- 相關推薦
姓名: - 國籍: 中國
目前所在地: 廣州 民族: 漢族
戶口所在地: 廣東省 身材: 163 cm?49 kg
婚姻狀況: 未婚 年齡: 25 歲
人才類型: 普通求職?
應聘職位: 外貿/貿易專員/助理:外貿業務 貿易類 外貿業務 外貿/貿易經理/主管
工作年限: 3 職稱: 無職稱
求職類型: 全職 可到職- 一個星期
月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地區: 廣州 珠海
個人工作經歷: 2005-02~2006-02:DongGuan Sealand Holding Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd
職位:船務 職責如下:
- 處理一些日常工作;收發郵件,編制文件,跟進貨期。
- 與客戶確認好貨期;并取得相關的裝船說明資料來完成出貨文件。并從中得 知裝貨港,卸貨港,收貨人地址,通知人地址,以及所需相關文件等。
- 與貨代按排倉位(有散貨,整柜,空運,快遞等)
- 安排拖車到廠裝貨,并跟進行程。
- 出貨后檢查提單,并編制其他相關文件,如:發票,裝箱單,FORM A,CO 等;
- 確認貨款后寄出相關文件給客戶(或者電放提單給客戶)
- 跟蹤船運并向上級,客戶報告進程
B.2006-03~2007-12: French Sourcing-ex-China
職位:外貿業務 職責如下:
- 維護與客戶間的良好關系,有新開發的產品發相關資料給客戶。如果圖片, 報價表等;并詢問其對哪些興趣。
- 商議價格,貨期,匯款方式等;如:電匯,西聯匯款,信用證等。
- 確認包裝資料及價格以后,我們會根據客人的訂單編制銷售合同及形式發 票。
- 在相關的B2B商業平臺搜索新客戶;如果阿里巴巴,Trade Key, Made in China,Global sourcing,yellow page等等
- 一些特殊的產品外發外廠加工生產并跟進。
- 參加香港國際珠寶展,并安排相關事項;如:展品,酒店,入場證等。
畢業院校: 私立華聯大學
最高學歷: 大專 畢業- 2005-07-01
所學專業一: 經貿英語/日語 所學專業二:
受教育培訓經歷: 2002年9月~2005年7月在私立華聯大學就讀經貿英語專業。
2003年11月 獲三好學生和優秀干部稱號
2004年11月 獲三好學生稱號
2005年06月 獲三好學生和優秀畢業生
外語: 英語 優秀
國語水平: 優秀 粵語水平: 優秀
I am very Positive in life and see myself very active, persistent, curious and eager to learn.
I enjoy searching info in the internet, traveling and playing basketball etc; and I think a good way to deal with difficulties is to keep a balance between work and personal life. One needs to know how to detach one’s personal life from work. This helps to give u the strong to face and solve problems.
Another way is to keep a harmonious relationship with your term and your management and your clients, which makes it easier when facing hardship. Lasting it is also important to keep a broad business network which gives u a great opportunity to achieve success.
English Resume: CY’s Resume
Name: Sophia Chen Gender: Female Age : 24
Wedlock: Single Stature: 163cm Mobile:1356024XXXX
Email: cychina2008@163.com QQ: 252033404
MSN: cychina2008@hotmail.com Skype: somesuch
Career Objective: International business/sales person
Education: 2002-09~2005-07 Private HuaLian college English Bachelor Degree
Language Skills: Mandarin/ Cantonese/ English Excellent
ComputerAblities: Excell/Word/photoshop/outlook/foxmail Excellent
Working Experience:
A. 2005-02~2006-02: DongGuan Sealand Holding Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd
Position: Shipping Clerk
1/ Handle and resolve my daily work issuses from customers; such as checking how many present of the goods have been finished
2/ Charge of delivery with the customers; Get the shipping instruction to learn where is the port what kind of document they needed.
3/ Arrange shipment to forwarder.incl. FCL, LCL, Air shipment, Express etc;
4/ Check the bill of loading and issue other documents as well as Invoice, Packing list, Form A, CO;
5/ Send all the relatated documents to our customers when after shipment and received payment;
6/ Tracing the shipment and report process to customers;
B. 2006-03~2007-12: French Sourcing-ex-China
Position: Sale person
1/ Maintain the relationship and Introduce new developments to customers eg: send some photos and quotation form for goods which they are interested in.
2/ Discuss the price ,delivery date and payment with them.
3/ After comfirmation of the price , we will according to our customers'PO issue S/C & P/I for them
4/ Search new customer via Alibaba, Trade Key, Made in China,Global sourcing,yellow page......
5/ For some special product will place the order to other company
6/ Arrange goods to the exhibition and take part in HK International Jewelry Fair
Self Assessment:
I am very Positive in life and see myself very active, persistent, curious and eager to learn.
I enjoy searching info in the internet, traveling and playing basketball etc; and I think a good way to deal with difficulties is to keep a balance between work and personal life. One needs to know how to detach one’s personal life from work. This helps to give u the strong to face and solve problems.
Another way is to keep a harmonious relationship with your term and your management and your clients, which makes it easier when facing hardship. Lasting it is also important to keep a broad business network which gives u a great opportunity to achieve success.