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      2. 及時采購的應用研究提綱

        時間:2024-06-19 21:49:47 論文提綱 我要投稿


        摘  要
        市場競爭持續不斷、產品技術的差異不斷縮小、集成度不斷提高,是整個市場現狀的真實寫照。隨著產品生命周期的縮短、定單變化的起伏加大以及產品交貨期的壓力倍增,元器件采購和成品銷售這一頭一尾,已成為電子制造企業發展與生存的關鍵。而作為采購管理與采購行為的基礎,采購分析的重要性更是日益突出。及時采購就是一種實用,又很理想的采購方式;供應鏈管理則已成為企業加強物流管理,提升核心競爭力的必然選擇。那么,在這樣的背景下,如何更有效地實現及時采購,實現采購管理的創新,就成為我國大多數企業采購管理工作面臨的一個重要課題. 本文在對及時采購的基本概念和思想進行分析之后,列出了以下幾點及時采購的目的,1.消除不必要的工作2.與供應商建立新型伙伴關系,在這里,對JIT生產方式與傳統生產方式下以表格的形式對供應商的進行了比較3.消除廠內原材料庫存,以海爾公司的采購體系為例,對此進行了說明4.提高品質和信任度,這樣才能保持長期及時獲得數量充足、品質優良的物料。歸納了它的特點和優點,并討論了它的實現意義。及時采購對于供應鏈管理思想的貫徹實施有重要的意義。供應鏈環境下的采購模式和傳統的采購模式的不同之處,在于采用訂單驅動的方式。訂單驅動使供應與需求雙方都圍繞著訂單而運作,也就實現了準時化、同步化運作。要實果沒有及時采購方法,供應鏈企業很難適應這種多變的市場需求,因此,JIT采購增加了供應鏈的柔性和敏捷性,在此,還指明了在 供應鏈管理下JIT訂單采購模式的優點: ①供應商同采購方建立了戰略合作伙伴關系,雙方基于以前簽訂的長期協議進行訂單的下達和跟蹤,不需要進行再次詢價報價的過程。 ②在同步供應鏈計劃的協調下,制造計劃、采購計劃、供應計劃能夠同步進行,縮短了用戶響應時間。 ③采購物資直接進入制造部門,減少了采購部門的庫存占用和相關費用。 ④進行了企業和供應商之間的外部協同,提高了供應商的應變能力。在文章的最后,系統的對供應鏈管理下的JIT訂單采購模式進行了研究和分析。



        As we know,incessant market competition,,the reduction of production technology difference and  continuity in proving integration measurement have been the ture portraiture of the all market. Purchasing parts of apparatus and selling finished product have become the key of subsistence and development of electric manufacture  corporation  along with the reduction of production’s lifecycle,the wave of order of goods’ change and the increase of press of  delivery time. stocking analyses ,the base of stocking management and stocking act ,becomes more and more important.
        JIT purchasing is an not only practicality but also perfect purchasing measure.Acommodate-chain –management has turn into the choice of necessity to strengthen logistics management and enhance kernel competition power. So,in such background ,how to carry out JIT purchasing,to realize the innovation of purchasing management has become to an important problem that majority enterprise to be face with.
        Hereinafter list several points about purpose of JIT purchasing at the base of analyze of basic concept and idea of J
        JIT stocking has important meaning to accommodate chain management thinking and seeing out.
        The difference of stocking between accommodate chain environment and traditional environment rests with the drive measure of the order for goods
        Order form drive sends supply side and demand side both to carry out
        Surrounding the form so as to make on time and synchronization come true .
        To realize synchronization ,we must make sure stocking measure is on the side .when stocking department bring a order form ,suppliers immediately begin to prepare goods. At the same time the stocking department works out detailed stocking plan as well as the making department prepare to produce. When stocking department offer a particular plan to the supplier,the supplier could quickly hand the material to consumers in short time.
        When cnsumers’demand changes , making- order forms drive stocking –order forms  change. It is difficult for accommodate chain enterprise to adapt the multivariate market demand with such a speed change if without JIT stocking measure. so JIT stocking improve flexibility and agility of the accommodate chain. besides, the merits of JIT stocking mode under accommodate chain management are showed:
        1.       Suppliers do not need to ask or quote price any longer because they have set up stratagem cooperate fellowship. both sides making the order form known to lower level and running after the order form base on the long-term agreement they entered to before.
        2.       making plan,stocking plan and accommodating plan could carry out curiously under the compatibility of the synchronization accommodate chain plan ,cutting the respond time of consumers,
        3.        Stocking material directly bowing in making department leads the reduction of storage and interrelated fare.
        4.       The suppiers’strain-force improves through the exterior cooperation between the enterprises and accommodates side.
        In the end of the article , study and analyze the JIT-order –form stocking mode under the accommodate chain management systemically
        Key words: Just-in-time Purchasing; Enterprise; Goods and materials; Supplier

        更多相關推薦:畢業論文  應屆生求職















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