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      2. 巴金散文朋友英譯賞析

        時間:2024-09-13 12:57:12 英語筆譯 我要投稿
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          Ba Jin



          On my recent travels, I came to realize still more fully the significance of the word “friend”.

          Seven or eight days ago, I said to a friend whom I had just come to know, “I can’t help feeling embarrassed before my friends. You’re all so nice to me. I simply don’t know how to repay your kindness.” I did not make this remark out of mere modesty and courtesy. I truly meant what I said. The next day, I said goodbye to this friend, not knowing if I could ever see him again. But the little warmth that he gave me has been keeping my heart throbbing with gratitude.


          1,在翻譯“這一次的旅行使我更了解一個名詞的意義”時,譯者再一次無情地拋棄了我們最常用的make君,將“我”作為主語,串聯起整個句子,fully realize意為“充分理解”,still 在此的作用是加強比較級,意為“還要,更”沒錯我們的行文奏是這么有感情~

          2,“在朋友們面前我只感到慚愧”中的“慚愧”意為“不好意思”而不是”“羞愧”,因此譯為embarrassed,此外還有ill at ease也可表示此意。

          3,“謙虛的客氣話”= out of mere modesty and courtesy

          4,“使我的心顫動”譯為keeping my heart throbbing(跳動,抽動,悸動) with gratitude,其中with gratitude是增加成分哦,原文雖然沒有明說,但是有這個意思,因此,文學翻譯時,作者的言外之意也是非常重要滴,就像是高中時做的閱讀理解~


          The length of my days will not be unlimited. However, whenever I look back on my brief past life, I find a beacon illuminating my soul and thereby lending a little brightness to my being. That beacon is friendship. I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by my old family.


          1,“在短促的過去的回顧中”=在我回顧自己短暫的一生時,譯為whenever I look back on my brief past life,其中look back on意為“回顧,回首”,此外它的小伙伴in retrospect(回顧過去)出鏡率也很高,因為這個詞在文學翻譯中灰常常見哦,畢竟有一種文叫“回憶性散文”嘛~

          2,lend to常見意為“借給,貸款給…”此處表示“增添,添加;賦予…以…”

          3,being在此意為“誕生,存在,出現”,如We do not know when the universe came into being.我們不知道宇宙何時開始存在。

          4,“靠了它我才能夠活到現在;而且把舊家庭給我留下的陰影掃除了的也正是它”句中,兩個分句都出現了“它”可考慮串成一個句子,避免it重復出現。譯為it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by my old family.在說法上,將“靠了它我才…”轉換為“它幫助我,,,”


          Many people forsake their friends in favor of their own families, or at least draw a line of demarcation between families and friends, considering the former to be many times more important than the latter. That seems to be a matter of course. I have also seen with my own eyes how some people abandon their friends as well as their own careers soon after they get married…


          1,“拋棄”的高級說法=forsake, leave 也是一個很文藝的說法,此外還有我們熟悉的abandon~

          2, in favor of 意為“支持,贊同”但是,do sth in favor of sth 就有“決定選擇某物而不選擇某物”之意了~如:Plans for a tunnel were rejected in favor of a bridge.(修建隧道的計劃被否決,選擇了橋)

          Favor的其他用法,也要引起重視~,常見的有come back in favor(重獲青睞),in sb’s favor (對某人有利),do sb no favors=don’t do sb any favor (對…沒有一點好處),do sb a favor(幫某人忙)

          3,“把家庭看得比朋友重過若干倍”譯為considering the former to be many times more important than the latter,此處注意倍數的表達“數量+比較級+than”~而且譯者用former 和latter,避免了“家庭,朋友”這兩個詞的重復出現,體現了英文多代詞的特點~


          Friends are transient whereas family are lasting—that is the tenet, as I know, guiding the behavior of many people. To me, that is utterly inconceivable. Without friends, I would have been reduced to I don’t know what a miserable creature.


          1,說一下高級的轉折詞whereas,意為“鑒于,然而,反之”多用于正式文體哦,寫作中也常會用到~如:He said Kyoto was about setting a framework, whereas Copenhagen is an attempt to get every country involved.


