2023-06-17 16:15:55 自我評價 我要投稿





          Under the leadership of the teacher we lined up into the Shaanxi flames limited liability company's production workshop, after the relevant person in charge of the distribution I and the other four students were assigned to the bakelite workshop.

          Into the workshop, the master of the workers on the performance of our very happy, enthusiastic greeting me, as far as possible to me to introduce me to do the work, I just came in a sense of tension swept away. In the workers under the master's explanation we understand the next week's work content. And found that we seem to be doing a great cause, because we processed the antenna is to be installed in the tank above. And many of these antennas are sold abroad. The thought of their use of the antenna in some of their own to do, and my heart can not say proud.

          The antenna body has four sections, connected to one from the low to high diameter in turn, from the bottom to the top in turn; a connecting base, 2 with a fixed rope, fixed rope and a metal, is used to connect the antenna , The main package a total of 7 positions, 7 accessories can be loaded into, and then a line of the rope, the antenna package folded to carry.

          Our work that trouble to not trouble, but need to have enough first is to use a small blade to a white plastic end of a dust use the blade is very hand the school is very difficult to take, a long time, the hand will be blisters, even though we have to clean up, or inevitable, but the thought of these workers uncle for decades to do the job, admiration Feeling arises spontaneously. They are for the motherland of tomorrow, not afraid of suffering, then we have nothing to fear.

          The second task is to remove the antenna under the core, there is the fiberglass shell to the gelatinization treatment, it seems simple, it is not true, because the plastic outside the plastic film is very hard, accidentally cut Finger, the master of the workers in the explanation, we found a small hand does not cut the hand tips. The third task is the casing, in order to prevent the antenna interference, will use the plastic tube to isolate the antenna.

          The fourth work has a good name to listen to this is a high-tech live, in a one-meter-long plastic tube wearing a thin copper wire is only 0.3 ly is not an easy thing, even more depressing is that sometimes when you wear to the end of the moment, just so bad 2 cm, just can not pass, and my heart that hate Egypt do not know who invented the antenna practice, although complaining There are still, but we still learn to make fun of, we five people started the game, to see who wear the fast and. In this way the work was also very easy to solve. We summed up the truth - do not just have the patience to do this, there is another condition, that is luck, good luck, smooth. Bad luck, then move.

          The fifth task is welding, this welding is different from the radio welding, it is the soldering iron fixed, mobile components to complete the welding. As the temperature is high, it requires us to fast, accurate, and requires a beautiful weldment.

          The sixth task is to insulate small transformers with insulating work is the most easy to complete. Is the best learning.

          The seventh job is the mat, although good to do, but need a little use there are many components will not affect the role of the antenna, so even if the production is not very qualified, in order not to waste, will continue to use. This requires a little more effort.

          The eighth task is to tie the line, it sounds very easy to do it is not simple. The reason is not only to tie, but also tied labor, so as not to tamper with the antenna in the glass tank. Worker master taught us to tie the method, the beginning of the tie is very awkward, tied the number of more, even find work is the door to fun.

          Week internship is the deepest feelings of some of the Fiberhome Group of dedicated workers. Here the workers are very amiable and friendly people, often some humorous words to our work to add fun. The most touching is that when we can not personally participate in the Olympic torch relay, they play radio for us so that we hear the whole process of tracking the torch relay.

          The rapid development of modern science and technology era, the types of high-tech products more and more, production technology and production processes are also different. But no matter what kind of products, from raw materials to produce products are processed to follow certain production principles, through a number of major equipment and process to complete. And never try to use machines instead of manual, no matter how fast the machine can not replace human labor. And this is not only labor, or passion to pass.


          In order to implement the Ministry of Education and the four headquarters "on strengthening the national defense military training and training of the implementation of the views of the implementation of the work," PeiPingShi officer led us to August 10, 20xx to August 30 in the air force of a regiment with a soldier work out. 20 days of "military training" so I have a grass-roots level, to understand the situation of officers and men, to experience the soldiers life opportunities. I not only increased knowledge, rich experience, and re-understanding of the self, for the future into the army laid a solid foundation.

