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      1. 公共英語三級考試口語

        時間:2023-03-24 15:00:10 振濠 公共英語 我要投稿




          公共英語三級考試口語 1

          一、apologizing for one's mistake


          1. i'm sorry for what i've done. 我為我的所作所為向你道歉。

          2. i shouldn't have done that. 我不該那么做。

          3. i should have asked you first. 我應(yīng)該先征得你的同意。

          4. i honestly didn't mean it. 我的確不是故意的。

          5. i didn't mean to do that. 我并不想要那么做。

          6. i didn't mean it that way. 事情鬧成那樣并非我的本意。

          7. i don't know haw that could have happened.


          8. you were right and i was wrong. i apologize.

          你是對的, 我錯了。 我道歉。

          9. it's my fault. i really feel bad about it.

          是我的錯。 我真的感到很難過。

          10. it's all my fault. i'll try to make it up to you.

          這事兒全怪我。 我會盡力補救。

          11. my mistake. it won't happen again.

          是我的錯。 不會再發(fā)生類似的事情了。

          12. it was so stupid of me. i really do apologize.

          非常抱歉, 我當(dāng)時真糊涂。

          13. i'm sorry, i spoke out of turn.

          對不起,我說錯話了。 (out of turn: 輕率,不合時宜)

          14. i owe you an apology for what i did last night.


          15. forgive me, i didn't mean to offend you.

          請原諒, 我不是有意惹你生氣。

          16. please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you. 因為我的失誤給你添麻煩了,請接受我的道歉。

          二、general apologies


          1. excuse me. 請原諒。

          2. i'm so sorry. 很抱歉。

          3. i'm awfully sorry. 非常抱歉。

          4. i'm terribly sorry about that. 為此我非常抱歉。

          5. i apologize. 我道歉。

          6. my apologies. 我道歉。

          7. please forgive me. 請原諒。

          8. i hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原諒我。

          9. it seems i owe you an apology. 好像我該向你道個歉。

          10. you have my sincere apology. 我誠心誠意向你道歉。

          11. please accept my sincere apology. 請接受我誠心誠意的道歉。

          12. i can't tell you how sorry i am. 我真的'是很抱歉。

          13. you cannot believe how sorry i am. 你不知道我感到多么抱歉。

          14. words cannot describe how sorry i am. 語言無法描述我對你的歉意。

          15. i just don't know what to say. 我真不知該說什么好。

          16. i really feel bad about it. 我真的感到很內(nèi)疚。

          7. i'm sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience.


          8. sorry about the inconvenience. 對不起添麻煩了。

          三、accepting apologies


          1. that's all right. 沒關(guān)系。

          2. you're forgiven. 我原諒你。

          3. that's okay. 沒事兒。

          4. no harm done. 沒什么。

          5. no problem. we all make mistakes. 沒問題。 人人都有犯錯的時候。

          6. never mind. 無所謂。

          7. forget it. 忘掉它吧。

          8. it's not your fault. 那不是你的錯。

          9. it really doesn't matter at all. 真的沒關(guān)系。

          10. don't worry about it. 別放在心上。

          11. think no more of it. 別再想它了。

          12. don't give it another thought. 不要再想了。

          13. okay. i accept your apology. 好吧。 我接受你的道歉。

          14. i won't hold it against you. 我不會記仇的。

          15. i'll let you off this time. 這回我放過你。

          16. i'll give you another chance. 我再給你一次機會。

          四、getting people's attention


          1. can i talk to you ? 能和你談一下嗎?

          2. can we talk? 能一塊兒談?wù)剢?

          3. let's talk. 我們談?wù)劙伞?/p>

          4. excuse me. you got a minute? 對不起,能耽誤你一分鐘嗎?

          5. may i have a word with you? 能和你說句話嗎?

          6. if you don't mind my asking, where did you come from? 你從哪兒來?要是你不介意我這么問的話。

          7. it's none of my business, but i think her dress is a bit too loud. 雖說不干我的事,可我覺得她的裙子有點太花哨了。

          8. i don't want to sound like a busybody, but didn't you plan to go abroad? 我并不想瞎打聽,可你原來不是打算出國嗎?

          五、talking about weather.


          1. nice whether we are having. 天氣真好。

          2. nice day, isn't it? 天兒真不錯,你說呢?

          3. freezing, isn't it? 好冷啊!

          4. what do you think of this weather? 你覺得今天天氣怎么樣?

          5. how do you like our weather? 你喜歡我們這里的天氣嗎?

          6. is the weather always like this? 這兒的天氣總是這樣嗎?

          7. the weather's been very hot lately. 最近天氣總是很熱。

          8. i think we should leave the door open. it's boiling in there. 我覺得我們應(yīng)該把大門敞著,屋里太熱了。

          六、Launching conversation with a piece of news.


          1. Listen up. 聽著。

          2. Now hear this! 你聽著!

          3. Get a load of this. 你聽聽這個。(load:大量,許多)

          4. Are you ready for this? 想聽著。

          5. Guess what? 你猜怎么的?

          6. Guess what I just found out. 你猜我剛知道了什么?

          7. You'll never guess what I heard. 你永遠也猜不到我聽說了什么。

          8. You won't believe this. 你會覺得難以置信。

          9. You won't believe what Tome just told me. 湯姆剛才告訴我的事會嚇你

          10. Did you hear the news? 你聽說那條新聞了嗎?

          11. Have you heard the latest? 你聽說那條最新消息了嗎?

          公共英語三級考試口語 2

          1.All the manufactures in the areas try to supply the demands of consumers.