          2,“要是沒有朋友,我現在會變成怎樣可憐的東西,我自己也不知道!弊g為Without friends, I would have been reduced to I don’t know what a miserable creature.其中又出現了reduce啊有木有,從《背影》的“reduced circumstances(光景慘淡)”到《我坐了木船》的“reduce to(被迫從事)”再到如今的be reduced to(淪落為,淪落到),reduce在表示“落魄”和“慘”方面的偉大作用真是無可替代~~~



          Friends are my saviors. They give me things which it is beyond my family to give me. Thanks to their fraternal love, assistance and encouragement, I have time and again been saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge. They have been enormously generous towards me.


          1,fraternal 意為“兄弟般的,兄弟間的”,同義的還有brotherly, friendly ,sibling~

          2,“他們給了我家庭所不能給的東西”譯為They give me things which it is beyond my family to give me. 其中which it is beyond my family to give是定語從句,修飾things,而which這個關系代詞又是to give 的賓語,to give which又是真正的主語,it 是形式主語。其實這句話可以寫成兩個句子:①They give me things 。②To give the things is beyond my family .注意此處beyond 君在這里又粗現啦~還記得《我坐了木船》中表示“不能做某事”的用法嗎?

          2,“幾次把我從深淵的邊沿救回來”譯為I have time and again been saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge,譯者增譯了動詞(墜入深淵)使行文更加明確,很好地體現了把原文中的修辭意~值得借鑒和學習

          3,time and again=再次,多次,之前也有過相關說法的總結,如:again and again, time after time, repeatedly~

          3,“他們對我表示了無限的慷慨!敝小盁o限的慷慨”譯為enormously generous,其中enormously=extremely, exceedingly(非常,極其)~


          There was a time when my life was miserable and gloomy. My friends then gave me in large quantities sympathy, love, joy and tears—things essential for existence. It is due to their bountiful free gifts that I also have my share of warmth and happiness in my life. I accepted their kindnesses quietly without ever saying a word of thanks and without ever doing anything in return. In spite of that, my friends never used the epithet “self-centered” when referred to me. They are only too generous towards me.


          1,“多量的”就是大量的,此處譯為In large quantity,如:we will order in large quantity man's shirts.(我們將大量訂購男式襯衫)

          童鞋們~是時候擺脫a lot of了

          2,“這些不要報答的慷慨的施舍,使我的生活里也有了溫暖,有了幸!弊g為It is due to their bountiful free gifts that I also have my share of warmth and happiness in my life.運用強調句,說明正是這些朋友慷慨的幫助,才讓我的生活發生了變化。my share of意為“我(也有)的一份”用以表達原文中“也”的內涵

          3,經過本段,我們大概可以給這篇文章的高頻詞“慷慨”做一個總結了——generous, bountiful,本段“慷慨”以名詞形式出現時意思接近于“禮物,饋贈”,因此譯者翻譯為了gift~聯系上下文語境是灰常重要的!!!

          4,本段那些用于加強語氣的副詞也值得積累,比如ever(用于否定句表不曾),還有之后會出現的only too(很,非常)=all too(非常,簡直太。。。)如: I shall be only too pleased to hear from you further.我非常歡迎你再來信。


          I visited many new places and met new friends on my recent trip. My time was mostly taken up by looking around, listening, talking and walking. But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing. Whatever new places I called at, I always felt at home as if I were back in my old residence in Shanghai which had been already been raged to the ground by Japanese troops.


          1,“忙于做某事”又出新表述one’s time be taken up by doing

          2,do one’s utmost意為“盡最大努力做某事”如:Whether win or not, the athletes have done their utmost.


          3, 看這句“我每走到一個新地方,我就像回到我那個在上海被日本兵毀掉的舊居一樣!睂!巴金老先生用這么多的“我”就不叫病句!但是你在翻譯時就不能這么說!!譯一個就好了~有很多名家的散文中用的語言在現在看來都是“不合法”的,但你要轉換成合乎當代語法規則的表述。


          No matter how hard up and frugal my friends themselves were, they would unstintingly share with me whatever they had, although they knew I would not be able to repay them for their kindness. Some, whom I did not even know by name, showed concern over my health and went about inquiring after me. It was not until they saw my suntanned face and arms that they began to smile a smile of relief. All that was enough to move one to tears.