          First, the ideological and political aspects. In the absence of internships before the troops know little about the firm idea of some of the army can not be stable, worried about their fitness suited to the troops, can develop good, with the monitor, non-commissioned officers of the exchange, and their own during this time to see The news, to dispel my concerns, more determined to root the roots of my base camp of faith. As a national defense student, a republic of the paramilitary officers, to keep in mind the party and the people's expectations, not afraid of hardship, to achieve the motherland's strong military dream and life.

          Second, the quality of military and political aspects. Through the comparison with the grassroots officers and men, I think I still need to strengthen the quality of military and physical strength is a piece of our short board. Because there is no strict requirements before, during school did not strengthen their physical training, making themselves and the company there is a big gap between the officers and men. In later life, I should be strict with oneself, insist on physical training, so that their physical level has a big increase. In terms of psychological quality, I feel some impetuous, do what are feathery. For example, in the company cleaning, production of labor when they are always calm down to do things down. In the future life, I will continue to hone their own, so that they can threw himself into the work of learning.

          Third, the work style. Because the local university life has been learning, and less contact with the troops, while their own requirements are not strict enough, leading to their own style of loose. When I first came to feel particularly suited to the company, daily routine and completely different, there are many feel cumbersome rules and regulations. I also recognize their lack of these areas, so I humbly ask the officers and men, with their help in my style has been significantly improved, I phase

          This will bring great benefits to my future development.

          20 days of "military training" Although the time is very short, but I followed the deep friendship of the officers and men, as the lyrics written in the "war friendship and love to really express". During this time, I would like to thank the officers and men of the company for their care, as well as the leadership of the selection of training my concern. Through this military training I realized that their own shortcomings, but also correct their own direction of life, I will be strict demands on themselves, and constantly narrow their own

          Lattice of the gap between the officers, after graduation better qualified for their own work and make unremitting efforts.


          I am cheerful, honest, optimistic, honest and prudent, serious and responsible and pragmatic attitude, with strong ability to adapt, has engaged in professional social work practice enthusia. I want to give a community the opportunity to practice the profession in the work of the director to play through in a different environment of continuous learning, continuous efforts to adapt to evolving social demands, hope you can give me a platform to show. Thank you!


          1, tiger mouth tooth, dance with wolves is my career, some people say that I am bold, in fact, I am very timid, no way, I am a zoo veterinarian & & 2, and we are not blowing, my professional status, how much Officer to see me, have to bow to bow, I let him bow he did not dare look up, I let him rise he did not dare to bow, you do not believe it, I'm a national super-barber & &

          3, hand knife, his hands covered with blood, my every day is spent in the Daoguang ax shadow, think of those tragic death in my hands of life, I really have nothing to say, so I, others The Public Security Bureau did not catch, the court does not sentence, said I was too small, they do not want to control, you say no gas, I am the meat factory slaughtering & &

          4, say I have money, I do not feel a little ye? But my work is really counting the number of money every day, when the number of busy box into a bundle of the number of idle time is also put into the number of put down, Gesanchaiwu also a few dollars and other foreign currencies, you tell me, and sometimes Count the number of money hand cramps children ah, you say I am blowing, I blow Sha Mo, I was a bank teller.

          5, I do, but one of the best in the world, my customers are all emperors and princess, say you may not believe, I am a kindergarten math teacher, I will teach those little princesses every day count, 1,2 &&

          6, it is said that you drink all day long, there are people to give you money, how can there be a good thing, you do not believe this good thing really let me stand, in fact, nothing, I winery sommelier.

          7, cattle Hana, when a small official children do not know ye to friends, tell you, Comin met me, and I let you on you, so you under the next, the letter does not? Stare at the eyeball ah, say a joke is also angry ah, you do not know I was open the elevator you?

          8, you do not look at me to earn much, looks like the general, I kinda quite touching the small sample it, a lot of people just saw my face, was my image and temperament fascinated! You say I am blowing, this thing I blow Han, do not believe you inquire about, as the anesthesiologist, in our hospital operating room, I personally captured the hearts of many people! 9, you look like I look good is not, tell you, I also mad it, looking for the object in this area I am definitely a master, I was at the yellow, yellow place, you, Minger months, one year For a few it, so there are NPC to give me a lot of money too! You say, I am && thinking how complicated it, to tell you, ah, I'm a decent person! Well, do not tell you nonsense, I have to filming, the director, who I set and yellow?