          重點詞語:consumer n.消費者

          商務(wù)用語:consumers' goods 消費品

          consumer credit control 消費信貸管理

          2.The automobile manufacturer continued to produce minibus to meet the farmers' demand at low profit.


          重點詞語:continue vi. & vt.繼續(xù);連續(xù)

          商務(wù)用語:continue to improve 不斷改善

          continue working 持續(xù)工作

          3.The contributed food and clothing for the refugees.


          重點詞語:contribute vi.捐款 vt.捐贈(款項等)

          商務(wù)用語:contribute to the Red Cross 向紅十字會捐獻

          contribute to a literary journal 向文學(xué)雜志投稿

          4.The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.


          重點詞語:convey vt.傳送,輸送;轉(zhuǎn)讓(財產(chǎn)等)

          商務(wù)用語:convey the supplies to the warehouse 把物資運送到倉庫

          5.Clerk wanted, able to cost.


          重點詞語:cost n.成本,費用 vt.花費(金錢,時間),使付出(代價);估定……的成本

          商務(wù)用語:cost and freight (C.F.)離岸加運費價

          anticipated cost 預(yù)期成本

          living costs 生活費用

          公共英語三級考試口語 3

          1.Please effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the letter of credit in your favour established by us.

          2. We hope that the goods will arrive in time for the new year rush.

          3.We hope that you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods on time.

          4.Could you possibly make your delivery date not late than May? You see, June is the right season for the goods. If they arrive later than June, we will miss the selling season.

          5.Can you effect shipment of the order in October?

          6.Is it possible for the goods to be landed at Dalian in early December?

          7.We need the products in less than one month in order to get ready for the selling season.

          8.Please send us the shipment by train.

          9.Please ship the goods by the first available steamer early next month.

          10.As we are in urgent need of the goods, we would like you to ship them by air freight.

          11.We should be obliged if you could arrange for the immediate shipment of this order.

          12.You should ship the goods within the time as stipulated in clause 9 of the this contract. Transshipment en route is not allowed without our consent.

          13.Please lad the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by us.

          14.10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, you should inform us by fax of name of vessel, ETA of vessel and the name of shipping agent.

          15.The packing list should be indicated with shipping weight, number and date of corresponding invoice.

          16.You should send one copy of the shipping documents to the port of destination together with the shipment.

          17.When all of the details of the shipment are finished, please send us the shipping documents that we will need to get the shipment.

          18.The delivery will be arranged and the shipping charges will be prepaid by you, we will repay the shipping charges against original receipt.

          19.You should guarantee that the commodity is in conformity to all respects with the quality, specifications and performance as stipulated in this contract.

          20.We prefer direct sailings, as transshipment adds to the risk of damage and also delays arrival to some extent.

          公共英語三級考試口語 4

          1. choice of someone for a new job任命

          [例] The appointment of area financial controller implies he has been promoted.

          2. arrangement for a meeting約定(會議)

          [例] We fixed an appointment at four o’clock.

          appraisal (n.) calculation of the value of somebody or something 估價

          [例] Their appraisal of the necklace is about RMB 1,000.

          [同義詞] evaluation, valuation, assessment

          appraise (v.) to judge the value of somebody or something估價

          [例] They appraised it was only worth $1.

          [同義詞] evaluate, assess

          appraiser (n.) person who judges鑒定者,估價官

          [例] Who will be the appraiser?

          appreciate (v.) 1. be thankful for感激

          [例] I appreciated your help.

          2. understand理解

          [例] I appreciate your problems.

          3.increase in value增值

          [例] My shares have appreciated by 10%.

          apprentice (n.) young person who is learning a skill學(xué)徒

          [例] Don’t listen to him. Jack is only an apprentice.

          [同義詞] learner, beginner

          apprenticeship (n.) period of time spent learning a skill學(xué)徒年限,學(xué)徒身份

          [例] Jack served an apprenticeship with a carpenter.

          appropriate (v.) to put an amount of money aside for a special purpose撥出(款項)

          [例] They appropriated $10,000 for bribery.

          approve (v.) agree to pass officially批準(zhǔn)

          [例] They Board approved the new plan.

          [同義詞] accept

          approval(n.) agreement批準(zhǔn)

          aptitude (n.) natural ability (to do a task)天資

          [例] She had a high aptitude for business.

          arbitrage(n.) the purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy套利

          [例] He made big fortune by arbitrage.

          arbitration (n.) process of settling a dispute仲裁

          [例] We shall have to resort to arbitration.

          [同義詞] judgement, adjudication

          area (n.) region區(qū)域

          [例] His sales area is the North East.

          [同義詞] district, region, territory

          arrears (n.) money which is owed and has not been paid on time到期未付帳

          [例] The payment in arrears amounts to$100.

          [同義詞] arrearage, debt, liabilities

          arrival notice (n.) a note sent by a carrier to the receiver( consignee) saying that goods have arrived 到貨通知[例] After your receipt of the arrival notice from the carrier---COSCO, please arrange the picking-up of the goods at the dock.

          artifical person (n.) a company considered as having a separate legal identity fr

          om the people who work for it, although some of these people will represent the will of the company 法人

          [例] The company is regarded legally as an artifical person.

          [同義詞] fictitious person, juristic person

          as per (adv) according to根據(jù)

          [例] As per your request that is made in your last mail, we are writing to confirm our point concerning the price.

          asap as soon as possible 及早

          [例] After the cargo reaches your dock,please inform us by fax or email asap.












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