          1, hard up(拮據的,手頭緊的),frugal(節約的節省的)這里我們要注意它的同義詞兄弟們:thrifty(也有興旺的的含義),sparing, stingy(小氣的,吝嗇的),economical(經濟的,實惠的,節約的),但是,在時政翻譯中經常出現的“資源節約型社會”譯為energy-saving/conserving~

          2, 上一節表示慷慨的有bountiful, generous,現在unstintingly也可以加入這套豪華午餐了~

          3,concern也是翻譯中常見的一個詞,此處show concern over sth 中concern 意為“關心,關切”如:He said school safety was a special concern of his organization.


          4,問起的健康情況;問起某人的生活等情況;打聽=inquire after sb


          Some people believe that, without writing, I would lose my livelihood. One of my sympathizers, in an article published two months ago in the Guangzhou Republic Daily Supplement, gives a full account of the conditions of my life. He also says that I would have nothing to live on once I should lay down my pen. That is not true at all. It has already been proved by recent travels that my friends would never let me suffer from cold and hunger even if I should go without writing a single word.


          1,without writing, I would lose my livelihood.注意此處又是虛擬語氣,

          “不能夠生活“=lose one’s livelihood,其中livelihood 譯為“賺錢謀生的手段,生計”如:superstition employed deceptive, but money is the use of these activities as a means of livelihood.


          一些政經類文章也把“民生”譯為people’s livelihood~

          2, “說了許多關于我的生活的話”意為“對我的生活情況作了全面描述”,因此譯為give a full account of~大師轉換說法的水平真是一流的~

          3, “他也說我一天不寫文章第二天就沒有飯吃!弊g為He also says that I would have nothing to live on once I should lay down my pen.其中“一天…第二天就…”在英文中用once表達即可。

          4,“不寫作”譯為lay down my pen,

          5,“沒有飯吃”,采取意譯法,譯為have nothing to live on


          There are a great many kind-hearted people in the world who never attach undue importance to themselves and their own families and who never place themselves and their families above anything else. It is owing to them that I still survive and shall continue to survive for a long time to come.


          1, 這里的慷慨又根據語境譯為kind-hearted~

          2, “他們并不把自己個人和家庭看得異常重要,超過一切”中的“超過一切”是來修飾“重要”的程度的,譯文中將它們譯成了兩個定語從句,即who never attach undue importance to themselves and their own families and who never place themselves and their families above anything else

          3, “把…看得重要”即“重視…”這個詞在政府工作報告等非文學的翻譯中也很常見,除了attach importance to之外,還可以用pay attention to, take…seriously; give priority to; put value on等表達。

          4, “靠了他們我才能夠活到現在,而且靠了他們我還要活下去。”其中的“靠了”意即“由于”,譯為owe to,另外譯者用了強調句型,意在突出“正是依靠朋友的幫助”這層含義。之前也有一句話中出現了“靠了”這個詞,即“因為靠了它我才能夠活到現在;而且把舊家庭給我留下的陰影掃除了的也正是它”,在這個句子中“因為”=“靠了”,只取其一譯為because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by my old family.

          5, for a long time to come意為“在今后很長的一段時間里”,這種帶有“to come”的表述也是很常見~比如“在將來”怎么說?in the future?高級一點!in times to come!



          I owe my friends many, many kindnesses. How can I repay them? But, I understand, they don’t need me to do that.

          Recently I came across the following words in a book by a French philosopher:

          One condition of life is consumption… Survival in this world is inseparable from generosity, without which we would perish and become dried-up from within. We must put forth flowers. Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life.


