• <sub id="h4knl"><ol id="h4knl"></ol></sub>
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      1. <strong id="h4knl"></strong>

      2. 火車站常用英語詞匯

        時間:2024-11-14 09:38:11 行業英語 我要投稿
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          列車等級 train class

          反向行車 train running in reverse direction

          列車運緩 train running delay

          列車等線 train waiting for a receiving track

          列車保留 train stock reserved

          列車停運 withdrawal of train

          列車加開 running of extra train

          運輸方案 traffic program

          鐵路運輸 railway transportation; railway traffic

          鐵路運輸管理 railway transport administration

          鐵路運營 railway operation

          鐵路運輸組織 railway traffic organization

          鐵路運輸質量管理 quality control of railway transportation

          鐵路旅客運輸規程 regulations for railway passenger traffic

          鐵路貨物運輸規程 regulations for railway freight traffic

          鐵路重載運輸 railway heavy haul traffic

          鐵路高速運輸 railway high speed traffic

          鐵路保險運輸 insured rail traffic

          鐵路保價運輸 value insured rail traffic

          鐵路軍事運輸 railway military service

          鐵路旅客運輸 railway passenger traffic

          鐵路客運組織 railway passenger traffic organization

          行李 luggage; baggage

          包裹 parcel

          廣廳 public hall; concourse

          行李房 luggage office; baggage office

          售票處 booking office; ticket; office

          候車室 waiting room; waiting hall

          高架火車廳 overhead waiting hall

          問訊處 information office; inquiry office

          客流 passenger flow

          直通客流 through passenger flow

          管內客流 local passenger flow

          市郊客流 suburban passenger flow

          客流量 passenger flow volume

          客流調查 passenger flow investigation

          客流圖 passenger flow diagram

          旅客發送人數 number of passenger despatched; number of passengers originated

          旅客到達人數 number of passengers arrived

          旅客運送人數 number of passengers transported

          旅客最高聚集人數 maximum number of passengers in peak hours

          車票 ticket

          客票 passenger ticket

          加快票 fast extra ticket

          特快加快票 express extra ticket

          臥鋪票 berth ticket

          站臺票 platform ticket

          減價票 reduced-fare ticket

          學生票 student ticket

          小孩票 child ticket

          殘廢軍人票 disabled armyman ticket

          國際聯運旅客車票 passenger ticket for international through traffic

          冊頁客票;聯票 coupon ticket

          代用票 substituting ticket

          定期票 periodical ticlet

          公用乘車證 service pass

          行李票 luggage ticket; baggage ticket

          車票有效期 ticket availability

          行李包裹托運 consigning of luggages and parcels

          行李包裹承運 acceptance of luggages and parcels

          行李包裹交付 dilivery of luggages and parcels

          旅客換乘 passenger transference

          變更徑路 route diversion

          錯乘 takeng wrong train

          漏乘 missing a train

          越站乘車 overtaking the station

          旅客列車乘務組 passenger train crew

          旅客列車乘務制度 crew working system of passenger train

          旅客列車輪乘制 crew poolng system of passenger train

          旅客列車包乘制 assigning crew system of passsenger train

          旅客列車包車制 responsibility crew system of passenger train

          列車員 train attendant

          列車長 train conductor

          乘警 train police

          客運密度 passenger traffic density

          旅客列車直達速度 through speed of passenger train

          旅客列車車底周轉時間 turnround time of passenger train set

          列車車底需要數 number of passenger train set required

          客車平均日車公里 average car-kilometers per car-day

          列車平均載客人數 average number of passengers carried per train

          列車客座利用率 percentage of passenger seats utilization per train

          客車客座利用率 percentage of passenger seats utilization per car

          鐵路貨物運輸 railway freight traffic

          鐵路貨運組織 railway freight traffic organization

          綜合性貨運站 general freight station; general goods station

          專業性貨運站 specialized freight station

          零擔貨物中轉站 less-than-carload freight transhipment station; part-load transhipmint station