          10, I am the old number in the unit, the family lacked Han I get from the unit, small ink pen and ink paper, large portable computer, the most cattle is two days ago, I actually in front of all employees, in broad daylight , The unit manager in the office of a leather sofa hire people to go home, is the case, the unit did not like to see people like Leng, regardless of the tube!What do you say? Our unit tube loose? Tell you, our strict management unit, but a name, usually if you do not have a legitimate reason, want to go home with a piece of paper is immune! I do not sell you off you, think about this kind of thing, in addition to the private sector as the only investor and CEOs of me, who would dare so arrogant it?


          Just a week of the apparel industry sales ended soon, for me to come into contact with the new industry is always so fresh, of course, out of their full energy, a more in-depth understanding of the operation of the industry and marketing skills, the following Is my practice of self-identification.

          First of all clothing display knowledge, a clothing story is a group of personality style display, directly to the designer's creativity completely with the product displayed, without losing the original design, direct products to customers in front of his style, so that each A different store through the story can express the same meaning, so that uniform display of clothing together. Only to understand the product knowledge and clothing embodied in the design creativity, the characteristics of clothing and wear on the effect of customers speak out, and how to match with the clothing to tell customers in order to arouse customer desire to eby increasing the sales turnover rate. So I think every clerk to master each of his group of stories, even in the sales process does not necessarily have to tell our story, but how can we each group is full of design Imagine the mastery of the story, the better To seize the psychological part of the customer.

          Second, the mental state of preparation. In the sales process, if the sales staff have a good mental state, it will give customers a positive, dynamic, progressive atmosphere, then this positive emotional progress will always affect the customer, so that Customers feel that they get an emotional infection, so customers can stay in our store more time, he can always pick a suitable clothes.

          Mental state of performance from our grooming instrument performance, with a certain etiquette knowledge of the sales staff in order to allow customers to feel the value of the brand, because when looking at a brand, our sales staff is a direct reflection of our brand image, Therefore, the upgrading of the quality of sales staff, but also an important symbol of brand promotion. Good mental state good sales staff, the probability of a lot of transactions.

          Preparation of the body. If we have a good body, we can maintain exuberant energy, in order to better work. In the malls are generally standing service, if not a good body is easy to feel very tired, so there is a good body, can we better go all out to work. So a strong physique or a dynamic and energetic team necessary. Internship is over, I do learn a lot of things, marketing is a very knowledgeable industry, not only eloquence, more psychological, and no industry marketing are similar, the knowledge of the sale of goods is not the same, with the These emboldened, I would like to my future work will be of great help.


          I am in charge of import and export and domestic Korean companies procurement has been a year, conscientious, had imported large equipment, raw materials and spare parts, etc., master procurement plans, manage orders and other work skills, work every day from eight nights VIII accumulated a lot of work experience and skills. Enthusiasm is high, is a warm and helpful, the group has a high spirit of cooperation.


          After a day's financial work, let me earnestly see the many weaknesses in financial management, as the financial department's main responsibility to lead, I can not shirk responsibility.

          In the work I can abide by the law, study hard, study hard, solid work, diligent, conscientious attitude towards their jobs, in the financial position to play its due role, made a contribution. Through political theory study and participation in political activities and various competitions, I am in ideological, operational and the CPC Central Committee to maintain a high degree of consistency, while making the quality of political and ideological and law enforcement has been greatly improved, strengthen the clean self-discipline, Change the ability to enhance the awareness of law enforcement and service for financial work to lay the ideological foundation.

          I, as a financial responsibility of the leadership, is a financial staff, but also the financial management system of the organizers, I have strict, clean work style and careful work attitude, the staff should actively guide, so that the next line efficiency, Help line personnel to solve the problem, give full play to the team spirit of cooperation, learn advanced, advanced, ultra advanced, in the line in the competition activities, play team strength, twisted into a rope; The satisfaction of the staff is satisfied, so that the department heads in charge of satisfaction, "two assured that" the leadership of the group to be assured that the company's CEOs. " And rest assured that leaders at all levels.