          1,“朋友們給我的東西是太多、太多了!=“我欠朋友的東西太多了”,譯為I owe my friends many, many kindnesses.注意這里owe表示“欠(債,賬)的用法。此外文中中的“東西”主要是指“幫助”側重在精神方面,雖然也可譯為things,,但不如kindness(=kind acts )貼切。

          2,come across表偶然遇到,無意中發現,它可在不同語境下有多種引申義,如:

          1)You've probably read some of these books, or at least come across major personal development ideas in magazines or online.(可能你已經讀過其中一些書,或者至少在雜志或網上瀏覽過主要的個人發展觀點)。

          2)Perhaps I shall come across him in France.(也許我會在法國 遇見他)。





          Now so many flowers of life are in full bloom before my eyes. When can my life put forth flowers? Am I already dried-up from within?

          A friend of mine says, “If I were a lamp, I would illuminate darkness with my light.”

          I, however, don’t qualify for a bright lamp. Let me be a piece of firewood instead. I’ll radiate the heat that I have absorbed from the sun. I’ll burn myself to ashes to provide this human world with a little warmth.



          2,put forth意為“長出(花,芽,葉)”如:At this time of the year all the chestnut trees put forth blossoms.每年這個時候栗子樹都開花了。這個詞的用處也很廣,可以表示“發表,出版,提出”也可以表示“發揮”。

          3,“不配做”意即“沒有資格做”,譯文用了qualify for,這個表述也很常見,可用be entitled to, be eligible for,如三筆實務中的一句“他們卻不能像城鎮居民一樣享受基本的醫療保障”譯為they were not entitled to the basic medical service as urban people were.



          It is said that "a virtuous man seldom dream". Fortunately, I am but an ordinary man.


          I dream my own dream, in which I often meet you.


          Last night I again saw your kindly smiling face.


          It was the same old home of ours. You talked to me cordially now in your room, now in my room. You smiled and I also smiled.

          還是成都的那些舊街道,我跟著你一步一步地走過平坦的石板路,我望著你的朋友 ,心里安慰地想:父親還很康健呢。一種幸福的感覺使我的全身發熱了。我那時不會知道我是在夢中,也忘記了二十五年來的艱苦日子。

          It was the same old streets of Chengdu. I followed you step by step on the smooth flagstones. Looking at you from behind, I inwardly consoled myself with the thought that father was still hale and hearty. A sensation of blissfulness warmed me up all over.I was unaware that I was in a dream. I also forgot the hardships I had gone through

          during the past 25 years.


          While I sat beside you inside a theater watching the fighting scenes of Peking opera,you explained its story to me in great detail.I was again the small kid of 25 years before. I was joyful, I smiles, I chattered away freely. I did not have the slightest inkling that you together with everything else would in a moment vanish out of sight.


          When I opened my eyes, I found that I was all by myself and nothing was heardexcept the pit-a-pat of rain drops.


          No more smile, no more chitchat. Only the drip drip drip of rain.


          Forcing my eyes to open wider and drawing aside the mosquito net, I began to search for you in the pitch darkness.


          A greyish light, nevertheless, edged in through two small windows to enable me to see the spacious room.


          You and your smile were no more. Only loneliness and monotony remained. The rain kept pitter-pattering.

          我喚你,沒有回應。我側耳傾聽,沒有腳聲。我靜下來,我的心m rn呼地跳動。我聽見自己的心的聲音。

          I called to you, but no response. I listened attentively, but heard no footsteps. I quieted down, my heart beating hard. I could hear its thumping.


          My heart had been tramping along all the time. Up to now, it had been on its slow journey for 25 years.


          Thereupon I kept my mouth shut. I knew you would never appear standing before me.I had lost you 25 years before. Since then, I had grown from a fatherless child into a middle-aged man.


          The rain continued to fall. The long night wore on amidst its dripping sound. I wasseized with acute loneliness. Well, was the roof leaking? Or was it my tears that had wetted my cheeks?When I was young, I wished I could remain a kid forever under your wing. Now I canfulfil this wish only in my dreams.


          There in a dream, I can at least come face to face with you. I can be happy, I can smile naive smiles, I can chatter away freely. For all this, I should be thankful to my dreams.











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