醫學文獻數據庫除收錄論文題目外,同時也收錄論文摘要。例:美國國家醫學圖書館醫學文獻聯機檢索系統(MEDLINE)收集了全世界3600多種醫學期刊的數十萬條文獻,其中包括中華醫學會系列雜志20余種。荷蘭醫學文摘(Excepta Medica)以收錄高質量的文摘著稱'全部收錄論文摘要,按專業分冊出版。中國醫學科學院醫學信息研究中心在國家科委與衛生部領導下,也建立了中國生物醫學文獻數據庫,收錄1990年以來刊登在國內期刊的論著中、英文題目及中文摘要,并制成數據庫光盤系統。各種數據庫的建立,無疑加快了國內外信息的傳播,節省了讀者的時間,便于更及時掌握最新的科研動態。為此,寫好論文摘要至關重要。
1.目的(Objective):直接了當地準確說明研究目的或所闡述的問題。如題目已清楚表明,則摘要中可以不重復。亦可以在摘要開始,簡要說明提出問題的背景。英文常以動詞不定式“To+動詞原形”開頭。常用英文表達方式:To investigate...and...;To assese...;To determine whether...;To study...;To examine...;To evaluate ... and compare...;To improve...;To describe...;To explore....;To clarify;To identify ...;To localize ...等。
2.方法(Methods):對研究的基本設計加以描述。包括診斷標準、分組情況及隨訪時間;研究對象的數量及特征,以及對在研究中因副作用或其它原因而撤消的研究對象數目;觀察的主要變量及主要的研究方法;治療手段包括使用方法及作用時間等。若為臨床研究,需說明是前瞻性隨機對比研究或回顧性分析。方法學研究要說明新的或改進的方法、設備、材料,以及被研究的對象(動物或人)。英文常需要用完整的被動或主動結構句子,動詞用過去時態。常用英文表達方式:A randomized' double blind'placebo controlled trial was performed;A case control study;A prospective clinical study;We retrospectively analyzed...;We studied ...等。
3.結果(Results):為摘要的重點部分。提供研究所得出的主要結果,列出重要數據。指出新方法與經典方法比較而表現出的優缺點,并說明其可信度及準確性的統計學程度。英文要用完整句子,謂語動詞用過去時態,研究所得數據如百分數、血壓等數字采用臨床病例書寫形式,不必用書面英文表達。常用英文表達方式:...was (were)...;We found...;There was...等。
4.結論(Conclusion):把研究的主要結論性觀點,用一、二句話簡明表達,不必另分段落或設小標題。結論應該有直接依據'避免推測和過于籠統。英文用完整句子表達,動詞時態用一般現在時或現在完成時。最好直接寫結論'也可用一些句型引出結論。常用英文表達方式:...is probably ...;...is ...;Our conclusion is that ...;This study shows that...;This study suggests that...;This study confirms that...;These observations support ...等。
Objective: To evaluate the perinatal and 2-year outcomes in pregnancies complicated by preterm premature rupture of membranes (PROM) during the second trimester. Methods: Fifty-three consecutive singleton pregnancies with PROM at 14 to 28 weeks of gestation were studied retrospectively. Management goals were to prolong the pregnancies to 32 weeks through expectant management and to avoid fetal compromise through closer monitoring and active intervention' when necessary' after 23 weeks. Outcome of the surviving infants was based on neurologic' audiometric' and ophthalmologic examinations at 2 years of corrected age. Results: Rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 weeks (mean 17.4 weeks) in 10 wo
men' at 10~25 weeks (mean 24.0 weeks) in 24' and at 26~28 weeks (mean 27.6 weeks) in 19.The median latency periods to delivery were 72 days' 12 days' and 10 days when rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 weeks' 20~25 weeks' and 26~28 weeks' respectively.The overall incidence of chorioamnionitis was 28%.There were no fetal deaths and nine neonatal
deaths. When rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 weeks' 20~25 weeks'and 26~28 weeks' the perinatal survival rates were 40%'92% and'100%' respectively. Pulmonary hypoplasia accounted for seven deaths. Of the live-born infants' 81% were alive at 2 years of corrected age. Survival without major impairment was observed in 75%' 80%' and 100% of the survivors when rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 weeks' 20~25 weeks' and 26~28 weeks' respectively. Conclusion: Expectant management of second-trimester PROM offers better perinatal and long-term survival than previously thought.