          I am hard working, willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice. This year, due to the overall relocation and standardization of the basis of accounting rectification work, the intensity and difficulty of financial work has increased. In addition to complete the reimbursement work, I also take care of Corey's back office work and other business. In order to complete the task according to the quality and quantity, I do not care about personal gains and losses, not pay, sacrifice personal interests, often work overtime. In work to develop willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice the spirit of the work can always be hard working, conscientious. In the completion of the task of reimbursement, taking into account the back office, do a good job budget, the management of labor camp deposits, excellent work to complete the task, played a role in advanced and role models. Jianli-

          I am clean and self-discipline, and establish a good image of the work of the people's police and financial workers. I, as a financial system xx leadership, with a dual identity. Therefore, in peacetime work, not only to xx working people's standards to ask themselves, learn and master the relevant laws and regulations related to reeducation-through-labor knowledge, so that the knowledge according to law, knowledge chapter. But also to an accounting staff standards themselves, to strengthen the accounting staff of professional ethics education and construction, familiar with the financial and legal,

          Regulations, rules and national unified accounting system, so impartial law enforcement, clean and honest.

          Future work, or the beginning of the responsibility of leadership on the meeting that sentence: I will continue to sum up and reflect on, and constantly spur their own and enrich their energy and improve their quality and operational level, to adapt to the times and business development, and you common Progress, and the company grow together.


          I'm a sincere man, have a stable personality and a high sense of responsibility; Initiative,independent, and have coordination skills and teamwork spirit;prepared to work hard , have good communication skills and Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force strong ability to learn, glad to accept other’s guidance and criticism. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths. Have strong determination to succeed. All I want is to progress together with company during my burning youth.


          I xx supermarket manager, xx supermarket to x years, the past few years, I have systematically studied the retail industry overview, warehouse-style supermarket chain management theory, customer psychology and sales of consumer knowledge and other basic knowledge, learning a new type of Knowledge of the retail industry, trying to melt into the development of family music as soon as possible. Shop in the x shop on the eve of my hard working, always work in the first line, often and staff to the night, until the shop. So far, I started the xx market to start the journey. The beginning of the road xx shop sales of more than ten thousand yuan a day, after six months of efforts, the market finally opened, xx family well-known, sales increased, customer satisfaction, employees face full of joy this year Was named "xxx advanced employees."

          Since I have just come to x city work, not kinship, over the past year, I use all relationships, to overcome geographical differences, understanding xx market and the policies and regulations, in close cooperation with the partners, with the relevant government departments to establish a good relationship of cooperation . In order to develop xx market, I work with employees every day, and listen to the rationalization proposals to respond to the highly competitive market environment. At present, xx supermarket xx more than competitors around the store opened in the home music store in the face of this environment, so xxxx year task completion and improvement is a test, employees are worried about the idea . To this end, my staff xx years of work center is "to promote sales services to manage the cost." Over the past year to standardize the training services, management training, we will not forget the work center, this one has been through to the store every manager and staff in the mind. As long as the good, will attract customers, will be able to get out of trouble. North Road store sales and management over the past year to achieve a double profit target, sales of ultra-planned completion. An increase of more than xx, 85% for three consecutive years to complete the task assigned by the Group.

          Faced with the results of flash, I am not satisfied. I carefully analyze the structure of goods and market demand, timely adjustment of commodity structure and reasonable control of inventory, to avoid backlog of funds. Due to xx road shop for the shop, the supplier for the foreign suppliers, to a certain extent, affect sales. At the beginning of the year, the company set up a commodity group in the xx, I served as the head of the group, in order to store steady development in the xx, so that the formation of differences with competitors advantage, I put the commodity group "weight width, light depth, heavy chain, For the "principle of the negotiations, so that the commodity group in improving xx market at the same time, further formed × × × chain advantage.Eliminating the market is not suitable for xx goods, and the development of some local characteristics of goods, a fundamental solution to the vegetables, fruit chain can not be the problem. Year, under my leadership, xx × × in the commodity business to broaden the computer, mobile phones, audio and video, books, chilled, staple food kitchen and other varieties, the real formation of the warehouse super supermarkets. Commodity varieties than 11 years nearly doubled. The fullness of the variety has brought the passenger flow, the strengthening of the management has reduced the cost, the service level has won the customers. × × City Consumers Association annual, industry and commerce, newspapers in public opinion polls, xx road shop was named "xx most satisfied with the public supermarket."

