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иZ} 1
Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why.
Sample answer
My favorite room is the living room. I like lots of open space and a sense of expansiveness, of freedom(ɵĸX). Also, its a place where I can look around and not feel agitated() or confined(Ƶ.). All different but natural colors have a such lovely warm effect that I would never get tired of it. Everything is in harmony----- large digital TV on the wall, glass-made tea table, beautiful plants, couch and sofa, a good book, a good wine. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and away from hurly burly(). It is at times a place to contemplate and at times a place to share with friends. In a word, it is graceful, refined, comfortable and restful .
Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.
Sample answer
A place that I have always wanted to go but have never been to is America. Perhaps its a bit corny, but as far as Im concerned, America is a country, which is vast and open, a sort of freedom. Its also a place where if you work hard you will be successful. The second reason for me to go there is that I would like to visit some natural places like Grand Canyon, and Niagara Falls and some cities like NY, LA, SF, and Miami, where there is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. But most important of all,I would get my Masters in a different country if I had a chance. That country would be America, which has the most prestigious universities worldwide. Hence I can get the finest education. I guess that would be the biggest attraction for me, to discover myself in a different world and be successful.
иZ} 2
Task1. Which of the following community service would you be more interested in doing and explain why? Cleaning the city park, planting flowers and trees or build a bicycle lane?
Task2. Do you agree or disagree that the success of a school depends on experienced teachers?
Task 3.
Reading: Student Letter, hWУԓtea and coffee station, 鹝ʡrgֱ
Listening: Woman agrees, rgܾo]ЕrgȥIֻЌWУ͏dвȿȣṩԒȻ鿧ȏd̫F@ӸʡXһЩ
Task 4.
Reading: ɷNoϵпڲͬĭhMƵfeature
Listening: e˃ɷNһǷ.LiԓplatypusһǰwƫСԓechidina. z鶼һNxзNxں܈ӲmudzMlong sticky tongueԎmudԵxӶ
Task 5.
P: ŮҪһ_܇ȥplayyͻȻԼ߀һTnԜʂȥplay. @Ůľ͛]_܇ˡ
S1: Ů_܇ȥmȻ{Ǜ]_܇̫ҪȥĵطҲ]_܇ȥ^
S2: ȥҪɱrgкܶվ
Task 6.
Topic: RailroadؕI
ڶǿ\raw materialcoal. ϲ]ú֮ǰ͛]йSҪúprovide energyF·^ú\^@ϲͶ˺ܶS
иZ} 3
Do you agree with the following statement? Advertisements have too much
influence on what people buy.
I agree. Today, many companies are investing heavily in advertising and
grabbing the customers attention. Hence, the effect advertising has on what
people buy is undeniable.
One of the primary reasons for this is that advertising provides an
atmosphere within which people can become familiar with a new product. It is
obvious that no-one ever buys a product they are unaware of. Advertising is the
bridge between company and customer. Once aware of a product, the customer
thinks about it and consequently feels a need to own/consume it.
Additionally, advertising has the potential to change the publics
perspective and beliefs. Many psychologists have explained that when an audience
watches an advertisement over and over, after a while he or she accepts the
product. This may happen even when the person did not initially hold the product
in high regard. This is the the best evidence of the power of advertising.
Advertisement definitely has a huge influence on what people buy.
R1: provides an atmosphere for expenditure һNϤ®aƷMՇ
R2: change the peoples perspective and beliefs ׃^c
grabbing someones attention ץסij˵ע
undeniable ɷJ
consume M
over and over ;
holds sth in high regard ijµҕ
be aware of R֪
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Ҷ֪ڿZԇ6TaskУǰ2Independent Task4Integrated
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Task 5ĕr ăҲ ԒٸԒݻش}ʂrg20룬}rg60
Task 54Integrated TaskΨһһԃ^c}ĿȻҪ^cUڃҪ
2. Zԇ߉
Talk about an interesting book you have read.ĕrͿՓcThe book I have
read that was interesting is Harry Potter for the following
reasons.ȻһՓc@鹝ʮFirst of all, the plot is amazing.
w֧@^cӿI can forget about all the troubles I need to deal with at
school when reading it, it gives me a chance to escape my life which can be
stressful sometimes.ڶՓcҏЌW¸Һ\Second, Ive learned a lot from
Harry and his friends, things like bravery and
loyy.֧@^cӿԏĕ鹝ρeHarry is always full of courage no matter how
hard his life is.
What characteristics do you think make someone a good
parent?ՓĕrҪ_ҵċһܺõ Pעfʲôڼ˽˿fMy mother is a
good listener. She always pays attention to what I have to say. She knows me
best in our family.߀ʹÏľ䌢ǰPϵ_First, she is a good listener who
always pays attention to what I have to say, which makes her the person who
knows me the best in our
иZĽ̌W^AͺܺõČWһʹ옷옷ڲҪ~R ͻZMĕrg;팦WMмmǿԱ^ѸٵMTPOеČWijѽ ^ε}ĿMȫµǰһĔ˼fǺܵnwʹct@ЩWѽ˲eķ֔߀뾫һӘҲҜʆ}һУץסʹcQ}߷֔
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иZ} 4
Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.
find information on a wide range of topics
eӣpsychology, business, politics, and stuff like that
type the key words in the search engine, like google, bing, baidu
𰸾͕Fshow up on the screen,
ҵϢMrgtime consuming to find the information
Well, I think it is better to use internet when doing research. To begin with, students can find reference on the internet easily, cuz they can just type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment they know, the answer shows up on the screen, and they basically can find reference on every topic, like technology, history, and even psychology. However, the papers books about certain topics might not be available. One might not be able to find these books in the bookstore or in the library.
иZ} 5
What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in your explanation.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Traveling to new places would be a pleasant memory instead of a time-consuming and energy-burning task.
Task 3.
The school plans to build a coffeehouse near library which will be convenient for students studying in the library to have a place to discuss and chat with friends.
The man agrees with this idea. It saves lots of time for students to go to the cafeteria and offers students a place to finish group projects because discussion is not allowed in the library.
Task 4
Produce saturation: plant species produce mass production of seeds preventing from all seeds be eaten by animals. This type does not last long.
For example, bamboo produces tons of seeds every 120 years in different seasons to prevent animals from eating all seeds due to tremendous amount.
Task 5
The mans problem is that his band has a concert to put on but one of his partners bob who could not come because of his job interview. The first solution is to put it off till next week, but they might lose lots of audiences because exams are coming. The second solution is to perform without bob. That might degrade the quality of the performance since Bob is the lead singer of the band.
Task 6
Sense usually interact providing comprehensive understanding of an object. Experiments test results of sight and touching senses work individually. For example, two bottles with the same volume. One is tall and thin, the other is short and wide. If its judged by sight-seeing, people will believe the tall-and-thin bottle contains larger volume, but if judged by touching, blindly folded, people will think the short- and- wide bottle contains larger volume.
2024и }Z09-29