1、強調你的優勢,但不要重復你的簡歷 。Reiterate your strength but don’t repeat your CV.
一封完整的 求職 信應包含以下要點:你所申請的職位;你為什么認為自己是合適的候選人;以及你的職業技能和優勢是如何匹配 招聘 要求的。請記住,你是在“詮釋”你的 簡歷 ,而非重復其中內容。
Your cover letter should include information on what position you are applying for, why you think you are the right candidate, and how your skills and strengths match the criteria listed in the job posting. Remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.
2、個性化,但切勿過于私人化。Get personal but never be too personal.
求職 信是雇主對你增進了解的有效工具,包括你的職場個性、業務強項和工作激情。然而,在信中暴露過多個人信息卻是大忌。這也許讓你看起來不夠職業,還可能影響雇主對你的能力做出客觀判斷。
Cover letter is an effective networking tool for the employer to learn more about you, including your business-related personality, strength and passion for the job. However, disclosing too much personal information in cover letter is a taboo. It would make you look unprofessional, and may distract the employer from making an objective judgment on you.
3、 求職 信應簡明易讀。Make it easy to read.
人力資源經理沒太多時間讀一封冗長的 求職信 ,因此請以醒目形式簡明扼要地列出關鍵信息。在逐條闡述與職位相匹配的個人優勢和技能時,采用“子彈式圖標”分段是不錯的選擇。要避免使用長篇大段文字、復雜花哨的字體、表情符號、不適宜的郵件地址、過期的聯系方式。讓你的 求職信 易讀易懂。
A hiring manager won’t have too much time to read a lengthy cover letter, so make your key points in striking and orderly ways. Use bullets to break up the text could be a good choice when explaining your strengths and skills that match the position one by one. Avoid using large blocks of text, ornate or gaudy fonts, emoticons, inappropriate e-mail addresses and expired contact ways, so as to make your cove letter easy to read and understand.
4、 求職信 也要個性化定制。Customize your cover letter.
It is easier to start with a cover letter template to make sure all the key points are included, but do remember to customize your cover letter to show your uniqueness, otherwise there is no need to write such a thing. If you have a contact person for your letter, be sure to include their name in your letter.
5、事先做好調研工作。Do research in advance.
在寫求職信之前,盡可能多地搜集關于應聘公司和人力資源經理的信息,以便用“親愛的某某先生/某某女士”作為抬頭,將求職信寄給某位負責 招聘 的特定個人。再次核對 招聘 規定,以確保求職信的寄送格式萬無一失(附件或文本形式)。
Before you write, find out as much as you can about the company and the hiring manager, and then you can start your cover letter with“Dear Mr Green/Ms Flower”to address it to the individual responsible for hiring. Check the recruitment rules of the company to make sure you send the cover letter in right format (attachment or text).
6、解釋你的職場“空窗期”。Explain your employment gap.
Some job applicants may have recent gaps, such as being laid-off and unemployed for half a year, or being a full-time mother for three years. Cover letter gives you an opportunity to explain an employment gap in a sincere and honest way.
7、用語需彬彬有禮。Be polite.
Your cover letter is your first and best chance to make a good impression, so be polite. Don’t forget the salutation opening and complimentary close parts. You may conclude your cover letter by“thank you for your consideration”,“looking forward to hearing from you”and“Respectfully/Sincerely/Courteously yours”.
8、檢查拼寫錯誤。Check errors.
最后,在寄出你的 簡歷 和求職信之前,多花一分鐘時間檢查拼寫錯誤或邏輯漏洞,這不會是無用功。祝你好運!
Finally, take one more minute to check spelling mistakes or logical flaws of your CV and cover letter before you send them out. Good luck!
Dear School Leadership:
Thank you for your loyalty in his busy schedule written through my job.
West Tian-Ling My name is Anyang Teachers College Department of Music XX music graduates professional.
Four years in college, after persistent efforts, I have a relatively solid expertise. Rise to the challenge of music theory, sight-singing, listening, vocal music teaching such courses. However, since the view that the inexperienced, lack of practical experience, hope to be able to gradually improve their work and give full play to its strengths as a school pitch in to help Tim. In addition, I have Anyang tutor over a period of time, have a certain amount of teaching ability. Through the exercise, I deeply understand that a person must have good morals and virtue, a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility in order to face the difficulties and challenges.
In order to realize the value of your life for themselves for a good environment to display their talent, I sincerely hope to join your school. I believe that through their own efforts, your school will soon be capable of teaching.知遇之恩,沒齒不忘, hoping you can give me a chance. If fortunate enough to become a member of your school, and I will cherish this hard-won opportunity for all teaching staff and schools together, solidarity, with the wisdom and sweat to create a better future school!
Enclose my CV and contact details, sincerely look forward to the chance for an interview!
I wish you good health and good luck!