- 相關推薦
1、出口信貸 export credit
2、出口津貼 export subsidy
3、商品傾銷 dumping
4、外匯傾銷 exchange dumping
5、優惠關稅 special preferences
6、保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse
7、貿易順差 favorable balance of trade
8、貿易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade
9、進口配額制 import quotas
10、自由貿易區 free trade zone
11、對外貿易值 value of foreign trade
12、國際貿易值 value of international trade
13、普遍優惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP
14、最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT
15、world/international market price 國際市場價格
16、FOB(free on board)離岸價
17、C&F(cost and freight)成本加運費價
18、CIF(cost, insurance and freight)到岸價
19、freight 運費
20、wharfage 碼頭費
21、landing charges 卸貨費
22、customs duty 關稅
23、port dues 港口稅
24、import surcharge 進口附加稅
25、import variable duties 進口差價稅
26、commission 傭金
27、return commission 回傭,回扣
28、price including commission 含傭價
29、net price 凈價
30、wholesale price 批發價
31、discount/allowance 折扣
32、retail price 零售價
33、spot price 現貨價格
34、current price 現行價格/時價
35、indicative price 參考價格
36、customs valuation 海關估價
37、price list 價目表
38、total value 總值
39、All Risks 一切險
40、F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average)平安險
41、W.A./W.P.A(With Average or With Particular Average)水漬險
42、War Risk 戰爭險
43、F.W.R.D.(Fresh Water Rain Damage)淡水雨淋險
44、Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混雜、玷污險
45、Risk of Leakage 滲漏險
46、Risk of Odor 串味險
47、Risk of Rust 銹蝕險
48、Shortage Risk 短缺險
49、T.P.N.D.(Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery)偷竊提貨不著險
50、Strikes Risk 罷工險
51、WTO(World Trade Organization)世界貿易組織
52、IMF(International Monetary Fund)國際貨幣基金組織
53、CTG(Council for Trade in Goods)貨幣貿易理事會
54、EFTA(European Free Trade Association)歐洲自由貿易聯盟
55、AFTA(ASEAN Free Trade Area)東盟自由貿易區
56、JCCT(China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade)中美商貿聯委會
57、NAFTA(North American Free Trade Area)北美自由貿易區
58、UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)聯合國貿易與發展會議
59、GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)關貿總協定
60、stocks 存貨,庫存量
61、cash sale 現貨
62、purchase 購買,進貨
63、bulk sale 整批銷售,躉售
64、distribution channels 銷售渠道
65、wholesale 批發
66、retail trade 零售業
67、hire-purchase 分期付款購買
68、fluctuate in line with market conditions 隨行就市
69、unfair competition 不合理競爭
70、dumping 商品傾銷
71、dumping profit margin 傾銷差價,傾銷幅度
72、antidumping 反傾銷
73、customs bond 海關擔保
74、chain debts 三角債
75、freight forwarder 貨運代理
76、trade consultation 貿易磋商
77、mediation of dispute 商業糾紛調解
78、partial shipment 分批裝運
79、restraint of trade 貿易管制
80、RTA(Regional Trade Arrangements)區域貿易安排
81、favorable balance of trade 貿易順差
82、unfavorable balance of trade 貿易逆差
83、special preferences 優惠關稅
84、bonded warehouse 保稅倉庫
85、transit trade 轉口貿易
86、tariff barrier 關稅壁壘
87、tax rebate 出口退稅
88、TBT(Technical Barriers to Trade)技術性貿易壁壘
89、trade partner 貿易伙伴
90、manufacturer 制造商,制造廠
91、middleman 中間商,經紀人
92、dealer 經銷商
93、wholesaler 批發商
94、retailer, tradesman 零售商
95、merchant 商人,批發商,零售商
96、concessionaire, licensed dealer 受讓人,特許權獲得者
97、consumer 消費者,用戶
98、client, customer 顧客,客戶
99、buyer 買主,買方
100、carrier 承運人
101、consignee 收貨人
102、一致性證書:certificate of conformity
103、質量證書:certificate of quality
104、測試報告:test report
105、產品性能報告:product performance report
106、產品規格型號報告:product specification report
107、工藝數據報告:process data report
108、首樣測試報告:first sample test report
109、價格/銷售目錄:price/sales catalogue
110、參與方信息:party information
111、農產品加工廠證書:mill certificate
112、郵政收據:post receipt
113、重量證書:weight certificate
114、重量單:weight list
116、價值與原產地綜合證書:combined certificate of value and origin
117、移動聲明:A.R.1 movement certificate
118、數量證書:certificate of quantity
119、質量數據報文:quality data message
121、查詢回復:response to query
122、訂購單:purchase order
123、制造說明:manufacturing instructions
124、領料單:stores requisition
125、產品售價單:invoicing data sheet
126、包裝說明:packing instruction
127、內部運輸單:internal transport order
128、統計及其他管理用內部單證:statistical and other administrative internal documents
129、直接支付估價申請:direct payment valuation request
130、直接支付估價單:direct payment valuation
131、臨時支付估價單:rpovisional payment valuation
132、支付估價單:payment valuation
133、油污民事責任書:civil liability for oil certificate
134、載重線證書:loadline document.
135、免于除鼠證書:derat document.