          營業站 operating station

          非營業站 non-operating station

          貨場 freight yard; goods yard

          盡頭式貨場 stub-end type freight yard

          通過式貨場 through-type freight yard

          混合式貨場 mixed-type freight yard

          裝卸線 loading and unloading track

          軌道衡線 weight bridge track

          貨區 freight area; goods area

          場庫 storage yard and warehouse

          堆貨場 storage yard

          貨物站臺 freight platform; goods platform

          貨棚 freight shed; goods shed

          倉庫 warehouse

          貨位 freight section; goods section

          企業自備車 private car

          月度貨物運輸計劃 monthly freight traffic plan

          旬間裝車計劃 ten day car loading plan

          要車計劃表 car planned requisition list

          日要車計劃表 daily car requisition plan

          貨物品類 goods category

          計劃內運輸 planned freight traffic

          計劃外運輸 out-of-plan freight traffic; unplanned freight traffic

          直達運輸 through traffic

          成組裝車 car loading by groups

          合理運輸 rational traffic

          對流運輸 cross-haul traffic

          過遠運輸 excessively long-distance traffic

          重復運輸 repeated traffic

          迂回運輸 round about traffic; circuitous traffic

          無效運輸 ineffective traffic

          整車貨物 car load freight

          零擔貨物 less-than-carload freight

          大宗貨物 mass freight

          散裝貨物 bulk freight

          堆裝貨物 stack-loading freight

          成件包裝貨物 packed freight

          鮮活貨物 fresh and live freight

          罐裝貨物 tank car freight

          易燃貨物 inflammable freight

          易凍貨物 freezable freight

          輕浮貨物 light and bulk freight

          重質貨物 heavy freight

          整車分卸 car load freight unloaded at two or more stations

          一批貨物 consignment

          貨物運到期限 freight transit period

          貨物運單 consignment note

          貨票 way bill; freight invoice

          貨車裝載清單 car loading list

          貨物托運 consigning of freight

          貨物承運 acceptance of freight

          貨物交付 dilivery of freight

          貨主 owner of freight; consignor; consignee

          貨物發送作業 freight operation at originated station

          貨物到達作業 freight operation at destination station

          貨物途中作業 freight operation en route

          貨物標記 freight label

          運輸條件 traffic condition

          運輸限制 traffic limitation; traffic restriction

          貨車施封 car seal

          貨物換裝整理 transhipment and rearrangement of goods

          貨物運輸變更 traffic diversion

          貨源 freight traffic source

          貨流 freight flow

          貨流量 freight flow volume

          貨流圖 freight flow diagram

          貨物發送噸數 tonnage of freight despatched

          貨物到達噸數 tonnage of freight arrived

          貨物運送噸數 tonnage of freight tranaported

          計費噸公里 tonne-kilometers charged

          運營噸公里 tonne-kilometers operated

          貨運密度 density of freight traffic

          貨車標記載重量 marked loading capacity of car

          貨車靜載重 static load of car

          貨車動載重 dynamic load of car

          貨車載重量利用率 coefficient of utilization for car loading capacity

          貨車日產量 serviceable work-done per day

          超限貨物 out-of-gauge freight

          超限貨物等級 classification of out-of-gauge freight

          超限貨物檢查架 examining rack for out-of-gauge freight

          闊大貨物 exceptional dimension freight

          超常貨物 exceptional length freight

          貨物轉向架 freight turning rack

          貨物轉向架支距 distance between centers of freight turning rack

          跨裝 straddle

          車鉤緩沖停止器 device for stopping buffer action

          游車 idle car

          貨物重心的橫向位移 lateral shift for center of gravity of goods

          貨物重心的縱向位移 longitudinal shift for center of gravity of goods

          集重貨物 concentrated weight goods

          重車重心 center of gravity for car loaded

          重車重心高 center height of gravity for car loaded

          危險貨物 dangerous freight; dangerous goods

          易腐貨物 perishable freight

          凍結貨物 frozen freight

          冷卻貨物 cooled freight

          加冰所 re-icing point

          控溫運輸 transport under controlled temperature

          保溫運輸 insulated trainsport

          冷藏運輸 refrigerated transport

          加溫運輸 heating transport

          通風運輸 ventilated transport

          容許運輸期限 permissive period of transport

          國際貨物聯運 international through freight traffic

          鐵路的連帶責任 joint responsibility of railway

          發送路 originating railway

          到達路 destination railway

          過境路 transit railway

          國際鐵路協定 agreeement of frontier railway

          國際鐵路貨物聯運協定 agreement of international railway throangh freight traffic

          國際聯運貨物票據 international through freight shipping documents

          國際聯運貨物交接單 acceptance and delivery list of freight for international through traffic

          國際聯運車輛交接單 acceptance and delivery list of car for international through traffic

          國際聯運貨物換裝 transhipment of international through goods

          國際聯運車輛過軌 transferring of car from one railway to another for international through traffic

          貨物交接所 freight transfer point

          鐵路行車組織 organization of train operation

          鐵路行車組織規則 rules for organization of train operation

          車站行車工作細則 instructions for train operation at station

          列車 train

          車列 train set

          旅客列車編組 passenger train formation

          旅客列車 passenger train

          旅客快車 fast passenger train

          旅客特別快車 express train

          旅客直達特別快車 through express train

          國際聯運旅客特別快車 interantional express train

          直通旅客列車 through passenger train

          管內旅客列車 local passenger train

          市郊旅客列車 suburban passenger train

          混合列車 mixed train

          旅游列車 tourist train

          臨時旅客列車 extra passenger train; additional passenger train

          軍用列車 military train; troop train

          貨物列車 freight train; goods train

          始發直達列車 through train originated from one loading point

          階梯直達列車 through train originated from several adjoining loading points

          空車直達列車 through train with empty cars

          循環直達列車 shuttled block train

          單元列車 unit train

          組合列車 combined train

          技術直達列車 technical through train

          直通列車 transit train

          區段列車 district train

          摘掛列車 pick-up and drop train

          區段小運轉列車 district transfer train

          樞紐小運轉列車 junction terminal transfer train

          路用列車 railway service train

          列車重量標準 railway train load norm

          車輛換算長度 converted car length


          車站工作組織 organization of station operation

          站界 station limit

          車站等級 class of station

          無調中轉車 transit car without resorting

          有調中轉車 transit car with resorting

          本站作業車 local car

          接發列車 train reception and departure

          行車閉塞法 train block system

          空間間隔法 space-interval method

          時間間隔法 time-interval method

          書面聯絡法 written liaison method

          行車憑證 running token

          辦理閉塞 blocking

          進路 route

          準備進路 preparation of the route

          列車進路 train route

          調車進路 shunting route

          通過進路 through route

          接車進路 receiving route

          發車進路 departure route

          平行進路 parallel route

          敵對進路 conflicting route]