          As the xx road north shop manager and xx area supervisor during the face of the complex work inside and outside the shop I use my brains to find ways to boldly decentralized, competitive appointment posts, and fully mobilize all levels of management and the staff work enthusiasm and creativity. I think that "employees are the largest capital of enterprises, only to provide them with the opportunity to give full play to their talents, in order to enhance the cohesion of staff, enterprises can survive." Under my leadership, xx road shop has gradually formed its own duties, each responsible, rigorous and efficient work pattern.

          Of course, I work there are shortcomings in the future work I will continue to improve, and strive to make the work in a new level.


          In the three months of work, there is joy, success, failure, there are distress.Under the leadership and care and guidance, with the full support of my colleagues with the help of my ability to work has been greatly improved, now these three months of work are summarized as follows:

          1, to study hard and continuously improve their operational capacity. At work, conscientiously learn business knowledge, continue to accumulate experience, and actively participate in learning and training, and constantly enrich themselves; 2, compliance. 3 months, their work is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, learning excellent staff approach, and earnestly completed the work of the job tasks; 3, unity colleagues, and work together. 4, due to their lack of work experience in the work of the lack of practical experience in dealing with customer complaints, service work done enough meticulous, this is my future direction of the effort.

          2, review the past 3 months, I seriously study the business training, and actively participate in job training. Wholeheartedly, courteous, enthusiastic service, patience to answer questions, to provide quality services to customers and continue to practice in improving their own quality and business level, grow into a qualified salesperson.

          3. I have been working in the company since the help of my colleagues in the care, through personal efforts and work-related experience of the accumulation of knowledge continues to widen, the ability to work and work has made great progress. I believe that I, I strive to work in the future I would like to grow into a good staff, strive to become the object of others learning.

          In the past three months of work, there are successes, failures, joy, but also distressed in the leadership and care and guidance, with the full support of my colleagues with the help of my ability to work has been greatly improved, Will be 3 months to work summarized as follows:

          1, and strive to learn and continuously improve their operational capacity in the work, serious study of business knowledge, continue to accumulate experience, and actively participate in learning and training, and constantly enrich themselves; 2, compliance 3 months, their work is not afraid of hardships 3, unity of colleagues and work together. Colleagues harmonious, unity and fraternity, mutual help and mutual respect; 4, due to their lack of work experience, the work of the staff of the work, In the work of the lack of practice to deal with customer complaints (article reproduced from the [personal] experience, service work is not detailed enough, this is my future direction.


          Good morning, dear professors, I feel deeply honored to meet all of you here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is +++, 23 years old. I come from Tong Liao, a beautiful city of Inner Mongolia. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Management School of Wuhan University of science and technology in June, 20xx. Now,I am doing my best to obtain an opportunity to further my education in Tianjin University which I have dreamed of for two years. That’s why I feel so excited about talking to you today.

          Just as I have said, I graduated from Wuhan University of science and technology. Although it is not well known, I still appreciate it, because it offered me a stage on which I could build my character and develop my abilities. During my college year, I have made rapid and great progress in many areas. As a student, I studied very hard, and was awarded scholarship many times; as a monitor, I worked responsibly and gained positive feedback from teachers and classmates; Working as a Secretary of Party branch, I strived to complete any assignment perfectly. In a word, I grew a lot during the four years to today’s me, an open-minded, responsible and steady person.

          During my undergraduate study, I have gained a good understanding of management and practice in multiple fields of management. Gradually, I realized that I should explore deeper in my field, especially when I led my team to research on “The Problems and Solutions to the Building of the New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Workforce”. We did a great job and published a research paper on “Asian social science”. After the research experience, I found that I was intrigued by being a researcher, through which I could not only feel a great sense of accomplishment and but also make my contribution to the society. Then naturally, I made up mind to further my education and research in a great graduate school.