136、航海健康證書:maritime declaration of health
137、船舶登記證書:certificate of registry
138、船用物品申報單:ship s stores declaration
139、出口許可證申請表:export licence, application
140、出口許可證:export licence
141、出口結匯核銷單:exchange control declaration, exprot
142、T出口單證(海關轉運報關單):despatchnote moder T
143、T1出口單證(內部轉運 報關單):despatch notemodel T1
144、T2出口單證(原產地證明書):despatchnote model T2
145、T2L出口單證(原產地證明書):despatchnote model T2L
147、鐵路運輸退運單:re-sending consignment note
148、出口貨物報關單:goods declaration for exportation
149、離港貨物報關單:cargo declaration(departure)
150、貨物監管證書申請表:application for goods control certificate
151、貨物監管證書申請表:goods control certificate
152、植物檢疫申請表:application for phytosanitary certificate
153、植物檢疫證書:phytosanilary certificate
154、衛生檢疫證書:sanitary certificate
155、動物檢疫證書:veterinary certifieate
156、商品檢驗申請表:application for inspection certificate
157、商品檢驗證書:inspection certificate
158、原產地證書申請表:certificate of origin, application for
159、原產地證書:certificate of origin
160、原產地申明:declaration of origin
161、地區名稱證書:regional appellation certificate
162、優惠原產地證書:preference certificate of origin
163、普惠制原產地證書:certificate of origin form GSP
164、領事發票:consular invoice
165、危險貨物申報單:dangerous goods declaration
166、出口統計報表:statistical doucument, export
167、國際貿易統計申報單:intrastat declaration
168、交貨核對證明:delivery verification certificate
169、進口許可證申請表:import licence, application for
170、進口許可證:import licence
171、無商業細節的報關單:customs declaration without commercial detail
172、有商業和項目細節的報關單:customs declaration with commercial and item detail
173、無項目細節的報關單:customs declaration without item detail
174、有關單證:related document.
176、調匯申請:application for exchange allocation
177、調匯許可:foreign exchange permit
178、進口外匯管理申報:exchange control declaration(import)
179、進口貨物報關單:goods declaration for implortation
180、內銷貨物報關單:goods declaration for home use
181、海關即刻放行報關單:customs immediate release declaration
182、海關放行通知:customs delivery note
183、到港貨物報關單:cargo declaration(arrival)
184、貨物價值申報清單:value declaration
185、海關發票:customs invoice
186、郵包報關單:customs deciaration(post parcels)
187、增值稅申報單:tax declaration(value added tax)
188、普通稅申報單:tax declaration(general)
189、催稅單:tax demand
190、禁運貨物許可證:embargo permit
191、海關轉運貨物報關單:goods declaration for customs transit
192、TIF國際鐵路運輸報關單:TIF form
193、TIR國際公路運輸報關單:TIR carnet
194、歐共體海關轉運報關單:EC carnet
195、EUR1歐共體原產地證書:EUR 1certificate of origin
196、暫準進口海關文件:ATA carnt
197、歐共體統一單證:single administrative document
198、海關一般回復:general response(Customs)
200、海關誤差回復:error response(Customs)
201、海關一攬子回復:packae response(Customs)
202、海關計稅/確認回復:tax calculation /confirmation response(Customs)
203、配額預分配證書:quota prior allocation certificate
204、最終使用授權書:end use authorization
205、政府合同:government contract
206、數量估價單:quantity valuation request
207、數量估價申請:quantity valuation request
208、合同數量單:contract bill of quantities BOQ
209、不祭價投標數量單:unpriced tender BOQ
210、標價投標數量單:priced tender BOQ
212、臨時支付申請:interim application for payment
213、支付協議:agreement to pay
214、意向書:letter of intent
216、總訂單:blanket order
217、現貨訂單:sport order
218、租賃單:lease order
219、緊急訂單:rush order
220、修理單:repair order
221、分訂單:call off order
222、寄售單:consignment order
223、樣品訂單:sample order
224、換貨單:swap order
225、訂購單變更請求:purchase order change request
226、訂購單回復:purchase order response
227、租用單:hire order
228、備件訂單:spare parts order
229、交貨說明:delivery instructions
230、交貨計劃表:delivery schedule
231、按時交貨:delivery just-in-time
232、發貨通知:delivery release
233、交貨通知:delivery note
234、裝箱單:packing list
236、報價申請:request for quote
238、訂單確認:acknowledgement of order
239、形式發票:proforma invoice
240、部分發票:partial invoice
241、操作說明:operating instructions
242、銘牌:name/product plate
243、交貨說明請求:request for delivery instructions
244、訂艙申請:booking request
245、裝運說明:shipping instructions
246、托運人說明書(空運 ):shipper s letter of instructions(air)
247、短途貨運單:cartage order(local transport)
248、待運通知:ready for despatch advice
249、發運單:despatch order
250、發運通知:despatch advice
251、單證分發通知:advice of distribution of document.
252、商業發票:commercial invoice
253、貸記單:credit note
254、傭金單:commission note
255、借記單:debit note
256、更正發票:corrected invoice
257、合并發票:consolidated invoice
258、預付發票:prepayment invoice
259、租用發票:hire invoice
260、稅務發票:tax invoice