• (1) Grammar and Vocabulary 語法與詞匯
• 測試考生口頭表達時語法和詞匯是否正確,得體并豐富多彩,能否避免詞匯和句型單一或不斷重復相同的詞句。
• (2) Discourse Management 話語組織
• 測試考生運用句子以上語言單位進行口頭交際的能力,包括能否恰當的.展開話題,話語是否連貫,流暢,切題(如在提出觀點時能有條理的論證,善于使用銜接詞語等)。口試第一部分,考生要完整回答考官提問;第二部分考生可充分利用機會擴展話語(Your main points Your supporting ideas How to order and link your ideas );第三部分討論中,要求考生圍繞規定題目表達論證自己觀點。我們以后講解真題的時候會給大家模板,這里就不再舉例子了。
• (3) Pronunciation 語音
• 測試考生清晰發音的能力,根據各個單音,單詞及句子重音,語調節奏的正確性打分。考生要避免母語口音給交際帶來的困難,恰當使用重讀,節奏,語調,清晰發音。
• Speak clearly and at a natural speed
• (4) Interactive Communication 互動交際
• 測試考生在兩人或3人小組中積極參與,相互合作,有效交際的能力。打分依據主要看考生能否有能力恰當得體主動引入話題,應答自如,輕松轉換話題,充分參與討論,最終圓滿完成題目要求。要注意:考生避免在口試中表現咄咄逼人,不給對方留說話機會;有效的交際應該注意在話語的產出和接受之間能夠輕松轉換。
• Listen carefully to all instructions
• Ask the examiner to repeat any instructions you are not sure about
• Give full appropriate answers, not just one or two words Keep to and complete the task. Do not talk about other things. *Good communication means working with and not competing with the candidate
Cost cutting
Your company has decided to try to reduce costs. You have been asked to investigate the possibility of cutting the financial costs of operating your department.
●Which are the areas where costs could be cut?
●What problems might arise from cutting costs?
Customer complaints
Your manager is not satisfied with the way staff reacts to complaints from clients about products or services. You have been asked to suggest how this could be improved.
●How the company can make effective use of will be available in the new office?
●What training will be needed for these jobs?
Staff recruitment
Your factory urgently needs to recruit a large number of temporary staff in order to fulfill an unexpected order. The staff needs to be ready to start work as soon as possible.
●What you need to do in order to find suitably skilled staff?
●What type of induction program the new staff will need before they start work?
Modernization Program
You work for a large company which has decided to introduce a program of modernization and improvement. You are involved in setting up this program.
●How to prepare staff for major changes within the company
●What other factors have to be considered when introducing major changes in a company
Language Courses Abroad
Your company has offered you the opportunity of attending a six-month English language course abroad. You have to decide whether to accept, and are therefore going to attend a meeting to find out more about the offer.
●What the advantages are of learning languages abroad
●What plans you will have to make for work and home if you go away for a long period
Potential Supplier
A potential supplier will soon be visiting you at your workplace. You think this supplier and the products or services they offer could be very important for the future of your company.
●What you need to find out about the supplier and the products or services before the visit
●How you could entertain the supplier the negotiations
Foreign Business Travel
Your company has decided that it needs to introduce a clear policy on foreign business travel. You have been asked to help draw up the guidelines.
●What the various reasons are why members of a company make business trips abroad
●In what ways a company might be affected if the number of foreign business trips was reduced
Company Directory
Your company is going to be included in an international directory of all the types of businesses operating in your country. You have been asked to write a brief profile of your company for the directory.
●What information you will include about your company
●How the directory would be useful to companies
• Show a clear understanding of the task
• Make an appropriate introduction and conclusion
• The ideas well-organized and logically ordered
• Use appropriate signposting (指示)and linking(連接) language
• Develop ideas clearly and the ideas given are easy to understand
• Speak in a clear and the ideas given are easy to understand
• The talk is given an appropriate length
• Opening Sentence
• Well, I’d like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic…
• Body (一般講2-3個要點,根據語速和知識點調整)
• First,…Second….Third,…
• Closing Sentence
• Anyway, that’s why I think so.
• Thank you very much.
• Thank you for taking your time.
• Thank you for listening.
Promoting Tourism
An international conference on tourism will held soon. You have been appointed to a committee which will make recommendations on how your region should be promoted at the conference.
●Which types of tourist attractions and facilities generate most income from foreign visitors?
●How other attractions and facilities should be promoted effectively to foreign visitors?
Recruitment Video
Your company wishes to recruit more young business graduates. You have been asked to produce a recruitment video, which will be used to attract more job applications from business students.
●What types of information about the company to include in the video?
●Which members of staff should be involved in making the video?
Foreign Workers
Your company has recently singed an agreement with a foreign company, which means that foreign business people will be working in your company for short periods. You have been asked to help with preparations for their arrival.
●How to familiarize foreign business people with the working practices of your company?
●What arrangements need to be made for the foreign staff for outside working hours?
Newspaper Article
A local newspaper is planning a series of articles about successful companies in the area, including your company. You have been asked to communicate with the newspaper about the content of the article on your company.
●What kinds of information about the company should be included?
●How the company could benefit from the newspaper article?
Promoting Tourism
An international conference on tourism will held soon. You have been appointed to a committee which will make recommendations on how your region should be promoted at the conference.
●Which types of tourist attractions and facilities generate most income from foreign visitors?
●How other attractions and facilities should be promoted effectively to foreign visitors?
Recruitment Video
Your company wishes to recruit more young business graduates. You have been asked to produce a recruitment video, which will be used to attract more job applications from business students.
●What types of information about the company to include in the video?
●Which members of staff should be involved in making the video?
Foreign Workers
Your company has recently singed an agreement with a foreign company, which means that foreign business people will be working in your company for short periods. You have been asked to help with preparations for their arrival.
●How to familiarize foreign business people with the working practices of your company?
●What arrangements need to be made for the foreign staff for outside working hours?
Newspaper Article
A local newspaper is planning a series of articles about successful companies in the area, including your company. You have been asked to communicate with the newspaper about the content of the article on your company.
●What kinds of information about the company should be included?
●How the company could benefit from the newspaper article?