          Tianjin University is famous for the high quality teaching and impressive research atmosphere. As one of the most celebrated universities, I think it would provide me the best opportunity to enrich my knowledge, enhance my skills, and become a contributing researcher in my filed. I would really appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity and help me realize my dream.

          Thank you for your time, and I am open to any question to help you to further understand my qualifications.


          A semester, I carefully prepare lessons, classes, lectures, observation and evaluation, timely correcting homework, commenting on the job, good job after school, broad range of all kinds of knowledge, formed a relatively complete knowledge structure, the stringent requirements of students, respect for students, promote teaching democracy, so that students learning anything, so as to continuously improve their teaching level and political consciousness, and the successful completion of education and teaching tasks. What is my job to identify themselves: First, to improve the quality of teaching, the key is Shanghao lesson. To Shanghao lesson, I did the following work: pre-class preparation. Prepare lessons: serious study materials for teaching the basic idea, basic concept, every word, every word clear, understand the structure of materials, important and difficult to master knowledge and logic, and can use it freely, to know what should be added information on how to teach; understand the quality of students' prior knowledge and skills, and their interests, needs, methods, habits, learning new knowledge which might be difficult to take appropriate preventive measures; consider teaching, has been how to solve teach students to master the teaching materials, including teaching how to organize, how to organize the activities of each lesson.

          The situation in the classroom. Organize the classroom teaching, attention to all students, pay attention to feedback, mobilize students conscious attention, it remained relatively stable, at the same time, to stimulate students' emotions, so that they have a pleasant state of mind, to create a good classroom atmosphere, classroom language clear and concise to overcome the previous repeated problems, ask questions in class for all students, pay attention to trigger students' interest in learning mathematics classroom practice with speaking, a good layout homework, job concise, to reduce the burden on students.

          Second, we must improve the quality of teaching, but also to do after school work. Pupils love animals, fun, lack of self-control, often in the study could not finish the job, and some students copying work. In response to this problem, grasp the students' ideological education, and to carry out this work to the study guide for students to go, but also good for students counseling and help to work, especially in the underachiever transformation of backward students strive to be friendly and from the beginning, for example, shook his hand, touch his head, or help organize clothes. Praise from the start, all of them eager to get others to understand and respect, so that when poor students and talk about his situation, the idea represents a profound understanding and respect, as well as prior to criticize the students, to talk about his lack of work .

          Then actively participate in lectures, observation and evaluation, with an open mind to peer learning teaching method, absorbing, improve the teaching level.

          Finally, develop a variety of interests, to the library to read, continuously widening knowledge for teaching content to inject fresh blood.

          In this ever-changing society, the parties face more demanding the quality of teachers, teaching in the future work, I will be more strict with themselves, work hard, promote the advantages and disadvantages of corrections, forge ahead for a better future contributions own strength.


          Since I came to the technical school, my thinking has become a lot of mature, in this society I have been learning to adjust their small minds, so that they can live a good life, doing everything That road will seriously drive their own choice of road, always understand their own value, lower their work requirements, not afraid to let themselves suffer, had several times to use holiday time to go out to work, experience the community, in the face of difficulties Are firm with their own thoughts go, finish their own requirements.In the face of difficulties have a flexible turn of thinking, thinking is a person's personality is off, a person's thinking can be seen on the work ethic and professional morale well, at a certain moment I will be wise to adjust their psychological , So at work I will not fear.

          In life, in the school for more than two years, I am very positive about their work and work, are actively participating in the work of the school community activities, in the school year the basketball game is not afraid of danger Do not back down to finish the game, in the community work as a literary cadres I seriously organized for the literary society activities. Such as the first "three-pointers" blue vote, "Literary Society outstanding creative activities appraisal activities", "and the school exchange", "60 anniversary of the campus celebration of painting and calligraphy exhibition", "dear old man, caring society" Dear children, know how to Thanksgiving, "and so on, are my own thoughts on the spirit of society.

          In school, although the learning situation is not in the class, but I have not wasted time, I insist on a comprehensive study and exercise their own, out of their social work for the day to do the best bedding.