          開放信號 clearing signal

          關閉信號 closing signal

          調車進路 shunting; resorting; car classification

          解體調車 break-up of trains

          編組調車 make-up of trains

          摘掛調車 detaching and attaching of cars

          取送調車 taking-out and placing-in of cars

          推送調車 push-pull shunting

          溜放調車 fly-shunting; coasting; jerking

          駝峰調車 humping

          有調中轉車停留時間 detention time of car in transit with resorting

          集結時間 car detention time under accumulation

          無調中轉車停留時間 detention time of car in transit without resorting

          中轉車平均停留時間 average detention time of car in transit

          雙重作業 double freight operations

          一次貨物作業平均停留時間 average detention time of local car for loading or unloading

          車站辦理車數 number of inbound and outbound car handled at station

          車站技術作業表 station technical working diagram

          現在車 cars on hand

          運用車 serviceable car; car for traffic use; cars open to traffic

          非運用車 non-serviceable car; car not for traffic use

          列車編組順序表 train consist list; train list

          列車預報 train list information in advance

          列車確報 train list information after depature

          車流 car flow

          車流組織 organization of car flow

          貨物列車編組計劃 freight train formation plan

          車流徑路 car flow routing

          列車去向 train destination

          列車編成輛數 number of cars in a train

          列車運行時刻表 timetable

          列車運行線 train path

          上行方向 up direction

          下行方向 down direction

          列車車次 train number

          核心車次 scheduled train number

          機車周轉圖 locomotive working diagram

          平行運行圖 parallel train diagram

          非平行運行圖 non-parallel train diagram

          單線運行圖 train diagram for singletrack

          雙線運行圖 train diagram for doubletrack

          成對運行圖 train diagram in pairs

          不成對運行圖 train diagram not in pairs

          追蹤運行圖 train diagram for automatic block signals

          基本運行圖 primary train diagram

          分號運行圖 variant train diagram

          車站間隔時間 time interval between two adjacent train at station

          不同時到達間隔時間 time interval between two opposing trains arriving at station not at the same time

          會車間隔時間 time interval for two meeting train at station

          同方向列車連發間隔時間 time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction

          追蹤列車間隔時間 time interval between trains spaced by automatic block signals

          運輸能力 transport capacity

          通過能力 carrying capacity

          輸送能力 traffic capacity

          貨運波動系數 fluctuating coefficient of freight traffic

          能力儲備系數 coefficient of reserved capacity

          區間通過能力 carrying capacity of the block section

          運行圖周期 period in the train diagram

          通過能力限制區間 restriction section of carrying capacity

          列車扣除系數 coefficient of train removal

          運輸工作技術計劃 plan of technical indices for freight traffic

          裝車數 number of car loadings

          卸車數 number of car unloadings

          接運重車數 number of loaded cars received

          交出重車數 number of loaded cars delivered

          接入空車數 number of empty cars received

          交出空車數 number of empty cars delivered

          運用車工作量 number of serviceable cars turnround

          管內工作車 local cars to be unloaded

          移交車 loaded cars to be delivered at junction stations

          空車走行率 percentage of empty to loaded car kilometers

          貨車周轉距離 average car-kilometers in one turnround

          貨車中轉距離 average car-kilometers per transit operation

          管內裝卸率 local loading and unloading rate

          貨車周轉時間 car turnround time

          運用車保有量 number of serviceable cars held kept

          貨車日車公里 car kilometers per car per day

          列車密度 train density

          技術速度 technical speed

          旅行速度 travelling speed; commerial speed

          列車出發正點率 percentage of punctuality of trains despatched to total trains

          列車運行正點率 percentage of punctuality of trains running to total trains

          鐵路運輸調度 railway train control; railway traffic dispatching

          調度所 traffic controller’s office ; dispatcher’s office

          調度區段 train dispatching section; train control section

          調度命令 traffic [dispatching] order; train [dispatching] order

          車流調整 adjustment of car flow

          裝車調整 adjustment of car loading

          空車調整 adjustment of empty cars

          備用貨車 reserved cars

          運輸工作日常計劃 day-to-day traffic working plan

          調度日班計劃 daily and shift traffic plans

          車站作業計劃 station operating plan

          車站班計劃 station shift operating plan

          車站階段計劃 station stage operating plan

          調車作業計劃 shunting operation plan

          列車運行調整 train operation adjustment

          運轉車長 train guard












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          <sub id="h4knl"><ol id="h4knl"><em id="h4knl"></em></ol></sub><s id="h4knl"></s>
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