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      1. 英語父母的格言

        時間:2024-03-03 08:07:34 格言 我要投稿
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          I don't know the old mother since the childhood, the newspaper niang favour is known in parenting.

          2 、茄子花朵朵結(jié)果實,父母話句句是真話。

          Eggplant flowers were blossoming fruit, every parents talk is telling the truth.


          The mother is how alike in the world! Their heart is always the same, there is a very pure pure heart.

          4 、真正能迫使一個女人成為別人老婆的不是父母,而是年齡。

          Really can force a woman to become someone else's wife is not parents, but the age.

          5 、哀哀父母,生不養(yǎng)兒不知父母恩。

          Ai ai parents, living not keep son don't know their parents.

          6 、為人處事都要讓人覺得你很有家教,如果你做到了,那就是對你父母最大的回報。

          People skills is to let a person feel you have a tutor, if you did, that is the biggest reward to your parents.

          7 、父母看似任由我闖蕩去按照自己的路走其實他們的目光一直盯著我的背影。

          Parents seem to let me make a go at their own road is the back of their eyes staring at me.

          8 、開始吧,孩子,開始用微笑去認(rèn)識你的母親吧!

          Begin, children, begin to get to know your mother with a smile!


          Family is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, children's paradise.

          1 0 、不當(dāng)家不知柴米貴,不養(yǎng)兒,不知報母恩。

          Not alone don't know daily expensive, don't keep son, I do not know to mother.

          1 1、父母是孩子們啟蒙教師,孩子是母親的一面鏡子。

          Parents is the children's enlightenment teacher, the child is a mirror of the mother.

          1 2、父親!對上帝,我們無法找到一個比這更神圣的稱呼了。

          Father! In god, we are unable to find a more sacred than that.

          1 3、父親是財源,兄弟是安慰,而朋友既是財源,又是安慰。

          Father's revenue, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both a source of money, and comfort.

          1 4、給青年人最好的忠告是讓他們謙遜謹(jǐn)慎,孝敬父母,愛戴親友。

          Give young people the best advice is to let their humility cautious, show filial obedience parents, love relatives and friends.

          1 5、智慧之子使父親歡樂,愚昧之子使母親蒙羞。

          A wise son maketh a glad father, but a foolish son shames the mother.

          1 6、我的父母,過去、現(xiàn)在都是我的英雄。我無法想象,讓任何別的人充當(dāng)我的英雄。

          My parents, in the past, now is my hero. I can't imagine, let any other person acting as my hero.

          1 7、有的兒女使我們感到此生不虛,有的兒女為我們留下了終身遺憾。

          Some children make us feel this life is not empty, some children left a lifelong regret for us.

          1 8、你一定要孝順父母,因為他們往往把最好的留給了我們。

          You must be filial piety the parents, because they tend to be the best for us.

          1 9、果與因之間的均衡極大,所以很難將原因視為結(jié)果的生身父母。

          Balance between fruit and because of great, so it is hard to reason as a result of "biological parents.

          2 0、家庭之所以重要,主要是因為它能使父母獲得情感。

          Family is important mainly because it can make the parents get emotional.

          2 1、記憶中的母親。∽钚膼鄣膽偃税,您是我所有的歡樂,所有的情誼。

          Mother of memories! The most beloved lover ah, you are all my joy, all the feelings.

          2 2、人們聽到的最美的聲音來自母親,來自家鄉(xiāng),來自天堂。

          People heard the most beautiful voices from mother, from home, from heaven.

          2 3、慈母的胳膊是慈愛構(gòu)成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?

          The loving mother's arm is composed of mercy, children sleep in it can not sweet?

          2 4、母親,是唯一能使死神屈服的力量。

          Mother, is the only can make the yield strength of a god of death.













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