          As a five-star hotel waiter, in the details of the work, etiquette requirements are particularly stringent, because the front hall is the hotel's first "window", and the waiter's quality directly reflects the hotel's service quality and management level. As a waiter every day I have to face a large number of guests, the impact of large, so the service work to pay special attention to etiquette, to the guests left a good impression. Here is my self-identification as a waiter. First of all, as the external image of the total station service staff, I dress neat, not makeup, do not wear expensive ornaments, pay attention to personal hygiene, Jichi before work has a strong taste of food stimulation. Standing in the service, always full of energy, greet guests with a smile, active enthusiasm. Have professionalism, do not leave the workplace to do private matters.Working hours I do not chat with others, do not ignore the guests. In any case, do not dispute with the guests, the use of civilized and polite language, not ridiculed, satirical guests, not vulgar language, rude behavior. Second, I am in the attitude of service attitude enthusiastic and sincere. When guests complained about service dissatisfaction, I patiently listen, sincerely accept, do not interrupt the guests of the conversation, not to ignore, sincere apology to the guests, and immediately proceed to solve the problem. So that all guests are treated equally, enthusiastic service.

          I do Insider, 100 ask patiently. Answer questions concise and clear, accurate, articulate. The location of the various hotels, service time, a variety of facilities such as the helm, do not "may", "may", "probably" and other vague words to answer guest information. I was kind enough to be a good counselor when I asked the guests. I am also familiar with other local service industries, such as tourist attractions, round-trip routes, transportation, shopping and other relevant information, so as to provide services to guests at any time, to avoid asking questions.

          In the guests encounter difficulties, I try my best to do everything to help, never refused for any reason, such as the guests on behalf of the size of items such as repairs. If you can not meet the requirements of the guests, I apologize to the guests in a timely manner, in order to forgive, not free to compile reasons, prevarication prevarication. I promise to do things in the promise of the guests, not negligence, or even forgotten.

          Guests to check out the total station, I am enthusiastic attitude, apply quickly and accurately, so as not to delay the guests time. Check the situation on the spot, the money face to face settlement. Check out the guests should be completed to thank, and welcome guests to visit again.Because I know the appropriate farewell, you can impress the guests to attract guests come back.


          First, the practical work attitude:

          Over the past year, I insist on practical work, hard working, consciously safeguard the company's corporate image, properly do their jobs, try to avoid any flaws in the work.

          Administrative clerks are the nature of the work of the service, and more complicated.

          (1) every day I do a good job in the service work to ensure that the business department, document department, shipping department, finance department and the design department of the normal work.

          (2) the clerk's daily work is more trivial, need careful, cautious, and not negligence, but can not be sloppy.

          (3) under the guidance of the Department of Administration Manager MAY, the establishment of the day memorandum. I will be included in the day's work in the memorandum, one by one to complete, so as to avoid omissions.

          Second, dedication, good job of administrative personnel work:

          Conscientiously do their own work and daily work, to help the leadership to maintain a good working order and working environment, so that the file management has become more standardized and standardized. At the same time do a good job of logistics services, so that leaders and colleagues to avoid worrying about, under the direct leadership of the department manager, active and active do the daily housekeeping work.

          1, the daily reception work: the call, the use of civilized language, speak and gas, warm, polite reception of foreign visitors to factories and foreign staff, for the relevant issues to ask or ask for help, I will give my best to give Answer or promptly convey the relevant leadership to solve.

          2, material management work: the development of the company's daily office supplies purchase and receive form, do a good job with the use of materials management, according to the department to receive the situation, to receive registration.

          3, file management: according to the work needs, at any time production of various forms, documents, etc., at the same time to complete the department to explain the English scan, copy the documents, the company issued the notice, the file to upload in a timely manner.

          4, personnel file management: the staff will be working and separation of staff files classified archives, and do scanning electronic archives, the new staff assessment table sorted by annual bookbinding and other preservation.

          5, recruitment: Check the e-mail reading resume, appointment arrangements for the manager interview and general manager of the re-examination.

          6, business meetings and exhibition itinerary work: the development of travel plans, booking domestic and international air tickets and hotels to ensure the normal travel of staff travel.





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