Getting jobs nowadays is in itself a tough job、In such a scenario, a well written resume could be one step closer to securing a good job、Imagine getting an opportunity to apply for a job in your dream organization and then being rejected only because your resume wasn’t good enough、So if you are making your resume now or altering an existing one, following tips may prove handy.
1、Keep it concise and precise
Hiring professionals go through a lot of resumes, so a really long 3-4 page resume might not be of great value to you、Try and fit in everything you want to in maximum 2 pages、Make it precise and to the point.
2、Use keywords
Instead of giving detailed explanation about your education and past professional experience, use key words to describe your roles、These will set your resume apart、Try and highlight points which are relevant to the position you are currently applying for.
3、Prepare a job specific resume
Yes your resume has got to look neat and organized but always following a typical format is not compulsory、You can tweak it according to the organization culture and position you are applying for、For instance, if you are applying for the post of a writer somewhere, some of your work or the link of your blog could be a good addition.
4、Highlight online presence
This point is relevant mostly when you send your resumes via emails、In these cases, mention your twitter handle or Linked In profile hyper links if you use these social platforms for professional use、Including a link of your personal page could also be a good option to give the employer more insights into your interest and achievements.
5、Keep it simple
Always keep your resume simple and easily readable to the eyes、Too many bullets, paragraphs, tables, etc、will only cause confusion、Spelling mistakes have to be avoided at all costs.
6、Send it in a correct format to the correct person
Just writing a good resume is not enough to get the job、Make sure you send it in a very easily downloadable format、Also apart from sending it to the HR department, if you could take some effort to send it to the HR head, it might help your cause more.