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      1. 世界無煙日標語英文

        時間:2020-08-26 17:38:24 其他節(jié)日 我要投稿





          1. beware, there is a ghost wandering around, with a short cheerful exchange for life, with cheap pleasure corrosion health, its name is nicotine, world No Tobacco Day, the eradication of nicotine!

          2 March is a smoke-free, smoke-free in your pocket? I smoke it? Husband, let your mouth lung rest, rest, save some money for my wife to buy beautiful clothes? About SMS

          3. smoke, inhaled nicotine, nicotine; spit is gas, viruses. World No Tobacco Day, keep away from cigarettes. For yourself and for those you love, stop smoking and start with me!

          4. not necessarily smoke filled place is heaven, it may also be hell! Today is World No Tobacco Day, my friend, please cherish yourself, cherish the people around you, quit the cigarette in your hand!

          5. itiseasiertostartthanitistostop.tobacco, it 'skillingtheoneyoulove.

          6 - the candle burning themselves, others lit a cigarette burn; --- self harming sentient beings. Make candles, or, smoke?

          7. mountain birds fly, ten thousand people trail out. The clouds spit fog, things are annihilation.

          8 when stop smoking? How can youth beauty? In? What is life? Only wish to ban smoking, hope back to the "smoke-free world"!

          9. it is your simplest pleasure and also makes you cry most thoroughly.

          10., abandon the bad habit of smoking, create a healthy new fashion

          11. cherish life, advocate civilized life, love life, and develop good habits.

          12. away from tobacco, refuse to smoke the first cigarette; purify the air and protect the environment.

          13. deny tobacco, cherish life

          14 of the world to give up smoking and smoke, are happy; the gods do, also the harmful smokeless tobacco free; the benefits of smoking cessation, more people to participate, you and I do not fall behind, striving to quit the vanguard!

          The 15 World smokeless, for your health and beauty, will trouble the disease quit, quit, quit will be busy, will stay up late to quit, nor will quit, it is important to give up smoking.


          1. 吸煙損害牙齒,吸煙熏黑心肺,吸煙消耗財富,吸煙減損生命,吸煙污染空氣,吸煙百害無益,朋友你還吸煙嗎?世界無煙日,遠離煙害,祝你快樂賽過神仙,生活美麗無邊!

          2. 一支香煙幾元錢,看來似乎沒負擔;一天一包算算看,一年花費好幾千。一生吸掉幾十萬,病入膏肓疾病纏?人圆煌?偼绿,人人看見都會嫌。世界無煙日,勸君快戒煙!

          3. 別把叼著煙卷當作時尚流行,別把吸食煙葉當作精神食糧,別把吞云吐霧當作樂趣調侃。世界無煙日,為了自己,為了他人,請掐滅手中的香煙,就會讓健康發(fā)芽,生命長青!

          4. 一陣煙霧聲聲咳,家人揪心痛肺腑。健康生活留不住,疾病纏繞人著急。快樂已隨煙飄去,獨留痛苦身邊依。世界無煙日,為了你和家人的健康,為了保持清潔的環(huán)境,遠離香煙!

          5. 吸煙致病的人群數不勝數,吸煙患癌的概率極高,煙民的壽命大打折扣,死亡率有目共睹。因吸煙縮短壽命不治之癥慘不忍睹。.世界無煙日:杜絕吸煙,祝愿朋友健康長壽,遠離香煙的毒害。

          6. 一吸一吐,吸進的是隱患,吐出的是健康,一燃一滅,燃燒的是快樂,滅掉的'是幸福,一抽一吞,抽進的是病痛,吞進的是災害,世界無煙日,吸煙有害健康,請遠離香煙!

          7. 你吸煙嗎?你的家人吸煙嗎?世界無煙日,讓我們從家庭開始,約束自己,勸導家人,戒掉香煙,愿你以及你的家人健康快樂!

          8. 指間架一槍,槍槍射胸膛;膛里毒猖狂,狂魔體內掃蕩。正悠哉悠哉,突然嗝屁冰涼?薜目薜,喊娘的喊娘。世界無煙日,請煙民們繳槍!

          9. 嘴叼煙卷,很不文明;吞云吐霧,破壞環(huán)境;煙熏火燎,害人害己;一吸一吐,有害健康;長此以往,生命不保;勸君珍重,莫再吸煙。世界無煙日,締造清新空間,還原健康生命,請勿吸煙!

          10. 一明一暗似鬼仙,一分一秒吐健康。分分秒秒蔑生命,日積月累肺疾纏。不務正業(yè)抽煙玩,牙橙肺黑手指黃?忍低卵t(yī)生看,診斷肺瘤悔悟晚。.世界無煙日:前車之覆可借鑒,關愛生命遠離煙。

          11. 一天抽掉一盒煙,精打細算十五元。一年燃去五千五,一生消耗四十萬。一輩吸掉一套房,身體健康不如前。病魔纏身肺已殘,想要活命花百萬。.世界無煙日:奉勸朋友戒掉煙,有車有房有健康。

          12. 風吹日曬把錢賺,毫不小氣把煙買,一根香煙一把刀,根根能把壽命賣,血汗之錢傷身體,想來真是不劃算。世界無煙日子到,珍惜錢財護自身,勸君遠離香煙害,身體健康多自在。

          13. 又是一年五三一,正是世界無煙日,熄火滅煙好日子,圈圈煙霧被刪去,肺部疾病遠離你,煙霧從此不繚繞,二手煙民更減少,少了煙霧常相伴,健康快樂過一生。世界無煙日,祝愿朋友健康潔凈多開心!

          14. 煙之初,在南美,始流行,印第安,二百年,遍世界。其危害,已太多,傷身體,害別人,費金錢,失自由,減壽命,引火災,從今起,要戒煙。五三一是無煙日,愿了解香煙歷史,清楚香煙之危害,快樂開心把煙戒。

          15. 每天咳痰把氣喘,抽根香煙覺舒坦。止咳平喘見功效,刺激興奮活神仙。不覺時遷又半年,咳痰加重吐血團。繼抽香煙無功效,慌然急奔醫(yī)生看。世界無煙日:愿君回頭岸邊看,保延生命絕抽煙。













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